Centre for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine (ENT)

Ear, nose and throat medicine, also known as oto-rhino-laryngology, covers the three sub-areas of the ears, nose and throat.

Treatment options

Our specialists Prof. Stephan Schmid, Prof. Martina Broglie Däppen, Dr. Peter Custer, Dr. Christof Burkart und Dr. Raffaela Fürer carry out examinations and treatments for all complaints, diseases and injuries affecting the ears, nose, throat and neck.

They specialise in the surgical treatment of tumours, the thyroid, the larynx, the ears and the nasal/paranasal sinuses.

Our centre

HNO Bethanien

Welcome to HNO Bethanien. The ear, nose and throat specialists are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, injuries and malformations of the ears, nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, base of the skull, face and neck. The practice specialises in thyroid surgery, including parathyroid surgery, throat surgery (salivary glands) and ear surgery. Patients receive comprehensive care from diagnosis and treatment through to follow-up care. 

Toblerstrasse 51
8044 Zurich

Prof. Schmid's and Prof. Broglie Däppen's practice can be reached via the main entrance of the Privatklinik Bethanien. After the reception and the bistro, turn left and follow the signs down the corridor on the left. After the emergency entrance, take the lift or the stairs to the 2nd floor. 

Prof. Stephan Schmid


+41 (0) 43 268 29 00

Prof. Martina Broglie Däppen


+41 (0) 43 268 29 00

More information about HNONCO

HNO am Zürichberg

In our group practice at the Privatklinik Bethanien, we offer you a comprehensive range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of all ear, nose, throat and facial diseases in adults and children. Depending on age and life situation, each person requires an individualised approach to various diseases.

In response to these different needs, we always endeavour to find the best possible form of therapy for each of our patients.

Toblerstrasse 61
8044 Zürich

You can reach the practice HNO am Zürichberg, run by Dr Burkart, Dr Custer and Dr Fürer, via the side entrance in the tower or via the main entrance of the Privatklinik Bethanien. If you use the main entrance, turn right after the reception and the bistro and follow the signs to the end of the corridor. The practice is on the ground floor.

Dr. med. Raffaela Fürer

Dr. med. Christof Burkart

+41 44 251 34 70


More information about HNO am Zürichberg

Doctors at this centre

Privatklinik Bethanien

Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Schmid

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Thyroid surgery (endocrine surgery)
Privatklinik Bethanien

Prof. Dr. med. Martina Broglie Däppen

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Thyroid surgery (endocrine surgery)
Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Raffaela Fürer

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Specialist field for ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT)