Clinique de Montchoisi

Dr. med. Paolo Fornaciari

Spécialiste FMH en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie. Spécialiste de la chirurgie de l'épaule

Area di competenza (16)
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Ulteriori accreditamenti (1)
  • Hôpital de La Providence


Studio (3)

Cabinet Dr Fornaciari
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne

Esperienze professionali

dal 2023

Médecin indépendant, Lausanne, Suisse

dal 2023

Médecin agréé, Clinique de Montchoisi, Lausanne, Suisse

dal 2021

Responsable membre supérieur, Médecin-chef adjoint (Médecin hospitalier jusqu'à avril 2022), Service d’orthopédie et traumatologie, RHNe Neuchâtel, Suisse

2019 - 2021

Chef de Clinique, Team membre supérieur, Service d’orthopédie et traumatologie, HFR Fribourg Hôpital Cantonal, Suisse

2016 - 2019

Médecin-assistant, Service d’orthopédie et traumatologie, Clinique Universitaire de Balgrist, Université de Zurich, Suisse

2014 - 2016

Médecin-assistant, Service d’orthopédie et traumatologie, HFR Fribourg Hôpital Cantonal, Suisse

2013 - 2014

Médecin-assistant, Service de chirurgie générale, LUKS Wolhusen, Suisse

2012 - 2013

Médecin-assistant, Service d’orthopédie et traumatologie, HFR Tafers, Suisse


  • SECEC-ESSSE (European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow)
  • SGOT-SSOT (Swiss Orthopaedics Society)



Formation complémentaire en médecine du sport 


Spécialiste en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie de l’appareil locomoteur


Doctorat en médecine


Thürig, G; Galley, J; Maniglio, M; Fornaciari, P; Habib, N; Tannast, M; Vial, P; ,Der Wert der MRT bei der Diagnose von akromioklavikulären Verletzungen,Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology,37,2,177,2021,Urban & Fischer

Braganca J, Fornaciari P; Tannast M, Vial P; ,Low Profile Transverse Plating for Treatment of Dorsal Rim Fracture of the Distal Radius: A Mid-Term Follow-Up of Functional and Radiological Result.,SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY,151,,13S-13S,2021

Helmstetter T, Maniglio M, Fornaciari P, Tannast M, Vial P ,Surgical technique for radial head fractures with more than 3 fragments: A new concept of fixation,SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY,151,,45S-45S,2021

Antoniu RD, Fornaciari P; Vial P ,A Report of Three Cases of Intra-Articular Corrective Osteotomies for Distal Humerus Malunion,SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY,151,,46S-46S,2021

Lucadei F, Fornaciari P, Vial P ,Radius shaft fracture combined with a dislocation of the radial head-A rare pattern of injury,SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY,151,,44S-45S,2021

Thürig G, Habib N, Galley J, Maniglio M, Fornaciari P, Tannast M, Vial P; ,Die Bedeutung der “Wave”-und “Liquid”-Zeichen in Acromioclavikular-Luxation,Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology,38,2,211-212,2022,Urban & Fischer

Serrano N, Kissling M, Krafft H, Link K, Ullrich O, Buck FM, Mathews S, Serowy S, Gascho D, Grüninger P, Fornaciari P, Bouaicha S, Müller-Gerbl M, Rühli FJ, Eppler E. CT-based and morphological comparison of glenoid inclination and version angles and mineralisation distribution in human body donors. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Oct 5;22(1):849. doi: 10.1186/s12891-021-04660-4. PMID: 34610804; PMCID: PMC8493698.

Hinge plate technique for osteosynthesis of comminuted proximal humeral fractures. Habib N, Fornaciari P (co first author), Thuerig G, Maniglio M, Tannast M, Vial P. Injury. 2021 Aug; 52(8):2292-2299

Der Wert der MRT bei der Diagnose von akromioklavikulären Verletzungen. Thürig G, Galley J, Maniglio M, Fornaciari P, Habib N, Tannast M, Vial P Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 37 (2), 177, June 2021

Morphological and CT-based functional investigations of the glenohumeral joint in human body donors Serrano N, Link K, Buck FM, Kissling M, Serowy S, Gascho D, Thali M, Burkhard M, Krafft H, Ullrich O, Mathews S, Boeni T, Bouaicha S, Fornaciari P, Grueninger P, Mueller-Gerbl M, Ruehli FJ, Eppler E Journal of Anatomy 236, 307-307, April 2020

Watertightness of Wound Closure in Lumbar Spine—A Comparison of Different Techniques. Suter A, Spirig JM, Fornaciari P, Bachmann E, Götschi T, Klein K, Farshad M. Journal of Spine Surgery Vol 5, No3 (September 2019).

