Clinique de Montchoisi

Dr. med. Petter Nordback

Specialist FMH in visceral surgery, general and emergency surgery

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Clinique de Montchoisi
Chemin des Allinges 10
1006 Lausanne

Work Experience

since 2023

Accredited Physician, Clinique de Montchoisi, Lausanne, Switzerland

since 2012

Surgeon and accredited private Physician in several private clinics, Switzerland

2007 - 2012

Chief Physician, Department of Surgery, Hôpital Intercantonal de la Broye, Switzerland

2002 - 2007

1st Chief of Clinic, Department of Visceral Surgery, Prof M. Gillet, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland

2001 - 2002

Deputy Head of Clinic, Department of Visceral Surgery, Prof M. Gillet, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland

2000 - 2001

Head of Clinic, Department of Surgery, Prof M. Merlini PD, Hôpital de la Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

1998 - 2000

Deputy Head of Clinic, Department of Surgery, Prof M. Gillet, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland

1997 - 1998

Acting Deputy Head of Clinic, Department of Surgery, Prof M. Gillet, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland

1996 - 1997

Senior Assistant Doctor, Dr. R. Schneider PD & MER, Hôpital régional de Martigny, Switzerland

1994 - 1996

Senior Assistant Doctor, Deputy Head of Clinic CHUV, Department of Surgery, Prof G. Chapuis, Lausanne, Switzerland


  • Member of the FMH
  • Member of the Vaud Society of Medicine
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Surgery
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Visceral Surgery
  • Member of the Swiss Society of General and Emergency Surgery
  • Member of the Association Suisse Romande de Chirurgie Coelioscopique
  • Member of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT-USA)



FMH of Surgery, Department of Visceral Surgery, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland


FMH advanced training in visceral surgery


FMH advanced training in general and emergency surgery


Accreditation and University Diploma in Colorectal Surgery, Hamburg, Germany


Advanced Trauma Life Support Certificate (ATLS)


  • Nordback P, Vuilleumier H
    Cures d’éventration et de volumineuses hernies ombilicales par cœlioscopie : techniques et résultats.
    Rev Med Suisse. 2006; 2: 1583-5
  • Vuilleumier H, Nordback P, Givel J-C
    Traitement actuel de la diverticulite colique
    Rev Med Suisse. 2005 Jun 15;1(24):1600-3
  • Peloponissios N, Halkic N, Pugnale M, Jornod P, Nordback P, Meyer A, Gillet M
    Hepatic portal gas in adults: review of the literature and presentation of a consecutive series of 11 cases
    Arch Surg. 2003 Dec;138(12):1367-70
  • Bessoud B, Doenz F, Qanadli SD, Nordback P, Schnyder P, Denys A.
    Enterobiliary fistula after radiofrequency ablation of liver metastases
    J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2003 Dec;14(12):1581-4.
  • Praz V, Nordback P, Billing A, Merlini M
    Krukenberg's tumor, three years after a colic carcinoma
    Swiss Surg. 2002;8(5):237-9.
  • Haller C, Kayoumi A, Halkic N, Nordback P
    Ileal duplication is an uncommon entity in adults
    Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2002 Apr;26(4):419-20
  • Halkic N, Nordback P
    Soft-tissue images. Malignant degeneration of heterotopic pancreas
    Can J Surg. 2001 Dec;44(6):407
  • Nordback P, Halkic N, Boumghar M
    Intrathoracic tumours in von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis
    Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 2000 Aug 8;130(31-32):1105-11.
  • Halkic N, Henchoz L, Gintzburger D, Nordback P, Ksontini R, Boumghar M
    Superior vena cava syndrome caused by invasive epidermoid carcinoma
    J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2000 Jun;41(3):499-501.
  • Guillou L, Nordback P, Gerber C, Schneider RP
    Ductal adenocarcinoma arising in a heterotopic pancreas situated in a hiatal hernia
    Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1994 May;118(5):568-71. Review.

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