Work Experience

since 2012

Neurosurgeon practicing privately in Lausanne, Fribourg, Genolier

2011 - 2012

Senior physician with shared responsibility for the spinal unit (more than 3,000 complex spinal cases per year), Klinikum rechts der Isar - Munich Technical University

2009 - 2010

Clinical Director, Neurosurgical Department, HUG, Geneva


Assistant Clinical Director, Neurosurgical Department, CHUV, Lausanne

Handouts Presentations

  • Villard J : The Role of Sagittal Balance in Primary Degenerative Scoliosis,4th Neurospine Meeting, Bern, 2014
  • Villard J : The biodynamic viewpoint for spinal instrumentations, 2nd SFCNS meeting, Montreux, 2013
  • Obermüller T, Ringel F, Villard J, Meyer B, Ryang Y-M  : Learning Curve in intra-operative image-guided spinal navigation, Congrès de la Soc. Française de Neurochirurgie, Toulouse, 2012
  • Reinke A, Preuss A, Behr M, Villard J, Meyer B, Ringel F  : Returning to sport after cervical arthroplasty in young patients with a soft disc herniation, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Berlin, 2012
  • Villard J : Neuronavigation dans les instrumentations thoraciques et lombaires, Congrès de la SNCLF, Paris, 2011
  • Villard J, Ryang Y-M, Ringel F, Meyer B : Strahlenexposition des Operateurs und Patienten während instrumentierter Eingriffe der unteren thorakalen und lumbalen Wirbelsäule, ein prospektiver Vergleich navigierter und unnavigierter Eingriffe, 6. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Hamburg, 2011
  • Ryang Y-M, Obermüller T, Ringel F, Villard J, Meyer B : Erste Erfahrungen und Lernkurve bei intraoperativer Bildwandler gestützter spinaler Navigation einer erfahrenen Wirbelsäulenklinik, 6. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Hamburg, 2011
  • Shiban E, Villard J, Meyer B : Conservative vs surgical treatment in mild to moderate spondylotic cervical myelopathy: Introduction to the Treatment of Cervical Myelopathy (TIME) study, a prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter surgical trial, Deutscher neurochirurgischer Gesellschaft Kongress, 2011
  • Meyer B, Villard J: Treatment of cervical ankylosing spondylitis, AO-Spine Master course, Padua, 2011
  • Reinke A, Preuss A, Behr M, Villard J, Meyer B, Ringel F  : Returning to sport after cervical arthroplasty in young patients with a soft disc herniation, Deutscher neurochirurgischer Gesellschaft Kongress, 2011
  • Villard J: Tumoren im Spinalkanal, OTA-Ausbildung, Technische Universität München, Munich, 2011
  • Meyer B, Villard J: Subaxiale Ligamentäre Verletzungen – Erkennen und behandeln, AO-Spine Fortgeschrittenen Kurs, Frankfurt, 2011
  • Villard J, Hasenkamp W: Implantable spine sensors, a novel approach to the dynamic assessment of spinal biomechanics, 1st Neurospine Meeting, Bern, 2011
  • Villard J, Brodard J, Jaegersberg M, Schaller K, Tessitore E : Clinical and radiological outcome of PMMA augmented pedicle screws in the context of reduced bone quality, 5. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Bremen, 2010
  • Villard J, Hasenkamp W: Utilisation de capteurs télémétriques dans l’instrumentation spinale, Symposium de Neurochirurgie, HUG, 2010
  • Villard J: The effect of different design concepts on range of motion, center of rotation and facet joint forces, SFCNS (Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies), Basel, 2010
  • Tessitore E, Villard J, Schaller K: Indications for dynamic and rigid stabilization, Congrès SCFNS, Basel, 2010
  • Villard J: Facteurs pronostiques et prise en charge des méningiomes parasagittaux, Colloque des neurosciences cliniques, HUG, 2010
  • Villard J, Levivier M, Bloch J: Histological grade and posterior location as a bad prognosis factor in terms of recurrence and prognosis for parasagittal meningiomas, WSSFN, Toronto, 2009
  • Villard J, Pica A, Levivier M, Bloch J: Last third of the superior sagittal sinus parasagittal location as a bad prognosis factor in terms of tumoral control for meningiomas, Congrès Européen de Neurochirurgie Fonctionnelle, ESSFN, Rimini, 2008
  • Villard J, Pica A, Bloch J: Parasagittal location as a bad prognosis factor in terms of recurrence and tumoral control for meningiomas, Congrès Européen de Neurooncologie, EANO, Barcelona, 2008
  • Maternini M, Villard J, Quanadli S, Pascual M, Matter M: Laparoscopic living donor transplantation, Congrès Suisse de Chirurgie Viscérale, Lugano, 2006
  • Bloch J, Villard J, Pica A: Radiosurgery for meningioma, Congrès Européen de Neurochirurgie Fonctionnelle, ESSFN, Montreux, 2006


Neurosurgery is the area of surgical expertise that studies and treats diseases of the brain, cerebellum, spinal marrow, spinal column and nerves.

Neurosurgical specialisms

Spinal neurosurgery
The medical and surgical treatment of congenital, tumoral, degenerative, infectious or traumatic diseases of the spinal column and spinal marrow, including spinal fusion and spinal instrumentation.

Vascular neurosurgery
The medical and surgical treatment of cranio-cerebral and spino-medullar vascular diseases: aneurysm, vascular malformation, haemorrhages, cerebral ischemia, carotid and vertebral diseases.

Interventional endovascular neurosurgery
Endovascular therapies consisting in the introduction of coils or stents, or embolization, dilation, vascular occlusion, injection of medicaments in the case of vascular diseases such as aneurysms, tumours, arterial vasospasms, occlusive carotid and vertebral diseases, or thrombolysis in the case of strokes.

