Consultant, Kreisspital für das Freiamt, Muri
Specialist in neurology, member of FMH
Consultant, Kreisspital für das Freiamt, Muri
Independent specialist neurology practice, nerv! centre for neurology, Zürich
Independent specialist neurology practice, Wohlen
Lead attending physician, Neurology, Klinik im Park
Resident and senior physician, Neurology, Universitätsspital Zürich (Prof. K. Hess)
Resident physician, Neurology, Kantonsspital Aarau (Prof. U. W. Buettner)
Resident physician, Neurology, Universitätsspital Zürich (Prof. Y. Jonekawa)
Resident physician, Medical department, Spital Muri (Dr. R. Schmid)
Specialism in sonography (SGUM)
Specialism in electroencephalography (SGKN); specialism in cerebrovascular illnesses (SGKN); specialism in practice laboratory (KHM)
Specialism in electroencephalography (SGKN)
FMH specialist in neurology
State examinations, University of Zürich
Degree in Human Medicine, University of Zürich