Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Samuele Ceruti

Specialist in General Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine, FMH member

Areas of specialisation (1)

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Hospital (1)

Clinica Sant'Anna
Via Sant'Anna 1
6924 Sorengo


2022 - 2024

FMH continuing education diploma in Intensive Medicine

2019 - 2021

FMH continuing education diploma in Intensive Medicine


Specialist SSUM/SGUM in point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS).


FMH Specialist in Emergency Medicine


FMH Specialist in Intensive Medicine


FMH examination in Intensive Medicine


FMH Specialist in General Internal Medicine


FMH Examination in General Internal Medicine


Medical degree, Vita-Salute S. Raffaele, Milan - Italy.


High school diploma at the Liceo musicale G. Verdi in Milan - Italy.


  • CerutiS, Minotti B, Glotta A, Biggiogero M, Bona G, Marzano M, Greco P, Spagnoletti M, Garzoni C, Bendjelid K. Reply to Böning et al. Comment on "Temporal Changes in the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 788". J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 4;11(15):4547 doi: PMID: 35956162
  • Conway Morris A, Kohler K, De Corte T, Ercole A, De Grooth HJ, Elbers PWG, Povoa P, Morais R, Koulenti D, Jog S, Nielsen N, Jubb A, Cecconi M, De Waele J; ESICM UNITE COVID investigators. Co-infection and ICU-acquired infection in COIVD-19 ICU patients: a secondary analysis of the UNITE-COVID data set. Crit Care. 2022 Aug 3;26(1):236. doi: PMID: 35922860.
  • Wendel-Garcia PD, Moser A, Jeitziner MM, Aguirre-Bermeo H, Arias-Sanchez P, Apolo J, Roche- Campo F, Franch-Llasat D, Kleger GR, Schrag C, Pietsch U, Filipovic M, David S, Stahl K, Bouaoud S, Ouyahia A, Fodor P, Locher P, Siegemund M, Zellweger N, Cereghetti S, Schott P,Gangitano G, Wu MA, Alfaro-Farias M, Vizmanos-Lamotte G, Ksouri H, Gehring N, Rezoagli E, Turrini F, Lozano-Gómez H, Carsetti A, Rodríguez-García R, Yuen B, Weber AB, Castro P, Escos- Orta JO, Dullenkopf A, Martín-Delgado MC, Aslanidis T, Perez MH, Hillgaertner F, Ceruti S, Franchitti Laurent M, Marrel J, Colombo R, Laube M, Fogagnolo A, Studhalter M, Wengenmayer T, Gamberini E, Buerkle C, Buehler PK, Keiser S, Elhadi M, Montomoli J, Guerci P, Fumeaux T, Schuepbach RA, Jakob SM, Que YA, Hilty MP; RISC-19-ICU Investigators. Dynamics of disease characteristics and clinical management of critically ill COVID-19 patients over the time course of the pandemic: an analysis of the prospective, international, multicentre RISC-19-ICU registry. Crit Care. 2022 Jul 4;26(1):199. doi: PMID: 35787726; PMCID: PMC9254551.
  • Ceruti S, Dell'Era S, Ruggiero F, Bona G, Glotta A, Biggiogero M, Tasciotti E, Kronenberg C, Lollo G, Saporito A. Nasogastric tube in mechanically ventilated patients: ETCO2 and pH measuring to confirm correct placement. A pilot study. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 2;17(6):e0269024. doi: PMID: 35653380; PMCID: PMC9162373.
  • Greco M, De Corte T, Ercole A, Antonelli M, Azoulay E, Citerio G, Morris AC, De Pascale G, Duska F, Elbers P, Einav S, Forni L, Galarza L, Girbes ARJ, Grasselli G, Gusarov V, Jubb A, Kesecioglu J, Lavinio A, Delgado MCM, Mellinghoff J, Myatra SN, Ostermann M, Pellegrini M, Povoa P, Schaller SJ, Teboul JL, Wong A, De Waele JJ, Cecconi M; ESICM UNITE-COVID investigators. Clinical and organizational factors associated with mortality during the peak of first COVID-19 wave: the global UNITE-COVID study. Intensive Care Med. 2022 May 21:1-16. doi: PMID: 35596752; PMCID: PMC9123859.
  • Ceruti S, Minotti B, Glotta A, Biggiogero M, Bona G, Marzano M, Greco P, Spagnoletti M, Garzoni C, Bendjelid K. Temporal Changes in the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve of Critically Ill COVID- 19 Patients. J Clin Med. 2022 Jan 31;11(3):788. doi: PMID: 35160240; PMCID: PMC8836951.
  • Hilty MP, Keiser S, Wendel Garcia PD, Moser A, Schuepbach RA; RISC-19-ICU Investigators for Switzerland. mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is associated with reduced ICU admission rate and disease severity in critically ill COVID-19 patients treated in Switzerland. Intensive Care Med. 2022 Jan 20:1-4. doi: PMID: 35050384; PMCID: PMC8771617.
  • Musiari M, Saporito A, Ceruti S, Biggiogero M, Iattoni M, Glotta A, Cantini L, Capdevila X, Cassina T. Can a Glove-Coach Technology Significantly Increase the Efficacy of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Non-healthcare Professionals? A Controlled Trial. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Dec 9;8:685988. doi: PMID: 34957226; PMCID: PMC8695546.
  • Ceruti S, Glotta A, Biggiogero M, Maida PA, Marzano M, Urso P, Bona G, Garzoni C, Molnar Z. Admission criteria in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A physiology-based approach. PLoS One 2021 Nov 29;16(11):e0260318 doi: - PMID: 34843531
  • J. Montomoli, L. Romeo, S. Moccia, M. Bernardini, L. Migliorelli, D. Berardini, A. Donati, A. Carsetti, MG. Bocci, PD Wendel Garcia, T Fumeaux, P Guerci, RA Schüpbach, C Ince, E Frontoni, MP Hilty, RISC-19-ICU investigators. Machine learning using the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm predicts 5-day delta of SOFA score at ICU admission in COVID-19 patients.J Intens Med 2021;1(2):110-6; doi:
  • A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, P. Maida, C. Garzoni, S. Ceruti. Admission criteria in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a physiology-based approach. at ESICM LIVES 2021: Part 2. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2021 Oct 11;9(Suppl 1):50. doi: - PMID: 34633571
  • S. Ceruti, A. Saporito, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, P. Maida, C. Garzoni. Early P/F ratio evolution and Low-PEEP invasive mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients. at ESICM LIVES 2021: Part 1. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2021 Sep 29;9(Suppl 1):51. doi: 00413-8 - PMID: 34633565
  • MM Jeitziner, A Moser, PD Wendel-Garcia, RISC-19-ICU Investigators For Switzerland et al. Critical care staffing ratio and outcome of COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care unit admission during the first pandemic wave: a retrospective analysis across Switzerland from the RISC-19-ICU observational cohort, 31 August 2021, preprint (Version 1) available at Research Square [].
  • Maibach MA, Allam A, Hilty MP, Perez Gonzalez NA, Buehler PK, Wendel Garcia PD, Brugger SD, Ganter CC; CoViD-19 ICU-Research Group Zurich; RISC-19-ICU Investigators, Krauthammer M, Schuepbach RA, Bartussek J. How to Synchronize Longitudinal Patient Data With the Underlying Disease Progression: A Pilot Study Using the Biomarker CRP for Timing COVID-19. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Jul 8;8:607594. doi: PMID: 34307391; PMCID: PMC8295502.
  • Ceruti S, Glotta A, Biggiogero M, Bona G, Saporito A, Faldarini N, Olivieri D, Molteni C, Petazzi S, Capdevila X. Multidisciplinary team approach in critically ill COVID-19 patients reduced pronation-related complications rate: A retrospective cohort study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2021 Oct;70:102836. doi: Epub 2021 Sep 9. PMID: 34518782; PMCID: PMC8427910.
  • Ceruti S, Glotta A, Galli A, Biggiogero M, Bona G, Mauri R, Saporito A, Capdevila X. Dysphagic disorder in a cohort of COVID-19 patients: Evaluation and evolution. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2021 Sep;69:102837. doi: Epub 2021 Sep 8. PMID: 34512968; PMCID: PMC8423675.
  • Ceruti S, Glotta A, Adamson H, Mauri R, Molnar Z. Hemoadsorption Treatment with CytoSorb® in Probable Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Role as Adjunctive Therapy? Case Rep Hematol. 2021 Aug 20;2021:5539126. doi: PMID: 34462671; PMCID: PMC8403039.
  • Ceruti S, Roncador M, Saporito A, Biggiogero M, Glotta A, Maida PA, Urso P, Bona G, Garzoni C, Mauri R, Borgeat A. Low PEEP Mechanical Ventilation and PaO2/FiO2 Ratio Evolution in COVID-19 Patients. SN Compr Clin Med. 2021 Jul 24:1-8. doi: 021-01031-x PMID: 34337327; PMCID: PMC8310399.
  • G. Lo Presti, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, C. Biondi, Z. Horvath, R. Leo, A. Franzetti-Pellanda, A. Saporito,S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila. DNR orders in SARS-CoV-2 patients: a retrospective validation study in a Swiss COVID-19 Center. MedRXiv 2021.07.12.21260359 - doi:
  • S. Ceruti, SA. Dell'Era, F. Ruggiero, G. Bona, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, E. Tasciotti, C. Kronenberg, A. Saporito. NGT in critical care setting: combining etCO2 and pH measuring to confirm correct placement. medRxiv 2021.06.15.21258970; doi:
  • M. Favre, S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, M. Musiari, A. Glotta, I. Gimigliano, J. Aguirre, A. Borgeat, A. Saporito. Fluid administration guided by inferior vena cava ultrasound before spinal anaesthesia may reduce post procedural hypotension rate. medRxiv 2021.06.20.21258944; doi:
  • Hilty MP, Moser A, David S, Wendel Garcia PD, Capaldo G, Keiser S, Fumeaux T, Guerci P, Montomoli J, Van Boeckel TP, Jeitziner MM, Que YA, Jakob S, Schüpbach RA, RISC-19-ICU Investigators For Switzerland. Near real-time observation reveals increased prevalence of young patients in the ICU during the emerging third SARS-CoV-2 wave in Switzerland. Swiss Med Wkly. 2021 Jul 21;151:w20553. doi: PMID: 34291810.
  • Wendel Garcia PD, Aguirre-Bermeo H, Buehler PK, Alfaro-Farias M, Yuen B, David S, Tschoellitsch T, Wengenmayer T, Korsos A, Fogagnolo A, Kleger GR, Wu MA, Colombo R, Turrini F, Potalivo A, Rezoagli E, Rodríguez-García R, Castro P, Lander-Azcona A, Martín-Delgado MC, Lozano-Gómez H, Ensner R, Michot MP, Gehring N, Schott P, Siegemund M, Merki L, Wiegand J, Jeitziner MM, Laube M, Salomon P, Hillgaertner F, Dullenkopf A, Ksouri H, Cereghetti S, Grazioli S, Bürkle C, Marrel J, Fleisch I, Perez MH, Baltussen Weber A, Ceruti S, Marquardt K, Hübner T, Redecker H, Studhalter M, Stephan M, Selz D, Pietsch U, Ristic A, Heise A, Meyer Zu Bentrup F, Franchitti Laurent M, Fodor P, Gaspert T, Haberthuer C, Colak E, Heuberger DM, Fumeaux T, Montomoli J, Guerci P, Schuepbach RA, Hilty MP, Roche-Campo F; RISC-19-ICU Investigators. Implications of early respiratory support strategies on disease progression in critical COVID-19: a matched subanalysis of the prospective RISC-19-ICU cohort. Crit Care 2021;25(1):175. doi: - PMID: 34034782 - PMCID: PMC8146172
