Specialist in ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery
FMH Specialist in Ophthalmology and ophtalmic surgery
Swiss Visio Beau-Rivage
Chemin de Beau-Rivage 18
1006 Lausanne
Specialist in ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery
Set up Private practice in Fribourg
Head of clinic, Ophthalmology and Eye surgery Department, Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin, Lausanne
Head of clinic, Ophthalmology and Eye surgery Department, Hôpital de la Chaux-de-fonds (Doctor Sekkat)
Internal medicine, Ophthalmology and Eye surgery Department, Inselspital, University Hospital of Bern (Doctor Korner)
Internal medicine, Ophthalmology and Eye surgery Department, HFR Fribourg, Cantonal Hospital (Doctor Korol)
Internal medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology, CHUV, Lausanne (Professor Leyvraz)
FMH Eye surgery, Lausanne
FMH Ophthalmology, Lausanne
PhD in Medicine, Lausanne University
Diploma of Medicine, Lausanne University