Clinica Ars Medica

Prof. Dr. med. Guido Garavaglia

Specialista in Chirurgia ortopedica e Traumatologia dell’apparato locomotore, membro FMH

Ulteriori accreditamenti (1)
  • Ars Medica Centro Medico Manno


Studio (1)
Ars Medica Centro Medico
Via Cantonale 38
6928 Manno


Posizione Attuale:

  • Professore titolare della Facoltà di Scienze Biomediche dell’Università della svizzera Italiana (USI)
  • Medico Accreditato e Responsabile Formazione e Ricerca Clinica Ars Medic, Gravesano
  • Medico Aggiunto Ospedale La Beata Vergine, Mendrisio
  • Medico Aggiunto Ospedale La Carità di Locarno e consulente Centro Cantonale di medicina dello Sport (CCMS)

Attività clinica:

  • chirurgia ricostruttiva della spalla, dell’anca e del ginocchio

Attività insegnamento:

  • esaminatore OSCE, insegnamento ex-cattedra, bed-side teaching

Attività ricerca:

  • responsabile “Geneva Hip Radiological Registry”



Dottorato nella Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Ginevra. “Reliability of stress radiographic techniques in the evaluation of posterior laxity” 


Specialista FMH in chirurgia ortopedica e traumatologia dell’apparato locomotore. Certificato (SSMS) «Formazione complementare in medicina dello Sport»


USMLE step 1 e step 2 (equivalenza americana)


Diploma federale di medicina – Université de Lausanne, Losanna


Maturità federale tipo C (scientifico) – Liceo cantonale, Bellinzona


Licenza scuola medie – Scuole medie 2, Bellinzona


Articoli originali pubblicati in giornali a politica editoriale con impact factor

Radiographic signs and hip pain 5 years after THA with a cemented stem predict future revision for aseptic loosening: a prospective cohort study. Lübbeke A, Barea C, Zingg M, Lauper N, Hannouche D, Garavaglia G. Acta Orthop. 2024 Jan 29;95:32-38.

Leçons apprises par 25 ans d’un registre institutionnel des prothèses de hanche et de genou [Lessons learned from 25 years of an institutional hip and knee arthroplasty registry]. Lübbeke A, Baréa C, Miozzari H, Garavaglia G, Gonzalez A, Zingg M, Blatter-Sellak L, Renevey F, Bandi C, Hoffmeyer P, Hannouche D. Rev Med Suisse. 2021 Dec 15;17(763):2161-2165.

Short stem total hip arthroplasty with the direct anterior approach demonstrates suboptimal fixation. Garavaglia G, Gonzalez A, Barea C, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P, Lübbeke A, Hannouche D. Int Orthop. 2021 Jan 11.

A new mini-open technique of arthroscopically assisted Latarjet. Taverna E, Longo UG, Guarrella V, Garavaglia G, Perfetti C, Sconfienza LM, Broffoni L, Denaro V. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 May 7;21(1):285.

An arthroscopic bone block procedure is effective in restoring stability, allowing return to sports in cases of glenohumeral instability with glenoid bone deficiency. Taverna E, Garavaglia G, Perfetti C, Ufenast H, Sconfienza LM, Guarrella V. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Apr 6.

Arthroscopically-assisted Latarjet: an easy and reproducible technique for improving the accuracy of graft and screw placement. Taverna E, Guarrella V, Cartolari R, Ufenast H, Broffoni L, Barea C, Garavaglia G. Shoulder Elbow. 2018 Apr;10(2):99-106.

Arthroscopic Reduction with Endobutton Fixation for Glenoid Fracture. Ettore Taverna, Vincenzo Guarrella, Michael Thomas Freehill, Guido Garavaglia. Joints. 2017 Jun; 5(2): 127–130.  

Arthroscopic treatment of glenoid bone loss. Taverna E, Garavaglia G, Ufenast H, D'Ambrosi R. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Feb;24(2):546-56.

One step arthroscopically assisted Latarjet and posterior bone-block, for recurrent posterior instability and anterior traumatic dislocation. Riccardo D’Ambrosi, Carlo Perfetti, Guido Garavaglia, Ettore Taverna. Int J Shoulder Surg. 2015 Jul-Sep; 9(3): 94–98. 