  • S. Ceruti, A. Saporito, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, PA Maida, P. Urso, A. Borgeat, C. Garzoni. "FC-081:Low-PEEP mechanical ventilation strategy: is it a new approach for COVID-19 patients management?" in Proceedings of Reanimation 2021, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress. Ann Intensive Care 2021;11(Suppl 1):97 doi: 0 - PMID: 34185186
  • S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, PA Maida, A. Glotta, A. Saporito, C. Garzoni. "FC-179: Critically ill COVID-19 patients: a physiology-based approach for ICU admission criteria." in Proceedings of Reanimation 2021, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress. Ann Intensive Care 2021;11(Suppl 1):97 doi: - PMID: 34185186
  • Pinto D, Sauer MM, Czudnochowski N, Low JS, Tortorici MA, Housley MP, Noack J, Walls AC, Bowen JE, Guarino B, Rosen LE, di Iulio J, Jerak J, Kaiser H, Islam S, Jaconi S, Sprugasci N, Culap K, Abdelnabi R, Foo C, Coelmont L, Bartha I, Bianchi S, Silacci-Fregni C, Bassi J, Marzi R, Vetti E, Cassotta A, Ceschi A, Ferrari P, Cippà PE, Giannini O, Ceruti S, Garzoni C, Riva A, Benigni F, Cameroni E, Piccoli L, Pizzuto MS, Smithey M, Hong D, Telenti A, Lempp FA, Neyts J, Havenar- Daughton C, Lanzavecchia A, Sallusto F, Snell G, Virgin HW, Beltramello M, Corti D, Veesler D. Broad betacoronavirus neutralisation by a stem helix-specific human antibody. Science 2021;373:1109-1116. doi: PMID: 34344823.
  • Henzi A, Kleger GR, Hilty MP, Wendel Garcia PD, Ziegel JF; RISC-19-ICU Investigators for Switzerland. Probabilistic analysis of COVID-19 patients' individual length of stay in Swiss intensive care units. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 19;16(2):e0247265. PMID: 33606773; PMCID: PMC7894868 doi: .
  • G. Lo Presti, S. Ceruti, F. Tanzi. Palliative care: frontline in the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribuna Medica Ticinese, 2021; March-April (86);36
  • A. Glotta, A. Ramistella, R. Depaoli, A. Saporito, A. Borgeat, S. Ceruti. Short commentary: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and COVID-19 pneumonia: an intensive challenge. COVID-19 pandemic: case studies, Commentary and Opinion 2021;02(01):178-83
  • A. Glotta, N. Faldarini, M. Biggiogero, D. Olivieri, C. Molteni, R. Mauri, S. Ceruti. "The role of the physiotherapy team in a multidisciplinary management of pronation in critically ill COVID-19 patients." at ESICM LIVES 2020. Intensive Care Med Exp 2020;8(suppl 2):001597 - doi: - PMID: 33313986
  • A. Glotta, A. Galli, M. Biggiogero, C. Moro, G. Tinessa, R. Mauri, S. Ceruti. "Dysphagia and evolution during COVID-19 pandemic in critically ill patients. A multidisciplinary challenge for healthcare workers." at ESICM LIVES 2020. Intensive Care Med Exp 2020;8(suppl 2):000703 - doi: - PMID: 33313986
  • G. Luvini, M. Biggiogero, PA Maida, R. Mauri, C. Garzoni, S. Ceruti. Low-PEEP strategy effect on mortality and ICU stay in SARS-COV-2 patients. Intensive Care Med Exp 2020;8(suppl 2):000691 - doi: - PMID: 33313986
  • G. Bona, M. Biggiogero, M. Favre, M. Roncador, A. Saporito, S. Ceruti. Fluid administration guided by inferior vena cava ultrasound before spinal anaesthesia may reduce post procedural hypotension rate. A randomized trial. Intensive Care Med Exp 2020;8(suppl 2):000692 - doi: - PMID: 33313986
  • G. Lo Presti, M. Biggiogero, C. Biondi, Z. Horvath, R. Leo, A. Franzetti-Pellanda, S. Ceruti. LBA-COV- 003: DNR order in SARS-CoV-2 patients: mortality and quality of palliative care in a Swiss COVID- 19 Center - Abstracts from the11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 7 - 9 October 2020.Palliative Medicine 2020;34(1_suppl):1-280. doi:
  • MA. Maibach, A. Allam, MP. Hilty, NA. Perez Gonzalez, PK. Buehler, PD. Wendel Garcia, SD. Brugger, CC. Ganter, The CoViD-19 ICU- Research Group Zurich, The RISC-19-ICU Investigators, Michael Krauthammer, Reto A. Schuepbach, Jan Bartussek. Timing COVID-19 - Synchronization of longitudinal patient data to the underlying disease progression using CRP as a temporal marker. Medxriv 2020.06.11.20128041 doi:
  • GP. Wendel, T. Fumeaux, P. Guerci, D.M. Heuberger, J. Montmoli, F. Roche-Campo, R.A. Schuepbach, M.P. Hilty, RISC-19-ICU Investigators for Switzerland et al. Prognostic factors associated with mortality risk and disease progression in 639 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Europe: Initial report of the international RISC-19-ICU prospective observational cohort. EClinicalMedicine 2020;4:26 - doi: - PMID: 32838231 PMCID: PMC7338015
  • B. Minotti, G. Treglia, M. Pascale, S. Ceruti, L. Cantini, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. Prevalence of microhematuria in renal colic and urolithiasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Urology 2020;20(1):119 - doi: PMID: 32770985
  • S. Ceruti, M. Roncador, O. Gié, G. Bona, M. Iattoni, M. Biggiogero, PA. Maida, COVID-19 Clinical Management Team C. Garzoni, R. Mauri. "Reduced mortality and shortened ICU stay in SARS-COV- 2 pneumonia: a low PEEP strategy" - doi:
  • C. Zhao, B. Tepekule, N. Criscuolo, G.P. Wendel, M. Hilty, RISC-19-ICU Investigators for Switzerland, T. Fumeaux, T.P. Van Boeckel. a platform for short-term forecasting of intensive care unit occupancy during the COVID-19 epidemic in Switzerland. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020;150:w20277 - doi: - PMID: 32374886
  • M. Musiari, S. Ceruti, R Sonzini, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. in Proceedings of Réanimation 2020, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress. Ann Intensive Care 2020, 10(Suppl 1):F-107 - doi: - PMID: 32048060 - PMCID: PMC7013036
  • S. Ceruti, M. Favre, S. Bosio, B. Minotti, M. Spagnoletti, M. Musiari, A. Saporito. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anaesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): final results. in Proceedings of Réanimation 2020, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress. Ann Intensive Care 2020, 10(Suppl 1):P-169 - doi: - PMID: 32048060 - PMCID: PMC7013036
  • R. Sonzini, C. Fusetti, S. Ceruti, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, S. Cafarotti, D. La Regina, A. Saporito. Can a video be an effective tool to treat preoperative anxiety in minor procedures?. Aust Crit Care J - 2020;7(1):1032.
  • S. Ceruti, M. Spagnoletti, R. Mauri. Pseudoatrial flutter: when the problem lies outside the heart. Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med 2020;4(1):109-110 doi: PMID: 32064446
  • A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. Intensive Care Med Exp 2019;7(S3):55 000028 - doi: 0265-y - PMID: 31559498
  • C. Fusetti, S. Ceruti, M. Musiari et al. Can an informative video about the anaesthesia technique be an effective tool to treat preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing minor, elective, outpatient hand surgery procedures? 02 April 2019, Research Square; doi:
  • Saporito A, Aguirre J, Borgeat A, Perren A, Anselmi L, Poggi R, Minotti B, Cafarotti S, La Regina D, Ceruti S. Persistent postdischarge pain and chronic postoperative pain after breast cancer surgery under general anesthesia and single-shot paravertebral block: incidence, characteristics and impact on quality of life and healthcare costs. J Pain Res. 2019 Apr 16;12:1193-1199. doi: PMID: 31114301; PMCID: PMC6489588.
  • S. Ceruti, L. Anselmi, B. Minotti, D. Franceschini, J Aguirre, A. Borgeat, A. Saporito. "Prevention of Arterial Hypotension after Spinal Anaesthesia using Vena Cava Ultrasound to guide fluid management". Brit J Anesth 2018;120(1):101-8 doi: PMID: 29397116
  • S. Ceruti, B. Minotti, S. de Vivo, P. De Christophoris, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. "PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anaesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial." Contemp Clin Trials Commun 2016;4:39-45 doi: PMID: 29736468
  • S. Ceruti, S. De Vivo. Snowflakes in the liver. Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med 2015;2(7):1039-40
  • S. Ceruti, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, M. Peruzzo, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. FM20 "Inferior vena cava ultrasound-guided volume repletion to prevent hypotension after spinal anaesthesia. A randomised, case-control, prospective trial." Swiss Med Weekly 2015;145(S213):8S
  • S. Ceruti, L. Anselmi, S. De Vivo, M. Peruzzo, A. Saporito. "Inferior vena cava ultrasound-guided volume repletion reduces post-spinal hypotension rate. A randomised, case-control, prospective trial'. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(S53):422
  • S. De Vivo, S. Ceruti. "Non-invasive methods to predict hypotension after spinal anaesthesia" Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med 2015;2(3):1021
  • S. Ceruti, S. De Vivo, M. Peruzzo, D. De Bianchi, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): statistical plan. Crit Ultrasound J 2015;7(S1):A3. doi: PMID: 27485907
  • S. Ceruti, M. Peruzzo, S. De Vivo, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. P-12. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA trial). Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2014;S2(46):125-6
  • S. Ceruti, S. De Vivo, M. Peruzzo, A. Cerny. A von Hippel-Lindau masked by an acute pancreatitis. Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med 2014;1(2):2
  • S. Ceruti, M. Peruzzo, S. De Vivo, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA trial). Medical Fluids 2015;4(1):A79-146
  • S. Ceruti, M. Previsdomini. Traumatic Brown-Séquard Syndrome. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2012;5:371-2 doi: PMID: 23248516
  • Di Valentino M, Baghy A, Ceruti S, Gyorik S, Menafoglio A, Gallino A. Ischemic stroke as a trigger and consequence of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Cardiovascular Medicine 2010;13(5):S18
  • Ceruti S, Calderoni A, Lacina T, Mazzuchelli L, Mazzola P, Bordoni A, Cerny A. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2008, décembre (73):527-33.
  • Agricola E, Ceruti S, Oppizzi M, Pisani M, Margonato A. Long-term outcome of patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation according to the tethering pattern; preliminary results of an observational study. Eur J Echocardiogr 2006;7(S1):S178 doi: PMID: 17318995


  • S. Ceruti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, M. Marzano, G. Bona, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila. The evolution ofactivities of daily living in critically ill COVID-19 patients in a 1-year follow-up. N&AHP Best Abstract Award, LIVES 2022 at the 35th Annual Congress of the ESICM, 22-26 October 2022, Paris. CHF 1'000.
  • A. Glotta, N. Faldarini, M. Biggiogero, D. Olivieri, C. Molteni, R. Mauri, S. Ceruti. The role of the physiotherapy team in a multidisciplinary management of pronation in critically ill COVID-19 patients. N&AHP Best Abstract Award, LIVES 2021 at the 34th Annual Congress of the ESICM, 2-6 October 2021, Copenhagen. CHF 1'000.
  • A. Glotta, A. Galli, M. Biggiogero. C. Moro, G. Tinessa, R. Mauri. S. Ceruti. Dysphagia and evolution during COVID-19 pandemic in critically ill patients. A multidisciplinary challenge for healthcare workers. Oral presentation à le "Best oral presentation session" à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 8 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • A. Glotta, S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, I. Gimigliano, J. Aguirre, A. Borgeat, A. Saporito. Inferior VenaCava Ultrasound-guided fluid administration prior to spinal anaesthesia reduced the rate of post-procedural hypotension .A randomised controlled trial. "Best oral presentation session" au congrés iFAD 2020 - 25-27 November 2020, Online session.
  • A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. Deuxieme prix "Young Investigator" dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2019 SSMI, SSInf, SSHH, 18-20 Septembre 2019, Lausanne. CHF 1'500.
  • A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. "Can new wearable technology significantly increase the efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing'. Prix comment "meilleure contribution scientifique" dans le congrès national "Emergence, urgency, acceptance", 5 avril 2019, Riccione (Italy).


