Specialist in ophthalmology
Head of clinic
Swiss Visio Montchoisi
Av. du Servan 38
1006 Lausanne
Head of Clinic, Swiss Visio Network, Switzerland
5th year as an ophthalmology assistant, Swiss Visio Montchoisi, Lausanne
4th year as an ophthalmology assistant, HUG, Genève
3rd year as an ophthalmology assistant, HUG, Genève
2nd year as an ophthalmology assistant, HUG, Genève
1st year as an assistant in internal medicine, Hôpital Epicura, Baudour
Master en Médecine à la Université Libre de Bruxelles
Elève-assistant des TP de Neuroanatomie
Elève-assistant des TP de Physiologie humaine
Elève-assistant des TP de Biophysique
Elève-assistant des tutorats de Physique
Lechien JR, Nassri A, Kindt N, Brown DN, Journe F, Saussez S. Role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in head and neck cancer and novel therapeutic targets: A systematic review. Head Neck. 2017 Dec;39(12):2573-2584.
Swiss Visio Montchoisi
Av. du Servan 38
1006 Lausanne
Swiss Visio Sierre
Avenue du Rothorn 11
3960 Sierre