Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Angelo Pelloni

Specialist in Visceral Surgery and Proctology, FMH member

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Via della Pace 7

6600 Locarno



EBSQ Surgical Coloproctology

2012 - 2014

Master of Advanced Studies in Health Economics and Management, USI Net-MEGS, Lugano


Masterclass in colorectal surgery, European colorectal congress, St. Gallen

2004 - 2013

Continuing education certificates, FMH and SSC (Swiss Society of Surgery)


Specialisation in Visceral Surgery (Schwerpunkt)


Master's degree in iaparoscopic colorectal surgery ICARD, Strasbourg


FMH specialisation in surgery


Basic examinations in surgery, University of Lausanne


Doctorate in medicine, thesis title: "La cure de l'hernie de l'aine chez l'adulte en anesthésie locale", University of Geneva


Medical diploma, University of Lausanne

1983 - 1989

Medical studies, University of Lausanne


  • Swiss Surgical Society (SSC)
  • Swiss Society of Visceral Surgery (SSCV) Swiss Society of Vascular Surgery
  • International Association of Surgeons Gastroenterologist Oncologist (IASGO) European Digestive Surgery (EDS)
  • Italian Society of Colo-Rectal Surgery (ISCCR) European Society of Colo-Proctology

Handouts Presentations

  • A GUERRA, A PELLONI, M ALERCI, PH GERTSCH: " Occlusion du tronc coeliaque par le ligament arqué et cancer de la tête du pancréas." Swiss Surg 1997; suppl 1: (34) 72.
  • A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "Needle track seeding of hepatoma." (8th World Congress of the International Gastro-Surgical Club, 15-18 April 1998, Strasbourg, France.
  • A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH, A GUERRA, M ALERCI: "Pancreatectomy and arterial anomalies." 8th World Congress of the International Gastro-Surgical Club, 15-18 April 1998, Strasbourg, France.
  • A PELLONI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "Localized hepatic ischemia after liver resection. "9th World Congress of the International Gastro-Surgical Club, 20-23 October 1999, Nagasaki, Japan.
  • PH GERTSCH, A KRPO, A GUERRA, A PELLONI: "Low central venous pressure for hepatectomy." 8th World Congress of International Gastro-Surgical Club, 15-18 April 1998, Strasbourg, France.
  • A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH:" Implantation tumorale après ponction-biopsie d'hépatocarcinome." Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: ( P 40) 117.
  • J AL MUAID, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "Bile calcique ou vésicule porcelaine?". Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: ( P 39) 117.
  • A PELLONI, PH FROMMENT, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "L'hémoglobine préopératoire basse augment-elle le risque de transfusions sanguines des hépatectomies?" Swiss Surg 2000; suppl 1:7.04) 14.
  • PH GERTSCH, A KRPO, A GUERRA, A PELLONI: "Pression veineuse centrale basse pour hépatectomies" Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: (P 31)8.
  • A GUERRA, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH:" Hernie diaphragmatique de Bochdalek et pancréatite aigue." Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: (P18)112.
  • A PELLONI, A GUERRA, S BIERI, PH GERTSCH: "Chimioradiothérapie néo-adjuvante et résection totale du rectum et du meso-rectum avec anastomose colo-anale sur réservoir." Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: (139) 30.
  • J ROUIJEL, A PELLONI, M TODERI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "Résection des tumeurs de la tête du pancréas envahissant la veine porte." Swiss Surg 1998; suppl 1: (88)18.
  • APELLONI, A GUERRA, S BIERI, M BOGEN, PH GERTSCH: "Traitement du cancer du rectum dans un service de chirurgie viscérale." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: (7.03) 12.
  • A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH, A GUERRA, PH FROMMENT: "Ischémie hépatique après résection." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1(8.05) 15.
  • APELLONI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "Duodénopancréatectomie céphalique avec préservation d'une arcade pancréatico-duodénale, en présence d'une occlusion du tronc coelique." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl1: (14.01) 23.
  • J ALMUAID, A PELLONI, M ALERCI, G MARINI, A BONETTI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "Traitement de l'hépatocarcinome au Tessin." Swiss Surg1999; suppl 1: (P29) 55.
  • A GUERRA, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH:" La colite d'accompagnement de la diverticulite: une entité à connaître." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: (25.06) 44.
  • PH GERTSCH, A GUERRA, A PELLONI, PH.FROMMENT: "Harmonic Scalpel pour chirurgie hépatique." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: 8.06) 16.
  • PH FROMMENT, A GUERRA, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "Hémopéritoine massif sur rupture d'un adénome non sécretant de la surrénale." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: (P23) 54.
  • M TODERI, PH FROMMENT, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "CA 19-9: To resect or not to resect?". Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: (14.12) 26.
  • E CATALANO, A GUERRA, A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "L'appendicectomie par approche laparoscopique transombélicle." Swiss Surg 1999; suppl 1: (25.05) 43.
  • RE VANDONI, A PELLONI , A KRPO, PH GERTSCH: "Localized hepatic ischemia after liver resection." Le 24-27 may 2006, 16th Worl Cogress of the International Association of surgeons and Gastroenterologists, Madrid, Spain.
  • E ROGGERO, M DE BONI, M BRAMBILLE, M. IMPARATO, L. ARTIOLI, M BRAMBILLA, A.MORETTI, A PEDRAZZINI, A. PELLONI, R BARBAZZA: 'Incidence reduction of Helicobacter Pylori infection during the past decade in the Feltre Region (Italy): influences on chronic gastritis, Malt lymphoma and gastric cancer'. Oral presentation by E. Roggero at 7th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Intervention Strategies, Nice, France February 7-10 2004
  • E Roggero MD1, M De Boni MD3, M Brambilla MD2, M. Imparato Stat4, L. Artioli Stat4, M Brambilla MD2, A. Moretti Stat1, A Pedrazzini MD1, A. Pelloni MD1, R Barbazza MD2: "Incidence reduction of Helicobacter Pylori infection during the past decade in the Feltre Region (Italy): influences on chronic gastritis, Malt lymphoma and gastric cancer". Presentation by E. Roggero at SGIM - Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin- Lausanne May 13, 2004
  • RE Vandoni, A PELLONI, Ph Gertsch: "Preoperative haemoglobin level is an independent factor associated with blood transfusion in patients undergoing liver resection." Oral presentation Swiss Society Surgery may 2008, Basel

Work Experience

since 2010

Assistant Physician in Surgery, La Carità Hospital, Locarno

2006 - 2010

Medical Director Clinica S. Chiara, Locarno

2000 - 2010

Head of Surgery Department and FMH training in Surgery (B2) Clinica Santa Chiara, Locarno

1996 - 2000

Head of Surgery Clinic:

- Bellinzona Hospital, Prof. Dr. med. Ph. Gertsch Hospital

- Faido, Dr. med. M. Bogen (Faido)

1992 - 1996

Assistant physician:

- Digestive Surgery, HCU Genève, Prof. Dr. med. A. Rohner and Prof. Dr. med. Ph. Morel

- Chirurgie Thoracique, Dr. Spiliopoulos

- Chirurgie Pédiatrique, Prof. C. Le Coultre

- Urgences CMCE, Dr. med. B. Vermuehlen


Assistant Physician, Polyclinique de Chirrugie, HCU Genève, Prof. Dr. med. M. C. Marti

1990 - 1992

Assistant Physician, Hôpital Cantonal de Fribourg, Prof. Dr. med. P. Hahnloser


  • F BAGNOUD, A PELLONI: "Hernie Inguinale de l'Adulte: l'Opération en Anesthésie Locale." Revue de la Suisse Romande 1993; 133: 977-980.
  • PH FROMMENT, A PELLONI, J ROUJEL, PH GERTSCH: "Traumatismes fermés des voies biliaires intrahépatiques - présentations clinique, diagnostic et traitement." Swiss Surg 1998; 4: 228-231.
  • PH GERTSCH, J AL MUAID, A PELLONI, M BOGEN: "Chirurgisce Terapie der kolplizierten Sigmadivertikulitis: einzeitig oder merzeitig?". Zentralbl Chir 1998; 123: 1386-1389.
  • J ROUIJEL, D SAVIOZ, L BÜHLER, A PELLONI, G MENTA, PH MOREL: "Pseudokyste dupancréas: quel traitement choisir?". Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1998; 128: 871-873.
  • A PELLONI, PH GERTSCH: "Risques et consequences de l'ensemencement tumoral après biopsie à l'aiguille fine pour le diagnostic d'un carcinome hépatocellulaire." Schweiz Med Wochenschr 2000; 130: 871-877.
  • APELLONI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH:" Duodénopancréatectomie céphalique avec préservation des arcades pancéaticoduodénales, en présence d'un occlusion complète du tronc coeliaque." AnnChir 2000; 125: 660-664.
  • A PELLONI, A GUERRA, PH GERTSCH: "Surgical Treatment of Synchronous Hepatocellular and Oesophageal Carcinomas." Hepatogastroenterology 2001; 48: 684-686.
  • PH GERTSCH, A PELLONI, A GUERRA, A KRPO:" Initial experience with the harmonic scalpel in liver surgery." Hepatogastroenterology 2000; 33: 763-766.
  • SPRANGERS: "Sphincter-sparing surgery after preoperative radiotherapy for low rectal cancers: feasibility, oncologic results, and quality of life outcome." Br J Cancer 2000; 82(6): 1131-1137.
  • PH GERTSCH, APELLONI , A GUERRA, A KRPO: "Hepatic Surgery with the ultrasonic scalpel". In The Harmonic Scalpel ed. Feil et al, Georg Thieme Verlag 2002.
  • R BONVINI, M ALERCI, F ANTONUCCI, P TUTTA, R WYTTENBACH, M BOGEN, A PELLONI, L VON SEGESSER, A GALLINO: "Preoperative embolisation of collateral side branches: A means to reduce type II endoleaks after endovascular AAA repair". J Endovasc Ther 2003; 10(2): 227- 232
  • PH GERTSCH, R VANDONI, A PELLONI, A KRPO, and M ALERCI: "Localized Hepatic Ischemia after Liver Resection, a prospective evaluation." Annals of Surgery 2007;246(7):958-965
  • A. PELLONI: "Colorectal Surgery in Patients Over 80 Years Old" Hepatogastroenterology 2012, 59(113);120-3
  • E. GRASSO, L. SCIOLLI, RAVETTA F, A. PELLONI: "A rare case of colic varices: case report and literature review." Surgery 2012;25(2):111-4
  • APELLONI , A GUERRA, A KRPO, PH GERTSCH. "Treatment chirurgical d'un hépatocarcinome et d'un carcinome squamocellulaire de l'oesophage synchrones." Swiss Surgery 1997;suppl 1: (P 25) 70.
  • A. PELLONI, V. Cviskusitc: "Abdomen Acute." Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2009;74:273-277
  • A. PELLONI: "Colorectal resections: indications, techniques and results of 300 consecutive colectomies." Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2009;74:397-402
  • A. Posabella, A. PELLONI: "Abdominal pain and occlusion on Meckel's diverticulum." Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2010;75:261-4
  • N. Mancinelli, A. PELLONI:"Carcinoid of the appendix, deepening of a clinical case". Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2010;75:299-301
  • A. PELLONI:"Acute appendicitis: diagnosis, investigations and therapy" . Tribuna Medica Ticinese, in press.
  • APELLONI: "Acute abdominal pain" Tribuna Medica Ticinese 2001;66:625-626.

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