
2003 - 2018

Privatpraxis und zugelassener stellvertretender Arzt, Leiter der Neurochirurgie und stellvertretender Leiter der spinalen Abteilung, Kantonsspital, Freiburg

1998 - 2003

Stellvertretender Arzt , Abteilung für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Freiburg

1997 - 1998

Oberarzt, Neurochirurgie, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne & The Western General Hospital, Footscray, Victoria


Oberarzt, Neurochirurgie, Wessex Neurological Institute, Southampton.

1994 - 1995

Stellvertretender klinischer Leiter Neurochirurgie, Abteilung von Prof. de Tribolet, Genf.

1986 - 1994

Pathologie, Neuropathologie, Neurochirurgie, Genf.
Allgemeine Chirurgie, Intensivstation, Freiburg.
Neurologie, Hôpital Sainte-Anne, Paris.


  • NASS
  • Eurospine
  • Waadtländer Gesellschaft für Medizin (Société vaudois de Médecine)
  • Medizinische Gesellschaft des Kantons Freiburg (Vizepräsident)
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie


  • Chirurgie der Wirbelsäule
  • Mikrochirurgie
  • Fixierung der Wirbelsäule
  • Arthroplastik der Wirbelsäule
  • Schmerzchirurgie
  • Schädelchirurgie



FMH Facharzt für Neurochirurgie


Doktor in Medizin, Universität Genf


Eidgenössisches Diplom in Medizin


Herren C, Sobottke R, Mannion AF, Zweig T Munting E, Otten P, Pigott T, Siewe J, Aghayev E; Spine Tango Contributors : Incidental durotomy in decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis: incidence, risk factors and effect on outcomes in the Spine Tango registry. Eur Spine J. 2017 26:2483-2495

Simonin A., Passaplan C., Rusconi A., Colin V., Erard V., Stauffer E., Maestretti GL., Otten P. : Pott’s puffy tumor presenting as a frontal swelling under a Swiss army helmet. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. Volume 173, Oktober 2018, Seiten 115-117

Ciarpaglini R, Otten P : Misdiagnosed atypical Lemierre's Syndrome: what a neurosurgeon has to know. J Neurosurg Sci. 2016 März;60(1):143-5

Ciarpaglini R, Otten P, Sutter P, Duy VQ, Gautier E, Maestretti G. : Sacroiliac joint syndrome 10 years after lumbar arthroplasty: the importance of spinopelvic alignment. Eur Spine J. 2014 Okt;23 Suppl 6:720-4.

Aghayev E, Etter C, Bärlocher C, Sgier F, Otten P, Heini P, Hausmann O, Maestretti G, Baur M, Porchet F, Markwalder TM, Schären S, Neukamp M, Röder C.:  Five-year results of lumbar disc prostheses in the SWISSspine registry. Eur Spine J. 2014 Okt;23(10):2114-26

Lutz JA, Otten P, Maestretti GL : Late infections after dynamic stabilization of the lumbar spine with Dynesys. Eur Spine J. 2012 Dez;21(12):2573-9

Ciarpaglini R, Sutter P, Otten P, Maestretti GL : Occipitalisation of Atlas with Sudden Onset. J Spine Neurosurg 2014, 3:1

Ciarpaglini R, Otten P : Primary cranial vault lymphoma with brain infiltration: case report and review of the literature. Br J Neurosurg. 2012 Okt;26(5):756-9

Maestretti GL, Reischl N, Jacobi M, Wahl P, Otten P, Bihl T, Balagué F : Treatment of discogenic low back pain by total disc arthroplasty using the Prodisc Prosthesis : Analysis of a prospective cohort study with five-year clinical follow-up. The Open Spine Journal, 2011, 3 : 1-5

Maestretti GL, Srour R, Vally P, Otten P, Noriega D : Baguera C A new cervical disc replacement device. European Musculoskeletal Review, 2008 : Vol3, Issue 2 : 61-62

Maestretti GL, Srour R, Vally P, Otten P, Noriega D : Baguera C A new cervical disc replacement device. Spinal Surgery News, Herbst 2008

Maestretti GL, Srour R, Vally P, Otten P, Noriega D : Baguera C Une nouvelle prothèse discale cervicale. Le Rachis, No5 Oktober 2008



