Laser surgery

Swiss Visio is your eye laser specialist throughout Switzerland and specialises in a wide range of laser techniques that correct vision problems of various kinds, whether short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism or presbyopia.

Find out here which method is suitable for you and book a free preliminary examination today.

Eye lasers explained easily

In laser eye surgery, the high-energy light pulses of the laser ablate part of the cornea to change its shape and curvature in such a way that the refractive power - the so-called refraction - is corrected and the defective vision is eliminated.

Refractive surgery (laser eye surgery) is a proven technique that includes all eye operations that change the overall refractive power of the eye and thus replace glasses or contact lenses, or significantly reduce their required strength.

For whom?

  • Laser treatment can help with the following vision disorders:  Short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia 
  • The age of the patients (20 plus)
  • Any pre-existing conditions may play a role
  • Visual acuity is relatively stable
  • Basically a healthy eye and general health condition

Swiss Visio: Carefree Package

Better vision with Swiss Visio from as little as 1,600CHF per eye. At Swiss Visio, you get a high-quality treatment with the latest technologies. You also have the option of paying in instalments. Contact us at and we will find an individual solution for you.

Included in our prices are:

  • The free eligibility test.
  • The pre-operative clarification.**
  • The treatment of your eye.
  • A total of 4 follow-up appointments after the treatment.
  • A possible touch-up during the 12 months after the operation.

*The cost of the treatment varies depending on the type of treatment.
**The pre-operative clarification is charged at 250 CHF if the treatment does not take place.

Why Swiss Visio?

Experienced doctors

All our doctors bring years of experience and are specialists in their field.

Modern equipment and central location

All our centres are equipped with the latest medical equipment and are easy to reach.

High success rate

With more than 3'000 eyes operated on, we are committed to the complete satisfaction of our patients.

For everyone the right laser surgery


SMILE, or Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, uses a femtosecond laser to correct the visual defect. It is precise and gentle, it is used for myopia and astigmatism.

Read more about the SMILE method here


Our femtosecond lasers enable safe and precise correction of visual defects in short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism. This treatment is currently one of the most popular and most common methods for the correction of visual defects.

Learn more about this treatment here


Laser Blended Vision is ideal for those who suffer from presbyopia. This laser procedure adjusts the corneal curves to sharpen vision again.

Take the free eligibility test and find out more about this method


Our photorefractive keratectomy is used for short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism vision problems. It involves gently removing the upper layer of the cornea.

Are you interested? Read more about the treatment


This method is used to correct short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism if laser surgery is not an option.

Find out more about this alternate solution

Clear skies ahead

With a clear view ahead, you can overcome any challenge - take care of your vision!

Book your free laser consultation today and discover how you can start a new chapter in your life without visual aids.

The path to better vision

Free consultation

In this free and non-binding consultation, we figure out if your eyes are suitable for laser eye surgery.

Main examination

During this consultation, which includes an eye examination, you and your doctor will find out about the condition of your eyes and which laser method is best suited for you.


If you decide to have the treatment, the laser treatment takes place on an outpatient basis in our modern and centrally located centres. The defective vision is corrected within around 30 minutes.

Laser surgery in Switzerland in our centres

Beau-Rivage | Lausanne

Eaux-Vives | Geneva

La Providence | Neuchâtel

Valère | Sion


Via Carlo Salvioni 2a
65000 Bellinzone

+41 58 274 23 90



Chris Wolf

I had been thinking of getting my eyes operated for a very long time, probably since I was 15 years old. Now 35 I decided that it was time to get lazik done. I arrived at Dr…

Filippo Botticini

Prise en charge, opération et contrôles superlatifs ….

Julie Goutte

Je me suis faite opérée de la myopie ainsi que de l'astigmatisme par le Docteur Nguyen et tout s'est très bien passé. Je revis depuis que je ne porte plus de lunettes. Je…

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Our specialists have many years of experience. We guarantee a quick, professionally competent clarification and consultation as well as treatment according to the most modern possibilities.