ORCID: 0000-0003-4146-3434 h-index = 9 i10-index = 8

Web of Science: N-8404-2019

Academic Editor in PLOS ONE

Guest Associated Editor in Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences

Work Experience

since 2022

Family doctor, Medical practice Dr. Denti, Barbengo

since 2021

SSMI Examiner in Intensive Medicine


Hospital Doctor CAT/STT Clinica S. Lucia, Arzo

2018 - 2021

Hospital Physician, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Clinica Luganese, Lugano


Acting head of adult intensive care unit, Clinica Luganese, Lugano

2019 - 2020

Pre-hospital emergency physician, Croce Verde Lugano.

2010 - 2020

Pre-hospital emergency physician, Croce Verde Bellinzona.

2015 - 2018

Head of Unit, Adult Intensive Care Department, HUG - Geneva


Assistant physician, Department of Anaesthesia, S. Ospedale Giovanni, Bellinzona.


Head of Unit, Department of Intensive Care, S. Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona.


Head of Clinic, Department of Intensive Care, Lugano Regional Hospital, Lugano.

2010 - 2012

Assistant Physician, Department of Intensive Care, S. Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona.

2008 - 2009

Assistant Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, St. John's Hospital, Bellinzona.
Assistant Physician, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, S. Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona. Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona.
Assistant Physician, Emergency Services, S. Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona.


Assistant Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Clinica Luganese, Lugano.
Assistant Physician, Department of Hepatology, Clinica Luganese, Lugano.

2006 - 2008

Assistant Physician, Clinic of Echocardiography, S. Raffaele Hospital, Milan Internship, Department of Internal Medicine, S. Raffaele Hospital, Milan - Italy


Member of the International High IQ Society (IQ of 129), 2006.
Member of the European Society of Critical Care Medicine (ESICM)
Member of the Swiss Society of Critical Care Medicine (SGI/SSMI/SSMI)
Member of the Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine (SSMUS)
Member of the Swiss Society of Ultrasound (SGUM), ICAN session
Member of the FMH.



2015 SSMUS emergency physician qualification

2014 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) provider, Lugano 2011 - 2014 First Responder, Croce Verde Bellinzona

2011 - 2012 Swiss-Assist - Emergency physician for air repatriations from abroad 2011 Course for emergency physicians (MEU), Lugano

2011 Provider of pre-hospital trauma life support (PHTLS), Lugano

2010 Provider of Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS), Lugano

2008 Provider of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Lugano 2007 Provider of Basic-Life Support (BLS-DAE), Lugano


2018 - ongoing SGUM/SSUM tutor for the POCUS module (Aarau). Modules:

  • Trans thoracic targeted echocardiography TTE
  • Targeted thoracic echography
  • Vascular punctures
  • Basics of emergency ultrasound

2015 - present Participation in the programme: "Fellow of American Society of Echocardiography" (PHASE) 2015 Winfocus WBE tutor certification (basic/advanced level), Milan (I)

2015 Winfocus USLS certification (basic/advanced level), Milan (I) 2015 Winfocus USVASC certification (basic level), Milan (I)

2014 Winfocus provider WF-MTBE (advanced module), Lodi (I)

2010 Winfocus CC-Echo-WBE provider (basic module), Rome (I)

2008 SGUM basic course - abdominal module, Lugano

2006 - 2008 Echocardiography outpatient clinic, S. Raffaele Hospital, Milan (Dr. med. M. Oppizzi)

Handouts Presentations

  • A. Glotta, N. Faldarini, M. Biggiogero, D. Olivieri, C. Molteni, R. Mauri, S. Ceruti. The role of the physiotherapy team in a multidisciplinary management of pronation in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Session N&AHP research & Networking: what's new? à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 7 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • 30ème Assemblée Générale Ordinaire SGNOR/SSMUS. 'Critically ill COVID-19 patients in South Switzerland'. Symposium SGNOR/SSMUS online. 26 octobre 2020, online. Ceruti S.
  • 1st Ticinese Congress of Prehospital Emergency Medicine. Acute abdomen with surprise. Accademia di Medicina d'Urgenza Ticinese (AMUT). Civil Protection Instruction Centre. 5 Octobre 2019, Rivera, Ceruti S.
  • EOLAB continuing education. Antibiotics in critical ICU patients: pharmacologic peculiarities. Hôpital Regional de Bellinzona, 16 avril 2019, Bellinzona, Ceruti S.
  • Continuing education in Intensive Care Medicine. PAD score (Pain, Agitation, Delirium) in ICU. 10 octobre 2016, Lugano, Ceruti S.
  • Young Lecturer Award - NEXT lounge session - à le 28° congrès ESICM. "The 5 causes of Hypoxia: a Pathophysiological approach". 6 octobre 2015. Berlin (D), Ceruti S.
  • Training Board PS EOC. "FAST Sonography in PS, limitations and indications". 2 décembre 2014. Camorino, Ceruti S.
  • Perfezionamento in Medicina Intensiva 2013, Département de soins intensifs EOC; Mendrisio, 28 mai 2013. "From the easy to the difficult through the useless". Ceruti S., Merlani P.
  • Formation annuelle en médecin intensif 2012, Département de médicine interne Clinica Luganese SA; Lugano, 9 mars 2012. "Physiopathological principles of heart failure". Ceruti S.
  • Formation interdisciplinaire en médecine d'urgence 2011, Département de soins intensifs EOC; Bellinzona, 13 avril 2011. "Perioperative management of pulmonary hypertension". Ceruti S., Previsdomini M.
  • Pomeriggio di Malattie Infettive 2010, Département de médecine interne EOC; Mendrisio, 6 mai 2010. "Pus, pus and still pus in the liver". Ceruti S., Cerny A.
  • Formation annuel de médecine et chirurgie "Entretien clinique 2010", Département de chirurgie Clinica Luganese; Lugano, 28 janvier 2010. "Traps in cardiology". Ceruti S.
  • Formation annuel de médecine et chirurgie "Entretien clinique 2009", Département de chirurgie Clinica Luganese; Lugano, 26 mars 2009. "Sump Syndrome". Ceruti S., Cerny A.
  • Formation annuel de médecine et chirurgie "Entretien clinique 2009", Département de chirurgie Clinica Luganese; Lugano, 29 janvier 2009. "Von Hippel Lindau disease". Ceruti S., Cerny A., Massera E.

