Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Cédric Lehner

Specialist in cardiology and general internal medicine, member of the FMH

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Rue Locarno 1
1700 Fribourg

Work Experience

since 2013
  • Private practice, Cardiology Department, rue Locarno 1, 1700 Fribourg
  • Referring doctor, Cardioforme, Fribourg-Sarine cardiovascular maintenance group
  • Consultant physician, Affidea site CIMED
  • Registered doctor, Hôpital Daler, Clinique Générale (Ste-Anne) and Hospital Fribourg

Fellowship in cardiac MRI, Diagnostikum Berlin, Germany

2011 - 2012

Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, Cardiology Department

  • Head of Clinic
2007 - 2011

Inselspital, Berne, Cardiology Department

  • Assistant doctor
2006 - 2007

Hôpital de la Tour, Meyrin, Department of Cardiology.

  • Assistant doctor
2005 - 2006

Le Noirmont Clinic, cardiovascular rehabilitation centre

  • Head of Clinic
2003 - 2005

CHUV Lausanne, Department of Internal Medicine

  • Assistant doctor
2002 - 2003

Hôpital du Sud Fribourgeois, Riaz, Department of Internal Medicine

  • Assistant doctor
2001 - 2002

Martigny Regional Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine

  • Assistant doctor

Martigny Regional Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine

  • Assistant doctor


Heart rate as marker of successful percutaneous renal denervation, Lehner C., Cook S., Togni M, Goy J.-J. Cardiovascular Medicine 2012,vol 15, no. 7-8, p. 228-229

Small pit turning into pitfall … Eléonore Marchon, Jean-Christophe Stauffer, Cedric Lehner, Jean-Jacques Goy, Cardiovascular Medicine 2012;15(12):371–372

A randomized comparison of platelet reactivity in patients after treatment with various commercial clopidogrel preparations. the CLO-CLO trial, M. Oberhänsli, C. Lehner, S. Puricel, M.Togni, J.-C. Stauffer, G. Baeriswyl, J.-J. Goy, S. Cook, Arch. of Cardiovasc Dis 2012 Nov ; 105(11) :587-92

Acute coronary syndrome in patients younger than 30 years--aetiologies, baseline characteristics and long-term clinical outcome. Puricel S, Lehner C, Oberhänsli M, Rutz T, Togni M, Stadelmann M, Moschovitis A, Meier B, Wenaweser P, Windecker S, Stauffer JC, Cook S. Swiss Med Wkly. 2013 Jul 29;143


  • Doctorate in Medicine
  • Additional training in laboratory practice
  • In-depth training in cardiac MRI

FMH qualifications in general internal medicine and cardiology


Certificate in methodology, clinical research and biostatistics


Cours ACLS (advanced cardiac life support)


Medical diploma, University of Lausanne


Baccalaureate and Federal Matura with Latin option


  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) at rest
  • Exercise test on a treadmill or bicycle
  • Event ECG (Holter, "R-test")
  • Ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABD)
  • Echocardiography at rest
  • Echocardiography under stress (dobutamine)
  • Control of cardiac pacemakers (Pacemaker)
  • Morphological heart MRI, stress with adenosine or dobutamine

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

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Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Nathalie Pugnale-Verilotte

Endocrinology, Diabetology, Internal medicine
Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Grégoire Schrago

Internal medicine, Sports medicine
Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Rémy Boscacci

Internal medicine, Infectiology