FMH-certified ophthalmologist and ophthalmic surgeon
Swiss Visio Montchoisi
Avenue du Servan 38
1006 Lausanne
Medical and surgical activity focused on the diagnosis and treatment of retinal conditions.
Retinal examination
– Fluorescein angiography et indocyanine green angiography (Topcon, Heidelberg and Optos systems).
OCT (Optical coherence tomography) since April 2005: Stratus OCT (Zeiss), then Topcon SD OCT since 2007 and Topcon Swept Source OCT since March 2015.
– Use of Cirrus (ZEISS) OCT at the Clinique Galien since November 2013.
– Heidelberg OCT and Optovue and Heidelberg angio-OCT at the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules-Gonin
Laser treatment
– Argon laser
– Krypton laser
– Nd:YAG laser
– Photodynamic therapy using Visudyne.
Surgical activity
– Lens replacement surgery (use of Alcon Infiniti and Bausch & Lomb Stellaris phacoemulsification machines) at the Clinique des Peupliers (Paris, 13th arrondissement), the Clinique Milan (Paris, 9th arrondissement), the Clinique Turin (Paris 8th arrondissement) and the Clinique Galien (Quincy sous Sénart).
– Use of Alcon Centurion phacoemulsification machine in cataract surgery at the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules-Gonin
– Intravitreal injections (Lucentis, Eyléa, Ozurdex)
Degree in contactology, Prof. J Collin, Bordeaux University
Degree in angiography and retinal conditions, Prof. A Gaudric, Paris Diderot University, Lariboisière-Saint Louis faculty of medicine
Doctorate in medicine
Title: Birdshot retinochoroidopathy: a study of clinical effectiveness and angiography of corticoid treatments and immunosuppressants. A discussion of 83 cases.
Thesis supervisor: Prof P Le Hoang
Diplôme d’études spécialisées
Title: Birdshot retinochoroidopathy: a retrospective study of clinical effectiveness and angiography of cyclosporin A. A discussion of 41 cases.
Registered for Diplôme d'études spécialisées in ophthalmology, Surgical specialities stream
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Saint-Antoine faculty of medicine
Evolution clinique des sarcoidoses oculaires au cours de la sarcoidose systémique histologiquement prouvée.
Kirsch O, Frau E, Nodarian M, Labetoulle M, Offret H.
J Fr. Ophtamol., 2001;24,6,623-627.
Rétinite à cytomégalovirus malgré un taux de CD4 normal chez un patient VIH. A propos d’un cas.
Cardine S, Kirsch O, Labetoulle M, Offret H, Frau E.
J Fr. Ophtamol., 2001;24,9,971-974.
Choriorétinite syphilitique chez l’immunodéprimé: à propos d’un cas.
Kirsch O, Frau E, Labetoulle M, Offret H.
J Fr. Ophtalmol., 2004;27,4,375-378.
Depuis mai: chirurgie de la cataracte et prise en charge des maladies de la rétine, Clinique Moléson, Bulle
Depuis août: chirurgie de la cataracte et prise en charge des maladies de la rétine, Swiss Visio Montchoisi, Lausanne
Head of the Polycinic and Emergency department at the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin
Opened a secondary practice within the Clinique Claude Galien. Centre dedicated to cataract surgery and treatment of retinal diseases.
Independent activity at the Centre Ophtalmologique Rennes Assas. Centre specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases (age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy. retinal vascular diseases) and cataract surgery.
Sessional physician at CHU Kremlin-Bicêtre, Department run by Prof. Offret
Chief resident at the Hôpitaux de Paris, CHU Kremlin-Bicêtre, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Department run by Prof. Offret
Assistant chief resident at the Hôpitaux de Périphérie at the Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Montfermeil within the Ophthalmology department run by Dr. E Bodard-Rickelmann.
A propos d’un cas de dystrophie maculaire en X flavimaculée.
Bego B, Haroun O, Bodard-Rickelman E, Tubiana M.