Long-Term Outcomes of Pectoralis Major Transfer for the Treatment of Irreparable Subscapularis Tears. Ernstbrunner L, Wieser K, Catanzaro S, Agten CA, Fornaciari P, Bauer DE, Gerber C. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (September 2019).

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in the Treatment of Glenohumeral Instability.
Hasler A, Fornaciari P (co first author), Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Jentzsch T, Wieser K, Gerber C. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Aug;28(8):1587-1594.

Kinematics of the Spine Under Healthy and Degenerative Conditions: A Systematic Review. Widmer J, Fornaciari P, Senteler M, Roth T, Snedeker JG, Farshad M. Ann Biomed Eng. 2019 Jul;47(7):1491-1522.

Jumper's Knee. Fornaciari P, Kabelitz M, Fucentese SF. Praxis (Bern 1994). 2018 Apr;107(9-10):513-519. (German)

Obturator Dislocation of the Hip with Associated Femoral Head Impaction and Medial Wall Fracture of the Acetabulum: a Case Report. Maniglio M, Solinger T, Fornaciari P; Bäcker H; Wahl P; Gautier E Journal of Case Reports in Orthopaedics.

Surgical Treatment of Mild to Severe Hallux Valgus Deformities with a Percutaneus Subcapital Osteotomy Combined with a Lateral Soft Tissu Procedure. Maniglio M; Fornaciari P, Bäcker H, Gautier E, Lottenbach M Foot & Ankle Specialist 2017

Review and Long-Term Outcomes of Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction versus Conservative
Treatment in Siblings with Congenital Anterior Cruciate Ligament Aplasia. Davanzo D, Fornaciari P , Barbier G , Maniglio M , Petek D Case Rep Orthop 2017

Experience of Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Novel Navigation System Within the Surgical Field. Niehaus R, Schilter D, Fornaciari P, Weinand C, Boyd M, Ziswiler M, Ehrendorfer S. Knee. 2017 Jan 20.

Arthroscopic Synovectomy in Bilateral Lipoma Arborescens. Fornaciari P, Schai PA, Kurrer MO, Exner GU Journal of Case Reports in Orthopaedics Nov-Dec 2016; Volume 6, Issue 5

On the History of Plasma Treatment and Comparison of Microbiostatic Efficacy of a Historical High-Frequency Plasma Device with Two Modern Devices. Napp J, Daeschlein G, Napp M, von Podewils S, Gümbel D, Spitzmueller R, Fornaciari P, Hinz P, Jünger M. GMS Hyg Infect Control. 2015 Jun 2;10

Intra-Articular Giant Synovial Osteochondroma: Case Reports of the Ankle and Knee Joint. Fornaciari P., Schai PA, Niehaus R, Exner UG, Case Rep Orthop vol. 2015, Article ID 320139, 5 pages, 2015.

Isolated Talonavicular Fusion with Tension Band for Müller-Weiss Syndrome. Fornaciari P, Gilgen A, Zwicky L, Horn Lang T, Hintermann B. Foot Ankle Int. 2014 Aug 19.

Dimensional TTTG Distance, a New Standard for Patellofemoral Disease Investigation. Harris SJ, Fornaciari P, Cobb JP; Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 27(10):0 (2011).

Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Administration after Acute Spinal Cord Contusion Injury in Rats Does Not Reduce the Size of the Lesion Area. Geuna S, Fornaro M, Giacobini-Robecchi M, Raimondo S, Ronchi G, Di Scipio F, Cossu G, Fornaciari P, Pereira J, Costa L, Filipe V, Magalhães L, Couto P, Melo-Pinto P, Bulas-Cruz J, Varejão A. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology April, June 2008.

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