Arthroscopic bone graft procedure for anterior inferior glenohumeral instability. Taverna E, D’Ambrosi R, Perfetti C, Garavaglia G. Arthrosc Tech. 2014 Nov 3;3(6):e653-60.

A comparative assessment of small-head metal-on-metal and ceramic-on-polyethylene total hip replacement. Lübbeke A, Gonzalez A, Garavaglia G, Roussos C, Bonvin A, Stern R, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P.Bone Joint J. 2014 Jul;96-B(7):868-75.

Strong association between smoking and the risk of revision in a cohort study of patients with metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Rothman KJ, Garavaglia G, Barea C, Christofilopoulos P, Stern R, Hoffmeyer P. J Orthop Res. 2014 Feb 24.

Patients' point of view on informed consent: a prospective study in carpal tunnel surgery. Fusetti C, Lazzaro M, Trobia M, Lucchina S, Petri J, Garavaglia G. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2013 Dec;42(12)

Arthroscopically assisted Latarjet procedure: A new surgical approach for accurate coracoid graft placement and compression. Taverna E, Ufenast H, Garavaglia G. Int J Shoulder Surg. 2013 Jul;7(3):120-3.

Patients' point of view on informed consent: a prospective study in carpal tunnel surgery. Fusetti C, Lazzaro M, Trobia M, Lucchina S, Petri J, Garavaglia G. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2013 Dec;42(12):E111-5.

Should aspirin be stopped before carpal tunnel surgery? A prospective study. Brunetti S, Petri GJ, Lucchina S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. World J Orthop. 2013 Oct 18;4(4):299-302.

Re: Lee et al. Anatomical collateral ligament reconstruction in the hand using intraosseous suture anchors and a free tendon graft. J Hand Surg Eur. 2012, 37: 832-8. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Thébaud A, Lee JI, Jeon WJ, Suh DH, Park JH, Lee JM, Park JW. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2013 Jun;38(5):576-8.

A functional BCR in human IgA and IgM plasma cells. Pinto D, Montani E, Bolli M, Garavaglia G, Sallusto F, Lanzavecchia A, Jarrossay D. Blood. 2013 May 16;121(20):4110-4. doi: 10.1182/blood-2012-09-459289. Epub 2013 Apr 2.

Analysis of the inter- and intra-observer agreement in radiographic evaluation of wrist fractures using the multimedia messaging service. Ferrero A, Garavaglia G, Gehri R, Maenza F, Petri GJ, Fusetti C. Hand (N Y). 2011 Dec;6(4):384-9. doi: 10.1007/s11552-011-9362-4. Epub 2011 Sep 23.

Statins may reduce femoral osteolysis in patients with total Hip arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Garavaglia G, Rothman KJ, Bonvin A, Roussos C, Miozzari H, Hoffmeyer P. J Orthop Res. 2013 May;31(5):814-20. doi: 10.1002/jor.22262. Epub 2012 Nov 8.

The frequency of subscapularis tears in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A retrospective study comparing magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopic findings. Garavaglia G, Ufenast H, Taverna E. Int J Shoulder Surg. 2011 Oct;5(4):90-4.

Fracture of the radial sesamoid bone of the thumb: an unusual fracture. Deabate L, Garavaglia G, Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Chin J Traumatol. 2011 Oct 1;14(5):309-11.

Influence of patient activity on femoral osteolysis at five and ten years following hybrid total hip replacement. Lübbeke A, Garavaglia G, Barea C, Stern R, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Apr;93(4):456-63.

Re: Ozcelik B, Kabakas F, Mersa B. Treatment of nonunion of the distal phalanx with olecranon bone graft. J Hand Surg Eur. 2009, 34: 638-42.Brunetti S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2011 Mar;36(3):252; author reply 253. Epub 2011 Feb 2.

alpha-Smooth muscle actin and TGF-beta receptor I expression in the healing rabbit medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments. Menetrey J, Laumonier T, Garavaglia G, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Piallat ML. Injury. 2010 Aug 26.

Influence of obesity on femoral osteolysis five and ten years following total hip arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Garavaglia G, Barea C, Roussos C, Stern R, Hoffmeyer P. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010 Aug 18;92(10):1964-72.

Ten-year results with the Morscher press-fit cup: an uncemented, non-modular, porous-coated cup inserted without screws. Garavaglia G, Lübbeke A, Barea C, Roussos C, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P. IntOrthop. 2010 Jun 4.

False aneurysm of the interosseous artery and anterior interosseous syndrome--an unusual complication of penetrating injury of the forearm: a case report. Pini R, Lucchina S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. J Orthop Surg Res. 2009 Dec 24;4:44.

Re: Souer JS, Mudgal CS. Plate fixation in closed ipsilateral multiple metacarpal fractures. J Hand Surg Eur. 2008, 33: 740-4. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Papaloïzos M. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2009 Aug;34(4):560-1; author reply 561-2

A reliable and simple solution for recalcitrant carpal tunnel syndrome: the hypothenar fat pad flap. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Mathoulin C, Petri JG, Lucchina S. Am J Orthop. 2009 Apr;38(4):181-6.

BMI and Severity of Clinical and Radiographic Signs of Hip Osteoarthritis. Lübbeke A, Duc S, Garavaglia G, Finckh A, Hoffmeyer P. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009 Jul;17(7):1414-9.

Outcomes of obese and nonobese patients undergoing revision total hip arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Moons KG, Garavaglia G, Hoffmeyer P.Arthritis Rheum. 2008 May 15;59(5):738-45.

Definition, classification, rationale and treatment for PCl deficient knee. Menetrey J, Garavaglia G, Fritschy D. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2007 Dec;93(8 Suppl):5S70-3.

A prospective comparison for suspected scaphoid fractures: bone scintigraphy versus clinical outcome. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G. Injury. 2008 Apr;39(4):500-1.

Accuracy of stress radiography techniques in grading isolated and combined posterior knee injuries: a cadaveric study. Garavaglia G, Lubbeke A, Dubois-Ferrière V, Suva D, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. Am J Sports Med. 2007 Dec;35(12):2051-6.

Autologous chondrocyte implantation for focal cartilage lesions: state of the art in 2007. Garavaglia G, Lubowicki A, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. Rev Med Suisse. 2007 Aug 2;3(120):1770, 1772-5.

Differences in outcomes of obese women and men undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Stern R, Garavaglia G, Zurcher L, Hoffmeyer P.Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Mar 15;57(2):327-34.

Trans-trapezium carpo-metacarpal dislocation of the thumb. Garavaglia G, Bianchi S, Della Santa D, Fusetti C. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2003 oct. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Jan;124(1):67-8.

Autologous transplantation of porcine myogenic precursor cells in skeletal muscle. Holzer N, Hogendoorn S, Zürcher L, Garavaglia G, Yang S, König Laumonier T, Menetrey J. Neuromuscular Disorders. 2005 Mar;15(3):237-44.

Non-Hematopoietic Human Bone Marrow Contains Long-Lasting, Pluripotential Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Suvà D, Garavaglia G, Ménétrey J, Chapuis B, Hoffmeyer P, Bernheim L, Kindler V.J Cell Physiol, 2004 ; 198 :110-118.

Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fracture with high-spatial-resolution sonography: a prospective blind study. Fusetti C, Poletti P, Pradel Ph, Garavaglia G, Platon A, Della Santa D, Bianchi S. The Journal of Trauma.

Articoli originali pubblicati in giornali senza impact factor 

Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Papaloizos MY, Wasserfallen JB, Büchler U, Nagy L. Direct and indirect costs in the conservative management of undisplaced scaphoid fractures. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatology 2003, 13: 241-244.

N.Holzer, L.Zurcher, G.Garavaglia, T.Laumonier, P.Hoffmeyer et J.Menetrey. Nouvelles approches thérapeutiques des lésions musculaires: du problème clinique à la recherche. Médecine & Hygiène 2004, 2508 : 2450-2458.

Abstracts presentati a congressi internazionali e pubblicati

Suvà D, Garavaglia G, Menetrey J, Chapuis B, Bernheim L, Hoffmeyer P, and Kindler V. Cells derived from non-hematopoietic bone marrow contain chondrocyte precursors and proliferate clonally, Transactions of the 49th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2003, vol.28 : paper 0164.

Menetrey J, Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D. Expression of TGF-b1 and a-smooth muscle actin positive cell in injured medial collateral (MCL) and anterior cruciate (ACL) ligaments,  Transactions of the 49th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, February 14-18, 2003, New Orleans, vol.28, paper 0237.


«Theo van Rens award » dell’ESSKA2000 per il miglior abstract e miglior presentazione orale al Congresso 2006 dell’ESSKA a Innsbruck/Austria (2500 Euro): Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Reliability of stress radiographic techniques in the evaluation of posterior laxity».

Esperienze professionali

2007 - 2015

Vice-Primario Servizio di Ortopedia e Traumatologia ORBV 

2004 - 2007

Capo clinica nel «Service de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie de l’appareil moteur», Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) 

2000 - 2004

Medico assistente presso la «Clinique et policlinique d’orthopédie et chirurgie de l’appareil moteur des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève» (Prof. Hoffmeyer) 

1999 - 2000

Medico assistente nel servizio di chirurgia dell’Ospedale regionale di Locarno, La Carità (Dr. Biegger) 


Membro SGOT (Società Svizzera Ortopedia e Traumatologia)
Membro FMH (Federatio Medicorum Helveticae)
Membro ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee and Arthroscopy)
Membro SSMS (Società Svizzera Medicina Sport)
Membro OMCT (Ordine dei Medici del Canton Ticino)
Membro Circolo Medico Bellinzona
Membro Circolo Medico Locarno
Membro e segretario SOTI (Società Ortopedica Ticinese) 


Presentazioni a Congressi

European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) – Lisbona, june 2019

  • Guido Garavaglia, Amanda Gonzalez, Christophe Barea, Robin Peter, Pierre Hoffmeyer, Anne Lübbeke, Didier Hannouche. « Short stem hip arthroplasty with the direct anterior approach: 5-year follow-up demonstrates radiological alterations indicating suboptimal stem fixation »

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di ortopedia (SSO) – Montreux, giugno 2018

  • Guido Garavaglia, Amanda Gonzalez, Christophe Barea, Robin Peter, Pierre Hoffmeyer, Anne Lübbeke, Didier Hannouche. « Short stem hip arthroplasty with the direct anterior approach: 5-year follow-up demonstrates radiological alterations indicating suboptimal stem fixation »

Symposium – Geneva Arthroplasty Registry 20 years – Ginevra, settembre 2017

«The place of Imaging in the Geneva Hip arthroplasty Registry ».

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) – Barcellona, maggio 2016

  • Garavaglia G, Taverna E.: Glenoid Bone Defect:  Arthroscopic Bone Block Transfer (Oral Presentation).

European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) - Prag, may 2015

  • Garavaglia G, Lauper N, Gonzalez A, Zingg M, Barea C, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P, Lübbeke A «Influence of Statin use on osteolyis progression» (Presentazione orale).

Live Surgery – European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) – Amsterdam may 2014

«Artroscopic Bone-bloc for glenoid bone loss».

Live Surgery – San Diego Shoulder Course. San Diego USA, june 2013

«Artroscopic Bone-bloc for glenoid bone loss».

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) – Genève 2012

  • Garavaglia G, Ufenast H, Taverna E : “Subscapularis tears: how to detect and treat them.“ (Oral Presentation).

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) – Oslo june 2010

  • Garavaglia G, Ufenast H., Taverna E.: The frequency of subscapularis tears in arthroscopic rotator cuf repair” (Presentazione orale)

European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) - Vienna, june 2009

  • Garavaglia G, Lübbeke A, Barea C, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P. «Ten year results with the Morscher press-fit cup» (Presentazione orale).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di ortopedia (SSO) – Basilea, settembre 2008

  • Garavaglia G, Lübbeke A, Barea C, Peter R, Hoffmeyer P. «Ten year results with the Morscher press-fit cup» (Poster ).

International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) – Firenze, 2007

  • Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Reliability of stress radiographic techniques in the evaluation of posterior laxity» (Presentazione orale)
  • Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Classification of PCL and associated lesions using stress-radiography techniques» (Presentazione orale)

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) – Innsbruck, maggio 2006

  • Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Reliability of stress radiographic techniques in the evaluation of posterior laxity» (Presentazione orale)
  • Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Classification of PCL and associated lesions using stress-radiography techniques» (Poster ).

International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) – Miami, April 2005

  • Garavaglia G, Suva D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Expression of TGF-1 in injured medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments» (Oral presentation).
  • Garavaglia G, Dubois-Ferrière V, Lubbeke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Classification of PCL and associated lesions using stress-radiography techniques» (E-poster presentation).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di medicina dello sport – Locarno, ottobre 2004

  • Garavaglia G, Dubois–Ferrière V, Lubekke A, Fasel J, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Classification of PCL and associated lesions using stress-radiography techniques» (Presentazione orale).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di ortopedia (SSO) –  Montreux, settembre 2004

  • Garavaglia G; Michel M, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Pillat ML, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D, Menetrey. «Transplantation of culture born myofibroblasts into the médial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments» (Presentazione orale).

XX International Congress of The Transplantation Society – Vienna, settembre 2004

  • Thomas Laumonier, Nicolas Holzer, Lin Zurcher, Simone Hogendoorn, Guido Garavaglia, Sheng Yang, Laurent Bernheim, Charles R Bader, Pierre  Hoffmeyer, Jacques Menetrey. «Efficacy of autologous myogenic precursor cell transplantation in pigs following intramuscular injection » (Poster).

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) - Atene, maggio 2004.

  • Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Pillat ML, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Myofibroblast expression in injured médial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments» (Presentazione orale).
  • Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Pillat ML, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D, Menetrey J. «Spatio-temporal expression of TGF-1 in injured medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments » (Poster).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di ortopedia (SSO) – Basilea, 30.10 – 1.11.2003.

  • Zürcher L and Holzer N, Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Hoffmeyer P, Menetrey J. «Myogenic precursor cells (MPCs) transplantation for muscle healing» (Poster).
  • Menetrey J, Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Pillat ML, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D. «Spatio-temporal expression of TGF-1 in injured médial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments» (Presentazione orale).
  • Menetrey J, Garavaglia G, Suvà D, Michel M, Gabbiani G, Bochaton-Pillat ML, Hoffmeyer P, Fritschy D. «Myofibroblast expression in injured médial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments» (Presentazione orale).
  • Suvà D, Garavaglia G, Menetrey J, Chapuis B, Hoffmeyer P, Bernheim L, Kindler V, «Non-hematopoietic human bone marrow contains long-lasting, pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells» (Presentazione orale).
  • Garavaglia G, Pugin F, Della Santa D, Fusetti C. «Volar plating of dorsally displaced fractures of the distal radius in the elderly patient» (Presentazione orale).
  • Garavaglia G, Gambirasio R, Sayeg S, Hoffmeyer P. «Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder after age forty» (Presentazione orale).

Orthopedic Research Society – New Orleans, 2-5 febbraio 2003.

  • Suvà D, Garavaglia G, Menetrey J, Chapuis B, Bernheim L, Hoffmeyer P, and Kindler V. Cells derived from non-hematopoietic bone marrow contain chondrocyte precursors and proliferate clonally. (Presentazione orale).

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy  –  Roma, aprile 2002.

  • Garavaglia G, Menetrey J. «The ESSKA 2000 Ganglion Cyst of the Knee survey » (Presentazione orale).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di ortopedia (SSO)  –  Lugano, agosto 2001.

  • Saglini M, Garavaglia G, Biegger P. «La fracture sous le clou gamma, rôle de la technique opératoire revu sur 401 cas» (Poster).

Congresso annuale della società svizzera di chirurgia  –  Zürich, maggio 2000

  • Garavaglia G, Schlunke S, Biegger P. «Oekonomische und sichere Behandlung der Weber B Sprunggelenkfrakturen mit der Antigleit-Ostheosynthese» (Poster).


Conferenza medica

Chirurgia robotica in ortopedia: innovazione, precisione e benefici per il paziente

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