European first: the MINIject suprachoroidal implant
Prof (USA) Kaweh Mansouri, FMH specialist in ophthalmology and ophthalmosurgery at Swiss Visio and President of Swiss Glaucoma Research, is the first surgeon to have implanted a MINIject device in continental Europe.
MINIject is a minimally invasive device for glaucoma surgery in patients with open-angle glaucoma, through implantation in the ‘supra-choroidal’ space. It is one of the smallest implants ever designed for this type of pathology and uses an innovative material.
This miniature implant recently received CE marking and has demonstrated its reliability. The result is a significant and lasting reduction in intraocular pressure.
he aim of the Swiss Glaucoma Research Foundation is to support cutting-edge research, the development of pioneering and innovative treatments, and the training and education of healthcare professionals to better diagnose, treat and one day cure glaucoma.