The medical and surgical treatment of any benign or malignant, primary or secondary tumoral disease of the central nervous system, including the brain, skull, spinal marrow and spinal column as well as of the peripheral nervous system. Intra-arterial, venous or interstitial drug-based chemotherapy. Treatment by means of radiosurgery or radiotherapy.

Paediatric neurosurgery
Medical and surgical treatment of any congenital or acquired disease of the central or peripheral nervous system (0 to 18 years): cranial and cerebral, medullar and spinal malformation, tumour, infection, hydrocephaly, syringomyelia, trauma.

Medical and surgical treatment of patients suffering from cranio-cerebral or spino-medullar traumas, intracranial haematomas, closed-head injuries, skull fractures, monitoring of head injuries, spinal fractures with or without damage to the spinal marrow.

Functional neurosurgery
Medical and surgical treatment of motor disorders, Parkinson's disease, pain, spasticity and various psychiatric disorders.

Neurosurgical treatment of epilepsy
Surgical treatment of epilepsy, including the recording of epileptogenic activity, electrode implantation and stimulation of the vagus nerve.

Peripheral nerve surgery
Medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the peripheral nerves in the brachial plexus, the lumbosacral plexus and the peripheral nerves of the upper or lower limbs: tumour, trauma, strangulation syndrome or nerve compression.


  • FMH (Swiss Medical Association)
  • Medical Society of the Vaudoise
  • Academic Society of the Vaudoise
  • EPFL Alumni
  • Swiss Society of Neurosurgery
  • European Society of Spinal Surgery
  • European Foundation of Spinal Surgery
  • AO Spine
  • German Society of Spinal Surgery


Prospective studies in progress

  • Shiban E, Ringel F, Meyer B, Villard J : Treatment of cervical myelopathy (TIME) Studie : Vergleichsanalyse zwischen der prolongierten konservativen Behandlung und der chirurgischen Behandlung von spondylotischer zervikaler Myelopathie
  • Ryang Y-M, Villard J, Ringel F, Meyer B : Navigation vs Free-hand technique in thoraco-lumbar spine instrumentation, a prospective controlled study
  • Co-researcher in the study : A retrospective study of the benefit of robotic spine surgery, Protocol Number : CLN-104, Mazor Robotics Ltd.
  • Co-researcher in the study : SMART-6 - Surgical Multi-center Assessment of RF Ablation for the Treatment of Vertebrogenic Back Pain; 6 month crossover, A prospective randomized, double-blind, controlled investigation evaluating the Intracept Intraosseous Nerve Ablation System for the reduction of pain in patients with chronic axial low back pain, Protocol Number : CIP 004, RelievantMedsystems Inc.


  • Villard J, Hasenkamp W, Reinke A, Preuss A, Behr M, Meyer B, Ringel F : In vitro testing of new carbon fiber rods in posterior spinal instrumentation using a 3D-force sensor, collaboration EPFL – TUM – Orthobion, 2011
  • Hasenkamp W, Villard J, Renaud P: Telemetric 3D-force sensors for spinal instrumentation, EPFL, since 2009
  • Villard J, Hasenkamp W: Medbook, new approach to EMR, EPFL, since 2010
  • Guerid M, Villard J: Integrated EMR in private practice, since 2011
  • Villard J, Radovanovic I, Schaller K: Implementation of Same Day Surgery in the Neurosurgery department, HUG, 2010
  • Villard J, Schaller K, Harbarth S: Implementation of prospective monitoring of wounds, HUG, 2010
  • Villard J, Schaller K, Tessitore E: Protocol for the treatment of spinal wounds, HUG, 2010
  • Villard J, Robert T, Levivier M: Improved circulation of neurosurgery dossiers, CHUV 2009
  • Villard J, Baur C, Clavel R, Sims M, 3D Visual Data and User Interface, Master Thesis, AMES-NASA, 1998
  • Villard J, Fluckiger L, Baur C, Clavel R,  Development and realisation of a syntaxer to control a virtual interface, Virtual reality and Advanced interface, 1997
  • Villard J, Jacot J,  Development and realisation of a vision system for a microassembly station, VISION, 1997
  • Villard J, Godjevac J, Nicoud JD, Gripper arm for an anti-personnel mine detector robot, LAMI, 1996

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Philippe Otten

Neurosurgery, Spinal surgery, Slipped disc in the cervical spine – cervical disc herniation, Hallux valgus, Herniated disc in the lumbar spine, Herniated disc in the thoracic spine, Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Osteoporosis – fractures in the spine, Intervertebral disc prosthesis | Artificial intervertebral disc, Scoliosis and kyphosis – curvature of the spine, Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal, Spinal tumours and metastases on the spinal column View more
Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Olivier Vernet

Neurosurgery, Spinal surgery, Slipped disc in the cervical spine – cervical disc herniation, Herniated disc in the lumbar spine, Herniated disc in the thoracic spine, Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Osteoporosis – fractures in the spine, Intervertebral disc prosthesis | Artificial intervertebral disc, Scoliosis and kyphosis – curvature of the spine, Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal, Spinal tumours and metastases on the spinal column View more
Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Jeremy Brodard

Neurosurgery, Spinal surgery, Slipped disc in the cervical spine – cervical disc herniation, Herniated disc in the lumbar spine, Herniated disc in the thoracic spine, Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Osteoporosis – fractures in the spine, Intervertebral disc prosthesis | Artificial intervertebral disc, Scoliosis and kyphosis – curvature of the spine, Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal, Spinal tumours and metastases on the spinal column View more