Dr. med. Hilgenfeld Hilgenfeld
Specialist in otorhinolaryngology and general internal medicine, member FMH
- Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide
Contact me
HNO Zentrum Affoltern am Albis Obstgartenstrasse 5
8910 Affoltern am Albis
Work Experience
Belegärztin, Privatklinik Bethanien, Zürich
Establishment of the ENT Center Affoltern am Albis practice
Senior Physician Emergency Center Clinic St. Anna Lucerne
ORL specialist and practice deputy Sihlcity Medical Center Zurich
Specialist FMH-ORL, ENT Clinic Cantonal Hospital Liestal, Prof. Tschopp
Interdisciplinary emergency ward Hirslanden Clinic Zurich, Dr. Fleischmann
Social project in Vietnam with the German Cleftkinderhilfe: operations and therapy optimization for cleft lip and palate children
Assistant physician and regular assignments as senior physician, ENT University Clinic Basel, Prof. Wolfensberger/ Prof. Bodmer
Specialist Assistant Physician, ENT Clinic Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Prof. Podvinec
Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric / Pediatric Surgical Emergency Ward, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Prof. Meuli
Surgery, Limmattal Hospital Schlieren, Prof. Schöb
Specialist examination ORL
Data processing for research purposes, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Westhofen
Chair of Biology at RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Schmidt, teaching students
Dissertation "Guideline-compliant therapy of allergic rhinitis in practice - an evaluation based on 47,953 cases" Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Mösges, Cologne / Aachen (D)
Medical studies in Aachen (D), Zurich and Bern
Student research assistant, sleep laboratory of the Neurological University Clinic of the RWTH Aachen (D), Prof. Noth
Experimental-clinical study, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Seghaye / Prof. von Bernuth