Collège des Ophtalmologistes des Hôpitaux de France (non universitaires). Meeting of 10/11/1994.
Traitement de la rétinochoroidopathie de birdshot par ciclosporine A. Dix ans d’expérience.
Cassoux N, Ozdémir N, Kullman N, Haroun O, Girard B, Le Hoang P.
Société Francaise d’Ophtalmologie 7-11 mai 1995.
Visual outcome of patients undergoing silicon oil tamponade for retinal detachment caused by CMV retinitis.
Cassoux N, Bodaghi B, Lautier-Frau M, Reux I, Haroun O, Fardeau C, Zazoun L, Robinet M, Marcel P, Cochereau I, LeHoang P.
5th international Cytomegalovirus Conference, june 1995.
Visual outcome of patients undergoing silicon oil tamponade for retinal detachment caused by CMV retinitis.
Cassoux N, Bodaghi B, Lautier-Frau M, Reux I, Haroun O, Fardeau C, Zazoun L, Robinet M, Marcel P, Cochereau I, LeHoang P.
JERMOV Montpellier, 15-19 octobre 1995.
Retinal necrosis arising from endophthalmitis.
Kirsch O, Benzacken L, Ohana L, Girard B.
Collège des Ophtalmologistes des Hopitaux de France (non-university). Meeting of 17/11/1995.
Contribution of ICG towards diagnosing and treating vascularised pigment epithelial detachment. A discussion of 15 cases.
Oubraham H, Kirsch O, Meunier I, Coscas G, Soubrane G.
Société Ophtalmologique de Paris. Meeting of 21/12/1996.
Indications and results of ICG-based photocoagulation in vascularised pigment epithelial detachment: A discussion of 15 cases.
Oubraham H, Kirsch O, Coscas G, Soubrane G.
Société Francaise d’Ophtalmologie, 11-15 mai 1997.
Pronostic des ruptures traumatiques de cicatrice de cataracte.
Kirsch O, Garnier A, Chauvaud D.
Société Francaise d’Ophtalmologie, 11-15 mai 1997.
Evolution clinique des sarcoidoses oculaires chez des patients atteints de sarcoidose systémique.
Kirsch O, Frau E, Nodarian M, Labetoulle M, Offret H.
Société Francaise d’Ophtalmologie, 9-13 Mai 1999.
Journée de la rétine au château de Coppet le 10/11/2016 : Presentation of a clinical case study: neovascularisation in central serous chorioretinopathy
Complications néovasculaires de la CRSC chronique : Presentation to the Société Française d’Ophtalmologie 07/05/2017
Acute infectious conjunctivitis: report. A. de Lassus, O.Kirsch. Presentation at HOJG staff meeting on 20/01/2016
Central serous chorioretinopathy related CNV : ISOPT ( the international symposium on ocular pharmacology and therapeutics) 1-3 décembre 2016 : J Ruiz-Medrano, M Zola, A Matet, A Daruich, O Kirsch, F Behar-Cohen
Retinal artery occlusions. S. Lopez Baumann, O.Kirsch. Presentation at HOJG staff meeting on 25/01/2017
Central serous chorioretinopathy related CNV : First international swept source OCT and angiography conference 10-11 février 2017 ( Madrid) : J Ruiz-Medrano, M Zola, A Matet, A Daruich, O Kirsch, F Behar-Cohen
Diagnostico de neovascularizacion coroidea mediante angiografia oct en coriorretinopatia serosa central présenté au 21e congrès SERV à Madrid 3-4 Mars 2017, prix de la meilleure communication
J Ruiz-Medrano, M Zola, A Matet, A Daruich, O Kirsch, F Behar-Cohen
Journée des ophtalmologues Romands dated 23/03/2017. Presentation of a multiple evanescent white dot syndrome case study. D.Rossi, O.Kirsch , Y. Guex Crosier
Journée des ophtalmologues Romands dated 23/03/2017. Presentation of a clinical case study of macular haemorrhage in a highly myopic eye. H.Savopol, O.Kirsch