Privatklinik Siloah

Dr méd. Balz Aklin


Hôpital, Clinique (2)

Orthopädiepraxis Neuengasse
Neuengass-Passage 2
3011 Bern

Expérience professionnelle

Depuis 2020 - 0

Eigentümer Orthopädiepraxis Neuengasse, Zentrum für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Sportmedizin

2013 - 2020

Übernahme Praxis Dr. med. Bernhard Huber.
Belegarzt eigener Praxis, Salemspital Bern

2010 - 2013

Leitender Arzt und Chefarzt Stv., Orthopädisches Zentrum Münsingen, Orthopädisches Sportzentrum Münsingen, Spitalnetz Bern

2006 - 2010

Orthopädische Klinik, Kantonsspital Aarau, Oberarzt, Leitung Hüftteam

2005 - 2006

Spital Münsingen, Orthopädisches Zentrum Münsingen

2003 - 2005

Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Basel 

2001 - 2003

Postdoktorat Knorpelchirurgie, "Osteoarticular Research Group", Institut für Pathologie, Universität Bern


Promotion "In Vitro Model for the Study of Necrosis and Apoptosis in Native Cartilage" Institut für Pathologie, Universität Bern


Brehm W, Aklin B, Wang S, Grogan SP, Jakob R, Mainil-Varlet P. Repair of Full-thickness Articular Cartilage Construct in Rabbits. Submitted, JBJS Am. 

Brehm W, Aklin B, Mainil-Varlet P. Surgical Factors Influencing Subchondral Bone Remodelling in Caprine cartilaginous Defects. Submitted, JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH.

Brehm W, Aklin B, Yamashita T, Rieser F, Trüb T, Jakob R, Mainil-Varlet P. Repair of Superficial Osteochondral Defects with an Autologous Scaffold Free Cartilage Construct in a Caprine Model. Submitted, OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE.

Brehm W, Aklin B, Mainil-Varlet P. Surgical Factors influencing the Delamination Rates of Periosteal Flap used in experimental Caprine Cartilage Repair Strategies. Submitted, TISSUE ENGINEERING

Grogan SP, Aklin B, Frenz M, Brunner T, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. In vitro model for the study of necrosis and apoptosis in native cartilage. J Pathol. 2002 Sep;198(1):5-13

Grogan SP, Aklin B, Frenz M, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. Rapid evalution of cell viability and apoptosis in intact cartilage via confocal microscopy, 47thAnnual Meeting ORS, San Francisco, 2001, Abstract 34.

Brehm W, Aklin B, Wang X, Trüb T, Jakob RP, Mainil-Varlet P. Novel Technologies to repair cartilage defects. SGO, Schweiz Med Forum, 2003, Suppl 15, 29S.

Aklin B, Wang X, Kohler I, Grogan SP, Rieser F, Trüb T, Schaffner T, Mainil-Varlet P. Compartmental repair of osteochondral defects: a preliminary study in rabbits. DKF. Tag der Klinischen Forschung, Universität Bern, 2002.

Brehm W, Aklin B, Mainil-Varlet P. Subchondral bone remodeling in a caprine cartilage defect model. 8thWC OARSI, Berlin, 2003, Vol 11, Suppl A, 28.

Aklin B, Brehm W, Mainil-Varlet P. Periosteal flap loosening rate in a caprine chondral defect model, 8thWC OARSI, Berlin, 2003, Vol 11, Suppl A, 107.

Brehm W, Aklin B, Yamashita T, Rieser F, Trüb T, Mainil-Varlet P. Cartilage repair using DENOVO-T™in a caprine superficial osteochondral defect model. 5thICRS Meeting, Gent, 2004, Abstract, Poster 806, 100.

Aklin B, Rieser F, Trüb T, Grogan SP, Winkelmann V, Jakob RP, Mainil-Varlet P. Articular cartilage repair using DENOVO-T™: a scaffold-free cartilage-like implant. 5thICRS Meeting, Gent, 2004, Abstract 805, 17.

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