Presentations at international conferences:

  • M. Musiari, A. Saporito, S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, M. Iattoni, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by non-health care providers be improved by a glove-coach technology? A controlled study. ePoster à le 35th ESICM LIVES 2022, 22-26 Octobre 2022, Paris (F).
  • G. Lopresti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, C. Biondi, Z. Horvath, R. Leo, A. Saporito, A. Franzetti-Pellanda,S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila. DNR orders in SARS-COV-2 patients: a retrospective validation study in a Swiss COVID-19 Center. ePoster à le 35th ESICM LIVES 2022, 22-26 Octobre 2022, Paris (F).
  • S. Ceruti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, M. Marzano, G. Bona, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila. The evolution ofactivities of daily living in critically ill COVID-19 patients in a 1-year follow-up. ePoster à le 35th ESICM LIVES 2022, 22-26 Octobre 2022, Paris (F).
  • S. Ceruti, S. Dell'Era, F. Ruggiero, G. Bona, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, E. Tasciotti, C. Kronemberg, G. Lollo, A. Saporito. Confirmation of nasogastric tube placement in intensive care. The combination of etCO2and pH measurement, a new possibility? ePoster à le 35th ESICM LIVES 2022, 22-26 Octobre 2022, Paris (F).
  • M. Favre, S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, M. Musiari, A. Glotta, J. Aguirre, A. Borgeat, A. Saporito. Fluid administration guided by inferior vena cava ultrasound before spinal anaesthesia may reduce post-procedural hypotension rate. ePoster à le 35th ESICM LIVES 2022, 22-26 Octobre 2022, Paris (F).
  • A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, M. Musiari, A. Saporito, S. Ceruti. Can a glove-coach technology significantly increase the efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on non-healthcare professionals? A controlled trial. Oral presentation à le 2021 TechConnect World Innovation Conference, 15-17 November 2021, Malmö (Sweden).
  • A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, P. Maida, C. Garzoni, S. Ceruti. Admission criteria in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a physiology-based approach. Oral présentation à le ESICM LIVES Digital 2021, Online Congress.
  • S. Ceruti, A. Saporito, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, P. Maida, C. Garzoni.Early P/F ratio evolution and Low-PEEP invasive mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients . Oral presentation à le ESICM LIVES Digital 2021, Online Congress.
  • A. Glotta, N. Faldarini, M. Biggiogero, D. Olivieri, C. Molteni, R. Mauri, S. Ceruti. The role of the physiotherapy team in a multidisciplinary management of pronation in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Oral presentation à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 6-8 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • A. Glotta, A. Galli, M. Biggiogero, C. Moro, G. Tinessa, R. Mauri. S. Ceruti. Dysphagia and evolution during COVID-19 pandemic in critically ill patients. A multidisciplinary challenge for healthcare workers. Oral presentation à le "Best oral presentation session" à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 8 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • G. Luvini, M. Biggiogero, PA Maida, R. Mauri, C. Garzoni, S. Ceruti. Low-PEEP strategy effect on mortality and ICU stay in SARS-COV-2 patients. ePoster à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 6-8 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • G. Bona, M. Biggiogero, M. Favre, M. Roncador, A. Saporito. S. Ceruti. Fluid administration guided by inferior vena cava ultrasound before spinal anaesthesia may reduce post procedural hypotension rate .A randomized trial. ePoster à le 33rd ESICM LIVES 2020, 6-8 Décembre 2020, virtual event.
  • A. Glotta, S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, I. Gimigliano, J. Aguirre, A. Borgeat, A. Saporito. Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound-guided fluid administration prior to spinal anaesthesia reduced the rate ofpost-procedural hypotension. A randomized controlled trial. Oral presentation au congrés iFAD 2020 - 25-27 November 2020, Online session.
  • G. Lo Presti, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, C. Biondi, Z. Horvath, R. Leo, A. Franzetti-Pellanda, S. Ceruti. DNR order in SARS-CoV-2 patients: mortality and quality of palliative care in a Swiss COVID-19 Center. Poster Presentation à le 11th World Research Congress EAPC, 7-9 Octobre 2020.
  • B. Di Mari, A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. ePoster à le 32nd ESICM LIVES 2019, 1 Octobre 2019, CityCube Berlin (D).
  • S. Ceruti, B. Minotti, D. Franceschini, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. "POCUS in nursing care & elsewhere: PROtocoloized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia". Oral presentation. XII Winfocus World Congress. 7-10 Septembre 2016, Ljubljana (S).
  • S. Ceruti, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, M. Peruzzo, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. "Crystalloid fluid-replacement with inferior vena cava ultrasound evaluation can reduce arterial hypotension rate after spinal anaesthesia". Oral presentation. 5th International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD). 26-28 November 2015, Antwerp (B).
  • M. Musiari, S. Ceruti, B. Minotti, M. Peruzzo, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. "Reduce Arterial Hypotension Rate after Spinal Anesthesia with Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound Evaluation" Poster Session. 11th Winfocus World Congress on Ultrasound in Emergency and Critical care. 22-23 octobre 2015, Boston (US).
  • Ceruti S, Minotti B, Peruzzo P, Anselmi A, Saporito A. "Can vena cava ultrasound guided volume repletion prevent hypotension after spinal anaesthesia? A randomised, case-control, prospective trial" À le 34ème European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain therapy (ESRA). e-poster Session. 2-5 septembre 2015, Ljubljana (SI).
  • Ceruti S, Anselmi L, Peruzzo M, De Vivo S, Saporito A. "Inferior vena cava ultrasound guided volume repletion reduces post-spinal hypotension rate. A randomised, case-control, prospective trial'. À le Symposia organised by the European Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (ESCTAIC). Euroanaesthesia 2015, 31 Mai 2015, Berlin (D).
  • Ceruti S, Anselmi L, Minotti B, Peruzzo M, De Vivo S, Saporito A. "16AP4-2. Inferior vena cava ultrasound guided volume repletion reduces post-spinal hypotension rate. A randomised, case-control, prospective trial'. Oral poster session. Euroanaesthesia 2015, 1 juin 2015, Berlin (D).
  • Ceruti S, De Vivo S, Lo Piccolo A, Peruzzo M, De Bianchi D, Anselmi L, Saporito A. "PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): statistical plan". Oral presentation. 4th International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD). 27-29 November 2014, Antwerp (B).
  • Ceruti S, Peruzzo M, Minotti B, Franceschini D, Lo Piccolo A, De Bianchi D, Anselmi L, Saporito A. "PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): statistical plan". Poster session. 10th Winfocus World Congress on Ultrasound in Emergency and Critical care. 15-19 November 2014, Kuala Lumpur (MAL).
  • Ceruti S, De Vivo S, Lo Piccolo A, Peruzzo M, De Bianchi D, Anselmi L, Saporito A. "PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): statistical plan". Oral Presentation. Third Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education (WCUME). 10-12 octobre 2014, Portland (Oregon, US).
  • Agricola E, Ceruti S, Oppizzi M, Pisani M, Margonato A. "Long-term outcome of patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation according to the tethering pattern; preliminary results of an observational study". Poster Session. Euroecho 2006, European Society of Cardiology, 6-9 December 2006, Prague (CZ).

