PD Dr med Christoph Tausch
- Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide
Contact me
Seefeldstrasse 214
8008 Zürich
Work Experience
Swiss Surgery - Expertise in Cancer & Surgical Treatment
Director, Breast Centre Zurich
Teaching activity, Medical Faculty of the University of Basel
Practical work at the Breast Centre Zurich
Team Leader Surgery, Breast Centre Zurich
Teaching activities, workshops of the Swiss Society for Senology
Senior Physician, General Hospital, Linz (Prof. W. Wayand)
Teaching at the Deaconess School of Nursing, Linz
Practice in Linz and attending physician at the Diakonissen Hospital, Linz
Lecturer, Medicine, University of Vienna
Senior physician, Barmherzige Schwestern Hospital, Linz
Assistant doctor in surgery, Barmherzige Schwestern Hospital, Linz (Prof. M. Aufschnaiter)
Junior doctor, District Hospital Reutte/Tyrol, Austria
- Swiss Society for Surgery, SGC
- Swiss Society for Senology, SGS
- Clinical Working Group for Clinical Cancer Research. SAKK
- Medical Society of the Canton of Zurich, AGZ
- Austrian Society for Senology, ÖGS
- Working Group for Surgical Oncology, ACO-ASSO
- European Society of Mastology, EUSOMA
- Oncoplastic Breast Consortium, OPBC
- International Society of Surgery, ISS
Habilitation in surgery, University of Innsbruck
GCP training, University of Graz
Fellowship at the Senology Centre, Gerresheim Clinic, Düsseldorf (Prof. W. Audretsch)
Fellowship at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York (Dr P. Borgen)
Fellowship at the Instituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura die tumori, Milan
Study of human medicine, University of Innsbruck, Austria