Clinique de Genolier

Dr méd. Didier Chardonnens

Spécialiste en gynécologie et obstétrique, membre FMH

Spécialités (2)


Hôpital, Clinique (1)
Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier



Associate Professor (Privat Docent) Geneva University


Reproductive Medicine Specialist Swiss Diploma


Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Swiss Diploma


MRCOG part I examination


Medicine Doctorate


Federal Diploma of Medicine

Expérience professionnelle

2011 - 2013

Senior Consultant, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

2003 - 2004

Acting Head of Reproductive Medicine Service, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

2002 - 2003

Senior Consultant, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

1998 - 2002

Consultant, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

1995 - 1998

Senior Registrar, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

1994 - 1995

Junior Registrar, Endocrinology, University Hospital Geneva


Research Fellow, Gyn. & Obst., Jessop Women Hospital Sheffield

1993 - 1994

Senior Registrar, Gyn. & Obst., Hospital Aigle


Registrar, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Johannesburg

1990 - 1992

SHO, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Geneva

1989 - 1990

SHO, Gyn. & Obst., University Hospital Johannesburg

1987 - 1989

SHO, Endocrinology, University Hospital Geneva

1986 - 1987

SHO, Psychiatry, Hospital de Marsens

1985 - 1986

SHO, Surgery, Monthey Hospital


Lang U, Daniel C, Chardonnens D, Capponi AM & Vallotton MB Modulatory effects of protein kinase C activation in aortic smooth muscle and in adrenal glomerulosa cells during angiotensin II stimulation. In Methodological Surveys in Biochemistry and Medecine: Cell Signalling (1991), Vol 21, 115126 , Ed Reid E, Cook GMW & Luzio JP, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.

Kinkel K & Chardonnens D. Endometriosis. In MRI and CT of the female pelvis (2007). Ed B Hamm R Forstner Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
Chardonnens D & Campana A. Ovaires polykystiques : quand suspecter le diagnostic. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande (1999), 119, 459-461.

Bianchi de Micheli F, H Lucas, D Medico & Chardonnens D. Aspects sexologiques en médecine de la reproduction Médecine et Hygiène (2003) in Press