Presentations at national conferences:

  • S. Ceruti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, P. Maida, M. Marzano, G. Bona, Z. Molnar. O06: Admission criteria in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a physiology-based approach. Short communication à la Réunion annuelle SSMI 2022, 14 - 16 Septembre 2022, Bâle.
  • S. Ceruti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, M. Marzano, G. Bona, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila. P03: The evolution of activities of daily living in critically ill COVID-19 patients in a 1-year follow-up. Short communication à la Réunion annuelle SSMI 2022, 14 - 16 Septembre 2022, Bâle.
  • S. Ceruti, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, A. Galli, G. Bona, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila. P22: Dysphagic disorder in a cohort of COVID-19 patients : evaluation and evolution. Poster à la Réunion annuelle SSMI 2022, 14 - 16 Septembre 2022, Bâle.
  • S. Ceruti, S. Dell'Era, F. Ruggiero, G. Bona, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, E. Tasciotti, C. Kronemberg, A. Saporito. P 12 - Nasogastric tube in critical care setting: combining ETCO2 and pH measuring to confirm correct placement. ePoster au SwissAnaesthesia 2021, 28 - 30 Octobre 2021, Palexpo Geneva.
  • S. Dell'Era, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, G. Bona, E. Tasciotti, F. Ruggiero, C. Kronemberg, A. Saporito, S. Ceruti. P10: Nasogastric tube placement: can the tracheal etCO2and gastric pH measurements reduce the misplacement? Short Oral Presentation & Poster à la Réunion annuelle SSMI 2021, 22 - 24 Septembre 2021, Interlaken.
  • A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, N. Faldarini, A. Saporito, S. Ceruti. P22: Role of physiotherapy team in critically ill COVID-19 patients pronation: can a multidisciplinary management reduce the complications rate? Poster à la Réunion annuelle SSMI 2021, 22 - 24 Septembre 2021, Interlaken.
  • G Lo Presti, M Biggiogero, A Glotta, C Biondi, Z Horvath, R Leo, A Franzetti-Pellanda, X Capdevila, A Saporito, S Ceruti. DNR order in SARS-CoV-2 patients: preliminary guidelines validation and quality ofpalliative care. FlashTalk au "10° Giornata della Ricerca in Medicina Umana" 25 Juin 2021, Campus EST, Università Svizzera Italiana, Lugano.
  • S. Ceruti, A. Saporito, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, P. Urso, C. Garzoni. Low-PEEP mechanical ventilation and P/F ratio evolution in COVID-19 patients. ePoster at the "10° Giornata della Ricerca in Medicina Umana" 25 Juin 2021, Campus EST, Università Svizzera Italiana, Lugano.
  • S. Ceruti, S. Dell'Era, G. Bona, A. Glotta, M. Biggiogero, C. Kronenberg, A. Saporito. Can a combination of ETCO2 and pH measurement reliably confirm correct naso-gastric tube positioning? ePoster at the "10° Giornata della Ricerca in Medicina Umana" 25 Juin 2021, Campus EST, Università Svizzera Italiana, Lugano.
  • A. Glotta, N. Faldarini, M. Biggiogero, A. Saporito, D. Olivieri, C. Molteni, S. Petazzi, R. Mauri, X. Capdevila, S. Ceruti. Can a multidisciplinary management reduce the complications rate in critically ill COVID- 19 patients' pronation? Presentation orale au "10° Giornata della Ricerca in Medicina Umana" 25 Juin 2021, Campus EST, Università Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
  • S. Ceruti, A. Saporito, M. Biggiogero, A. Glotta, PA Maida, P. Urso, A. Borgeat, C. Garzoni. Low-PEEP mechanical ventilation strategy: is it a new approach for COVID-19 patients management? Oral présentation dans le Réanimation 2021 SRLF, 9-11 Juin 2021, Paris.
  • S. Ceruti, M. Biggiogero, PA Maida, A. Glotta, A. Saporito, C. Garzoni. Critically ill COVID-19 patients: a physiology-based approach for ICU admission criteria. Oral présentation dans le Réanimation 2021 SRLF, 9- 11 Juin 2021, Paris.
  • A. Glotta, C. Moro, G. Tinessa, A. Galli, M. Biggiogero, S. Ceruti. Dysphagic disorders in ICU patients: is COVID-19 involved? P20 - ePoster dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2020 SSMI, 17-18 Septembre 2020, Online session.
  • S. Ceruti, G. Luvini, M. Biggiogero, P. Maida, R. Mauri, C. Garzoni. Low-PEEP strategy effect on mortality and ICU stay in SARS-COV-2 patients . P15 - ePoster dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2020 SSMI, 17- 18 Septembre 2020, Online session.
  • M. Biggiogero, G. Bona, M. Favre, S. Ceruti. Fluid administration guided by inferior vena cava ultrasound before spinal anaesthesia may reduce post procedural hypotension rate .A randomised trial. P01 - ePoster dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2020 SSMI, 17-18 Septembre 2020, Online session.
  • M. Musiari M., R. Sonzini, S. Ceruti, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. Flash-Poster dans le Réanimation 2020 SRLF, 5-7 Février 2020, Paris.
  • S. Ceruti, M. Favre, M. Musiari, S. Bosio, B. Minotti, J. Aguirre, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anaesthesia (ProCRHYSA). A randomised, parallel group trial. E-Poster dans le Réanimation 2020 SRLF, 5-7 Février 2020, Paris.
  • S. Ceruti, M. Favre, M. Musiari, S. Bosio, B. Minotti, J. Aguirre, L. Anselmi, A. Saporito. PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anaesthesia (ProCRHYSA). A randomised, parallel group trial. "SSMI médecins: Young Investigators' Session" dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2019 SSMI, SSInf, SSHH, 18-20 Septembre 2019, Lausanne.
  • A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing. "SSMI médecins: Young Investigators' Session" dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2019 SSMI, SSInf, SSHH, 18-20 Septembre 2019, Lausanne.
  • R. Sonzini, S. Ceruti, C. Fusetti, M. Musiari, B. Minotti, S. Cafarotti, D. La Regina, A Saporito. P042 "Can an informative video about the anesthesia technique be an effective tool to treat preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing minor, elective, outpatient hand surgery procedures?" ePoster dans la Réunion annuelle commune 2019 SSMI, SSInf, SSHH, 18-20 Septembre 2019, Lausanne.
  • A. Saporito, M. Musiari, L. Anselmi, S. Ceruti, X. Capdevila, T. Cassina. "Can new wearable technology significantly increase the efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A controlled, randomised trial testing'. Poster session au congrès "Emergence, urgency, acceptance", 4-6 avril 2019, Riccione (Italy).
  • Ceruti S, Minotti B, Peruzzo P, Anselmi A, Saporito A. "Cristalloid fluid-replacement with inferior vena cava ultrasound evaluation can reduce arterial hypotension rate after spinal anaesthesia" Poster Session à le 69th PostGraduate Anesthesiology congress (PGA). 11-15 décembre 2015, New York (US).
  • Ceruti S, Musiari M, Minotti B, Peruzzo M, Anselmi L, Saporito A. "FM 20 - Inferior vena cava ultrasound-guided volume repletion to prevent hypotension after spinal anaesthesia. A randomised, case-control, prospective trial'. Présentation orale à le Gemeinsamer Kongress SGAR & SGNOR & VRS & SIGA 2015. 12-14 November 2015, S. Gallen (CH).
  • Musiari M, Ceruti S, Minotti B, Peruzzo M, Anselmi L, A. Saporito. "Prospective, randomised case-control study on the reduction of hypotension after spinal anaesthesia by ultrasound assessment of the inferior vena cava (IVCUS)". Oral presentation. 69th SIAARTI National Congress, 14-17 octobre 2015, Bologna (I).
  • Ceruti S, De Bianchi D, De Vivo S, Peruzzo M, Lo Piccolo A, Anselmi L, Saporito A. "PROtocolized Care to Reduce HYpotension after Spinal Anesthesia (ProCRHYSA randomized trial): statistical plan". Oral presentation. 68° Congresso Nazionale SIAARTI, 22-25 octobre 2014, Venezia (I).
  • Di Valentino M, Baghy A, Ceruti S, Gyorik S, Menafoglio A, Gallino A. "Ischemic stroke as a trigger and consequence of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy" Poster session. 78° Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne (SGIM), 19-21 mai 2010, Congrès Center Bâle, Basel (CH).
  • Di Valentino M, Baghy A, Ceruti S, Gyorik S, Menafoglio A, Gallino A. "Ischemic stroke as a trigger and consequence of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy" Poster session. Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie, 9-11 juin 2010, St. Gall (CH).

Moderation of presentations:

  • Cours post-gradué "Fokussierte transthorakale kardiale sonographie TTE" (directeur: Dr. med. D. von Ow). Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona - Bellinzona, Octobre 2021.
  • "Cours Ultrasound Life Support (USLS) - Basic Level". Group Winfocus-Switzerland, 28-29 Juin 2018, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Genève.
  • "Cours Ultrasound Life Support (USLS) - Basic Level". Group Winfocus-Switzerland, 6-7 Mai 2016, Hôpital Cantonal du Valais, Sion.
  • Congrès national "1st Winfocus Swiss Congress - Emergency & Echography". Session: Introduction et mission de Winfocus. 30 November 2015, Fribourg.
  • "Cours Ultrasound Life Support (USLS) - Group Winfocus-Switzerland", Session: Integrated echo-assisted management . 13 décembre 2014, Scuola Medico-Tecnica Locarno.

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinica Sant'Anna

PD Dr med Giuseppe Colucci

Hematology, Internal medicine
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Vincenzo Liguori

Internal medicine, General surgery
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Alessandro Galdi

Internal medicine, Check-up
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Pietro Gerber

Internal medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetology
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Cristiana Quattropani Cicalissi

Internal medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Clinica Sant'Anna

PD (AUS) Dr med Claudia Paola Ferrier-Guerra

Nephrology, Internal medicine, Ipertensione, Malattie renali in gravidanza,