Veveyse Gynaecology Centre, Châtel-St-Denis, CH
- Gynaecologist and obstetrician (40%)
- Associate with Dr Gothuey
Specialist FMH in gynaecology and obstetrics
Veveyse Gynaecology Centre, Châtel-St-Denis, CH
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, HFR-Fribourg, CH
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, HFR-Fribourg, CH
Gynaecology and obstetrics, Vevey, CH
Gynaecology and obstetrics, CHUV lausanne, CH
Gynaecology and obstetrics, HIB Payerne, CH
Gynaecology and obstetrics, HFR-Fribourg, CH
Internal Medicine, HFR-Fribourg, CH
Internal Medicine, Geneva Clinic in Montana, CH
J Hypertens. 2012 Jun; 300(6): 1161-8.
Major impact of body position on arterial stiffness indices derived from radial applanation tonometry in pregnant and nonpregnant women.
Jaccoud L, Rotaru C, Heim A, Liaudet L, Waeber B, Hohlfeld P, Feihl F.