Baby gallery

Welcome to our cute baby gallery. All these cuddly new citizens of earth discovered the light of day in our private clinic. For more information about becoming a mummy with us, please visit the Family Unit page. Our competent, caring team is happy to be there for mothers before, during and after birth. You can find our comprehensive offer under courses.

07.06.2024, 14:06
3995 g, 50 cm
04.06.2024, 12:37
4155 g, 50 cm
03.06.2024, 10:21
3630 g, 51 cm
02.06.2024, 09:03
2950 g, 46 cm
24.05.2024, 08:17
3450 g, 50 cm
18.05.2024, 20:40
3355 g, 49 cm
18.05.2024, 09:57
4490 g, 52 cm
16.05.2024, 14:52
3560 g, 50 cm
15.05.2024, 23:17
3590 g, 50 cm
14.05.2024, 00:37
3485 g, 49 cm

If you would like to give birth to your baby at Private Clinic Bethanien, please do not hesitate to contact us.

+41 (0)43 268 70 70

Registration form