Dr. med. Bertrand Actor
Specialist in neurosurgery, member of FMH
- Neurosurgery
- Spinal surgery
- Pain therapy
- Scoliosis and kyphosis (curvature of the spine)
- Osteoporosis – fractures in the spine
- Spinal tumours and metastases on the spinal column
- Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal
- Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
- Herniated disc in the thoracic spine
- Slipped disc in the cervical spine – cervical disc herniation
- Herniated disc in the lumbar spine
- Intervertebral disc prosthesis | Artificial intervertebral disc
- Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide
Contact me
Privatklinik Bethanien
Toblerstrasse 51
8044 Zürich
Work Experience
Neurosurgery physician at Privatklinik Bethanien
Senior physician, Head of spinal surgery, Neurosurgery clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
Senior physician, Spine Centre, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich
Senior physician, Neurosurgery clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
Resident physician, Neurosurgery clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
Resident physician, Spine Centre, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich
Resident physician, Neurosurgery clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
Resident physician, Neurointensive care, Universitätsspital Zürich
Resident physician, Neurosurgery Clinic, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, SGNC
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Spinale Chirurgie, SGS
- Swiss Society for Interventional Pain Management, SSIPM
- European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, EANS
- Spine Society of Europe, EUROSPINE
- Aerztegesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, AGZ
- Gesellschaft Belegärzte Zürich, GBZ
- Schweizerische Belegärzte-Vereinigung, SBV
Certificate of qualification in interventional pain management, SSIPM
Specialism in neurosurgery
Doctorate, University of Zürich
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Training Course
Certificate of qualification in dose-intensive X-rays and expert in radiation protection, SafPro Basel
Part 1 of the European Board Examination in Neurological Surgery of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS)
State examinations in Human Medicine, Heidelberg University, D
- Degenerative diseases and fractures of the spine
- Tumours of the spine and spinal cord
- Spinal microsurgery
- Revision surgery on the spine
- Conservative treatment of spinal disorders
- Brain tumours
- Surgical removal and neuro-oncological co-supervision
- Disorders to cerebrospinal fluid circulation (hydrocephalus)
- Shunt surgery
- Pain management
- Back pain, neuropathic pain