  • Herren C, Sobotke E, Siewe J, Röder C, Otten P, Aghayev A : Incidental durotomy in open decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis in Spine Tango : raw rates in the individual treatment centers, predictors, and adjusted associations with outcomes. 10. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Frankfurt am Main, Dezember 2015
  • Otten Ph, Ciarpaglini R, Suter P, Roeder Ch, Maestretti2 GL : Patient outcome after Sacro-iliac joint fusion: A spine Tango registry based study. WCMIST, Paris Juni 2014
  • Otten Ph : Un Homme A la Mer, Réunion annuelle Spinart, Journées du Léman, Lausanne, September 2011
  • G. Maestretti, P. Tropiano, P. Fransen, D. Noriega, R. Srour, P. Otten, P. Vally, J.-P. Lejeune, A. Chatzisotiriou, P. Alcaraz : CLINICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC OUTCOMES ON A SERIES OF 249 PATIENTS TREATED WITH SINGLE AND MULTILEVEL CERVICAL DISC REPLACEMENT AT 2-YEAR FOLLOW UP. BASS 2011, Edinburgh Februar 2011
  • Maestretti GL, Otten Ph : Dynamic posterior stabilisation with Yoda : concepts and first results. 29th ISS, Zürich, Januar 2011.
  • Ph Otten, Maestretti GL : Complications du Dynesys et des prothèses lombaires.23th GIEDA, Basel, Dezember 2010.
  • Ph Otten : Is there a place for MIS in  lumbar surgery ?, 9th Inspiration Meeting, Barcelona, Oktober 2010
  • Maestretti GL, Ph Otten : Dynesys late infection. Posterior dynamic stabilization, Master Class, Zimmer, Luzern, März 2010
  • Ph Otten : Résultats à long terme des kyphoplasties. 22th GIEDA, Lyon. Dezember 2009.
  • Ph Otten, G Costanzo : Vertebro, Kypho and Vesselplasty today : How, When, Why. 8th Inspiration meeting, Oktober 2009
  • Maestretti G, Srour R, Vally P., Otten Ph. , Noriega D. : Baguera C Cervical Disc Replacement – Clinical Results up to 2 years follow-up. Global Spine, San Francisco, Juni 2009.
  • Ph Otten, M Simko : Colonne Vertébrale lombaire  : Interaction entre chirurgien de la colonne et radiologue. Hôpital de Morges, Collège des Médecins, März 2009.
  • Ph Otten : Complications des fusions cervicales. Symposium Inspiration, Lyon, November 2008.
  • Ph Otten : Prothèses totales de disque lombaire. SSCS Winter meeting. Wengen März 2008.
  • Ph Otten, P. Galvao : report on round-table : Dynamic stabilization of the lumbar spine. Inspiration Brazil 2008,  Iguazu, April 2008.
  • Ph Otten, GL Maestretti : Cervical Arthroplasty in Myelopathy. Inspiration Brazil 2008, Iguazu, April 2008


  • A Simonin, A Rusconi, P Otten : Giant calcified extra-axial cavernoma of the falx cerebri. Case Report and review of the literature. Joint Meeting  : Swiss Society of Neurosurgery, Swiss Society of Neuroradiology. Bern, Juni 8-9, 2017
  • Otten Ph, Ciarpaglini R, Suter P, Roeder Ch, Maestretti2 GL : Interspinous fixation device : A spine tango registry based study. WCMISST 2014, Paris Juni 2014
  • Otten Ph, Ciarpaglini R, Maestretti GL : Does lumbar total disc replacement reduce the risk of development of sacro-iliac joint pain ? Results at 10 years. ISASS 2014, Miami, Mai 2014 
  • Otten Ph, Lutz J, Maestretti GL : Late Infections and Complications after Dynesys Dynamic Lumbar Spine Stabilization. ISASS 2013, Vancouver, April 2013.
  • Fransen P, Maestretti GL, Tropiano P, Noriega D, Srour R, Otten Ph, Vally P, Leujeune J.P., Chatzisotiiou A, Alcaraz P : Klinische und Radiographische Ergebnisse einer Serie von 171 Patienten mit monosegmentalem Bandscheibenersatz – 2 -. Jahresergebnisse. DWG2011, Hamburg, Dezember 2011
  • Maestretti GL, Otten Ph : A novel cervical disc replacement device : BagueraC : Design and Biomechanical Characteristics. Eurospine 2009, Warschau, Oktober 2009
  • Maestretti GL, Otten Ph : A novel cervical disc replacement device BAGUERA c : Design and biomechanical characteristics. IMAST 2008, Hong-Kong, Juli 2008.
  • Maestretti G, Otten Ph : Five years experience with standalone kyphoplasty for the treatment of traumatic vertebral body fracture. Spineweek 2008, Genf Mai 2008.
  • Maestretti G, Otten Ph : A novel cervical disc replacement device Baguera c : design and biomechanical characteristics. Spineweek 2008, Genf Mai 2008.

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