Inter-university diploma in morphological and anti-age medicine, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1
Specialist in senology (SSGO), gynaecology and obstetrics, specialist in gynaecological oncology, member of SMA
Clinique de Montchoisi
Chemin des Alllinges 10
1006 Lausanne
Inter-university diploma in morphological and anti-age medicine, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1
Director of the centre of perineology, Clinique de Montchoisi, Lausanne
Head physician, gynaecology and obstetrics division, Morges zone hospital, Switzerland
Clinic director, department of gynaecology and obstetrics, HUG, Geneva
Deputy head of clinic, department of gynaecology and obstetrics, HUG, Geneva
Assistant physician, department of gynaecology and obstetrics, HUG, Geneva
Assistant physician, surgical division A, CHUV, Lausanne
Advanced training in urogynaecology
University diploma in breast disorders, Strasbourg
Breast disorders, medical faculty of the Louis Pasteur University
Doctor of medicine from the University of L'Aquila, faculty of medicine
Diploma Italiano di Laurea in Medicina, University of L’Aquila
Doctor of medicine from the University of Geneva, faculty of medicine
Certificate of the clinical arms of the FMGEMS, USA
Swiss federal diploma in medicine, Lausanne