Bee Sustainable

Biodiversity is now a key issue at the heart of our sustainable development strategy.  
In addition to the many actions already taken by our Group to significantly reduce the environmental impact of our activities, we are also keen to make our contribution to the effort to preserve ecosystems.
This is why we have chosen to develop a vast and ambitious bee-keeping activity on the roofs of all our clinics.

The idea of putting beehives in our clinics has been around for a few years now. In 2019, the project took shape in Neuchâtel, thanks to the passion of Rafael Klock, a member of staff at Hôpital de La Providence. Following the installation of the first three hives, our beekeeper then set about extending the beekeeping activity to the Clinique de Montbrillant in La Chaux-de-Fonds and the Moutier and Saint-Imier hospitals.
At the beginning of 2024, Rafaël Klock became the Swiss Medical Network Group's beekeeper, intending to deploy and monitor the hives throughout the country.

Swiss Medical Network's sustainable development strategy

The Group's strategy is based on three main pillars: economic (value creation), societal (human capital) and environmental (climate, resources, health).

Each clinic, through its Sustainability Unit, develops and implements projects covering all three of these areas, with beekeeping being emblematic of our desire to work concretely to improve all aspects of the environment.

Protecting bees to protect life

A project for health

Reasonable use of energy and water, a healthy environment and functioning ecosystems are the essential determinants of a healthy life. Sustainability and health are therefore intrinsically linked.
Honey, with its undeniable gustatory and culinary qualities, also has therapeutic virtues. 
Apitherapy, although still too little explored and put to use, can prove interesting within the framework of well-defined care protocols.

Our vision

2019: installation of the first beehive at Hôpital de la Providence

2020: first harvest in the Group's history

2022: project for new apiaries in the Jura Arc region

2023: installation of beehives in Montbrillant, Saint-Imier and Moutier, with plans to expand to other clinics

2024: roll-out of the project to all Swiss clinics Rafaël Klock is appointed the group's official beekeeper

A project led by an enthusiast

This project would not be possible without the expertise and enthusiasm of Rafaël Klock, our beekeeper. He joined the group as a kitchen assistant at Hôpital de La Providence. One thing led to another and he set up beehives on the hospital's roofs, turning his passion into a profession. Find out more about him by clicking on the link below.