Chardonnens D. Prise en charge des aménorrhées secondaires Médecine et Hygiène Numéro spécial Quadrimed (2003), S25.
Shoukir Y, Chardonnens D, Campana A & Sakkas D. The rate of development and time of transfer play different roles in influencing the viability of human blastocysts. Human Reproduction (1998), 13, 3, 676 -681. (2,987)
Shoukir Y, Chardonnens D, Campana A & Sakkas D. Blastocyst development from supernumerary embryos after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a paternal influence ? Human Reproduction (1998), 13, 6, 1632-1637. (2,987)
Mock P, Chardonnens D, Stamm P, Campana A & Bischof P. The apparent late half - life of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) after surgical treatment for ectopic pregnancy. A New approach to diagnose persistent trophoblastic activity. European Journal of Obtetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology (1998), 78, 99-102.(0,884)
Mock P, Bischof P, Rivest R, Campana A & Chardonnens D. Modulation of hCG bioactivity during the first trimester of pregnancy. Human Reproduction (1998), 13, 9, 2629-2632. (2,987)
Chardonnens D, Sylvan K, Walker D, Bischof P, Sakkas D & Campana A. Triptorelin administration in early pregnancy: Case reports and review of the literature. European Journal of Obtetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology (1998), 80, 143-149. .(0,884)
Chardonnens D, Cameo P, Aubert M, Pralong FP, Campana A, Gaillard RC & Bischof P. Modulation of human cytotrophoblastic leptin secretion by interleukin-1 and 17-estradiol and its effect on human chorionic gonadotropin secretion . Molecular Human Reproduction, (1999) 5, 11, 1077-1082. (2.75)
Meisser A, Chardonnens D, Campana A & Bischof P. Effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 alpha, macrophage colony stimulating factor and transforming growth factor beta on trophoblastic matrix metalloproteinases. Molecular Human Reproduction (1999), 5, 3, 252-260. (2.75)
Morales M, Chardonnens D, A Bottani & A Campana. Syndrome du blépharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus et stérilité. Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la reproduction (1999), 28, 833-7. ()
Paoloni-Giacobino A, Dahoun SP, Sizonenko PC, Stalberg A, Chardonnens D and Campana A. A case of 45,X Turner syndrome with ovulatory cycles. Gynaecology Endocrinology (2000), 14 , 105-110. (0,878)
D Chardonnens, Islami D, Cameo P, Campana A and P Bischof. Trophoblastic leptin: regulation of its production and in vitro effects. Giornale Italiano di Ostetricia e Ginecologia (1999), 11, 532-535.( pas répertorié)
RR Gonzales, C Simon, P Caballero-Campo, R Norman, D Chardonnens, L Devoto and P Bischof. Leptin and reproduction. Human Reproduction Update 2000, 6, 290-300. (2,969)
D Islami, D Chardonnens, A Campana and P Bischof. Comparison of the effects of Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone GnRH I and II on human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) synthesis and secretion by first trimester trophoblast. Molecular Human Reproduction (2001), 7, 1, 3-9. (2.75)
C de Vantery Arrighi, H Lucas, D El Mowafi, A Campana and D Chardonnens. Effect of human hydrosalpinx fluid on in vitro mouse fertilization and cleavage. Human Reproduction (2001), 16(4), 676-682. (2,987)
D El Mowafi, U El Hendy, H Lucas H, D Chardonnens, C de Vanthéry and P Bischof Effect of hydrosalpynx fluid on implantation and blastocyst MMP-9 production. Egyptian Journal of Fertility and Sterility (2001) (pas répertorié)
N Jastrow, P Bischof, M Araman, A Meisser, A Campana and D Chardonnens. Effect of hydrosalpynx fluid on trophoblastic matrix metalloproteinases secretion. Fertility and Sterility (2002), 77 (3), 588-594. (2,960)
D Sakkas, G Leppens-Luisier, H Lucas, D Chardonnens, A Campana, DR Franken and F Urner. Localization of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in human sperm and relation to capacitation and zona pellucida binding Biology of Reproduction (2003), 68(4), 1463-1469. (3,2)
JM Ayoubi, M Epiney, D Chardonnens, PA Brioschi, R Fanchin, A Campana and D de Ziegler Comparison of changes in uterine contraction frequency after ovulation in the menstrual cycle and in vitro fertilization cycle. Fertility and Sterility (2003), 79 (5), 1101-1105. (2,960)
F Bianchi de Micheli, R Kulier, H Lucas and D Chardonnens Premenstruel syndrome Swiss Medical Weekly (2002) (0.118)
Possible interactions between leptin, gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). D Islami, D Chardonnens and P Bischof European Journal of Obtetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology (2003), 110 (2), 169-175. (0,878)
D Islami, P Bischof and D Chardonnens Modulation of placental vascular endothelial growth factor by leptin and hCG. Molecular Human Reproduction (2003), 9 (7), 395-398.
F Bianchi de Micheli, F Lüdicke and D Chardonnens Case report of an imaginary pregnancy in menopause Maturitas 2003
Bianchi-Demicheli F, Perrin E, Dupanloup A, Dumont P, Bonnet J, Berthoud M, Kulier R, Bettoli L, Lorenzi-Cioldi F, Chardonnens D. Contraceptive counselling and social representations: a qualitative study. Swiss Med Wkly. (2006), 136(7-8):127-34.
Removal of spermatozoa with externalized phosphatidylserine from sperm preparation in human assisted medical procreation: effects on viability, motility and mitochondrial membrane Vantéry Arrighi C, Lucas H, Chardonnens D, de Agostini Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2009 Jan 8;7:1.


  • Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique (SSGO)
  • British Fertility Society (BFS)
  • European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
  • Société Suisse de Fertilité, Stérilité et de Planning Familial (SSFP)
  • North American Society of Menopause (NAMS)
  • European Society of Gynaecologic Endoscopy (ESGE)


  • Prix de la Faculté de Médecine de Genève 1990 pour la thèse
  • Nominated for award of best paper presented XIth Washington International Spring Symposium, Washington DC 1991
  • Casmed BFS award for best poster at the joint British Fertility Society - British Andrology Society - Society for the Study of Fertility meeting, York 1997
  • SSGO Premier Prix des Posters Genève 1998
  • Nominated for the Fertility Society of Australia Price at the British Fertility Society meeting, Sheffield 1998

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