Urological Surgical Oncology at the Policlinico di Monza.
Specialist in Urology
Urological Surgical Oncology at the Policlinico di Monza.
Urologist, ASST Valle Olona Busto Arsizio
Urologist, Humanitas Mater Domini, Castellanza
Urologist, S. Antonio Abbate Hospital, Gallarate (VA)
General Practitioner, USSL n° 6 Gallarate
Comparative Urological Techniques Course, Department of Urology, Columbia University, New York
Intensive course in Urological Endoscopy, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New York
Specialisation in Urology, University of Milan
Course on "Therapeutic perspectives in renal carcinoma", School of Oncology and Biomedical Sciences
Specialisation in Gastrointestinal Surgery, University of Milan
Course on "Carcinoma of the bladder", School of Oncology and Biomedical Sciences
Theoretical-practical course on "Extracorporeal lithotripsy with shock waves", ESWL
Licensed to practise the profession with enrolment in the Order of Physicians of the province of Varese
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan