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  • Dr. med. Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti

Specialista in Ematologia

Fachgebiete (1)
Weitere Akkreditierungen (1)
  • Medicentro Sant'Anna



Specialization in Haematology with a score of 70/70 with honours.

2005 - 2009

Specialization School in Haematology (Head of the Haematology unit Prof. G. Lambertenghi, School Director Associate Prof. A. Cortelezzi), Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan, University of Milan.


Qualification to practice the medical profession (University of Milan).


Physician in charge of the general practitioner clinics in Milan City Center and Segrate.


Fellow in the Bone Marrow Transplantation ward of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan-IT (Director Prof. G. Lambertenghi-Deliliers).

2004 - 2005

Rotations at the Surgical Departments and Internal Medicine Department of the Ospedale Sacco (Milan University).

2003 - 2005

Student and post-degree fellow, at the Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) Unit of the Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori in Milan-IT (Director Prof. P. Corradini).


Medical degree at the University of Milan, with a final score 110/110 with honours.

1998 - 2004

University matriculation at the Medical School of the Public University of Milan, (Università degli Studi Statale di Milano)


EHA - European Hematology Association


seit 2021

Project Leader Whole Genome Sequencing Programme at Swiss Medical Network/Genolier Innovation Hub -CH

seit 2020

Leader of multiple ongoing research projects on Covid19. Leadership of the multidisciplinary research initiative “Immediate” www.immed.app ; first public call to the Ministero della Salute and the media for the project “genomics of Covid19 patients and disease severity” (09 March 2020); establishment and coleadership of the EgyptCovid19hug (National genomic network for the study of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics of Covid19 patients -partner covid19hg.org) in collaboration with Nottingham University (UK), Mansoura University (Egypt), Tanta University (Egypt), Finland Institute of Molecular Medicine (ref. Andrea Ganna – Broad Institute/FIMM; Yasser El-Sherbiny-Nottingham University). Co-applicant and grant winner of the EASI-genomics call for Covid19 https://www.easi-genomics.eu/home with a project on sequential transcriptomics assessments in Covid19 cases with different disease severity pictures, including longcovid (ref. Yasser El-Sherbiny- Nottingham University, Ivo Gut CNAG-CRG Spain).

seit 2018

Private practice outpatients private clinics Lombardy - Italy (including Columbus Clinic Center, via Buonarroti 48, Milan); telemedicine for the haematological private patients. Appointed as locum Consultant Hematologist at the San Carlo Hospital (Milan) in March 2020. Private practice set-up in Canton Ticino-Switzerland.

2017 - 2018

Senior Fellow in Medical Oncology, Lymphoma Group, University of Southampton (Prof. P. Johnson, Associate Professor A. Davies).

2016 - 2017

Sabbatical period. 20-22 June 2016 NGS procedures, Università dell’Insubria- Varese Italy.

2015 - 2016

Research Fellow at the Experimental Haematology Unit of the Saint James’ Hospital (Head Prof. Peter Hillmen) – University of Leeds (UK).

2014 - 2015

Senior Hematologist at the Division of Hematology of the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona- CH (PD Dr G. Stuessi).

2012 - 2015

Reviewer activity: British Journal of Haematology, European Journal of Internal Medicine

2011 - 2014

Part-time emergency medical service (overlapping with the posts I have appointed as Haematologist-see below) at the Internal Medicine Units of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano in Milan City Center -IT.


Junior Hematologist at the Division of Hematology of the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona- CH (PD Dr G. Stuessi)

2011 - 2012

Research Fellow at the Lymphoma Unit of the IOSI (Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland; PD Dr E. Zucca), Bellinzona-CH

2010 - 2011

PhD student in Experimental Hematology (University of Milan), with the project proposal “Analysis of the gene expression and genomic changes arising in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells during progression in a prospective multicentre study”, tutor Professor A. Neri.


Haematologist, in the outpatients’ department for the treatment of acute leukemias - CLL- MDS, (Director Prof. A. Cortelezzi), at the Haematology I and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan.


Cell Rep. 2021 Nov 16; 37(7): 110020. SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity are associated with genetic variants affecting gene expression in a variety of tissues. D'Antonio M et al.
Nature – In press. Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19: updates from release 6 A. Ganna et al.

In press. Whole genome sequencing identifies multiple loci for critical illness caused by COVID-19. Kousathanas et al

Nature- July 2021 Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19 by worldwide meta-analysis. A. Ganna et al. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03767-x

Hematol Oncol. 2018 Feb;36(1):84-92. doi: 10.1002/hon.2447. Epub 2017 Jun 16.Outcome of patients older than 80 years with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated with "standard" immunochemotherapy: A large retrospective study from 4 institutions. Gobba S1, Moccia AA2, Gulden-Sala W2, Conconi A3,4, Diem S5, Cascione L2,6, Iacoboni G2, Margiotta-Casaluci G3, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K2, Stathis A2, Hitz F5, Pinotti G1, Gaidano G3, Zucca E2. Hematol Oncol. 2018 Feb;36(1):84-92. doi: 10.1002/hon.2447. Epub 2017 Jun 16.

Histologic transformation in marginal zone lymphomas. Conconi A, Franceschetti S, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Margiotta-Casaluci G, Stathis A, Moccia AA, Bertoni F, Ramponi A, Mazzucchelli L, Cavalli F, Gaidano G, Zucca E. [original article] Ann Oncol. 2015 Nov; 26(11):2329-35. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdv368. Epub 2015 Sep 23. [ORIGINAL PAPER]

Evidences of a DNMT3A mediated cytostatic activity of S-adenosylmethionine on OCI-AML3 cells. K.A. von Hohenstaufen, B. De Servi, M. Meloni. Accepted as Abstract at EHA 2015.

Lack of prognostic value for peripheral absolute monocyte count (AMC) in a population of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients (pts) in the rituximab (R) era. K. Aprile von Hohenstaufen, W. Gulden-Sala, G. Margiotta-Casaluci, S. Franceschetti, A. Moccia, F. Bertoni, F. Cavalli, A. Stathis, M. Ghielmini, G. Stussi, E. Zucca, G. Gaidano, A. Conconi. Abstract ICML 2015.

Excellent outcome of patients over 80 years with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated with standard therapy: A large retrospective study from 4 Institutions. Alden A. Moccia, Stefania Gobba, Annarita Conconi, Stefan Diem, Luciano Cascione, Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen, Wiebke Gulden-Sala, Anastasios Stathis, Felicitas Hitz, Graziella Pinotti, Gianluca Gaidano and Emanuele Zucca. Accepted as Poster at ICML 2015.

Phase II study for the evaluation of feasibility, activity and safety of Bendamustine and Ofatumumab in combination in marginal zone B-cell lymphomas (MZL). A. Stathis, A. Vanazzi, M. Negri, D. Laszlo, A. Conconi, K. Aprile von Hohenstaufen, A. Moccia, M. Miami, F. Cavalli, G. Martinelli, E. Zucca. Accepted as Poster at ICML 2015.

Patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma have a significantly better outcome if treated within a clinical trial. Alden A. Moccia, Wiebke Gulden, Anastasios Stathis, Franco Cavalli, Michele Ghielmini, Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen, Barbara Vannata and Emanuele Zucca. Poster. ESMO 2014.
Prognostic impact of monocyte count at presentation in mantle cell lymphoma - response to Anupkumar et al. Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Conconi A, de Campos CP, Zucca E. Br J Haematol 2013 Nov 20. doi: 10.1111/bjh.12680. [Epub ahead of print] [Letter]

Prognostic impact of monocyte count at presentation in mantle cell lymphoma. von Hohenstaufen KA, Conconi A, de Campos CP, Franceschetti S, Bertoni F, Margiotta Casaluci G, Stathis A, Ghielmini M, Stussi G, Cavalli F, Gaidano G, Zucca E. Br J Haematol 2013 Aug;162(4): 465-73 [ORIGINAL PAPER]

K. Aprile von Hohenstaufen, A. Moccia, E. Zucca. Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Advanced Diagnostics & Personalized Therapies Pages 232-249 (doi: 10.2217/ebo.13.109) www.futuremedicine.com. [Book Chapter]

Histologic transformation in marginal zone lymphomas. Franceschetti S, Conconi A, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Margiotta Casaluci G, Stathis A, Moccia A, Ghielmini M, Bertoni F, Gaidano G, Cavalli F, Zucca E ASH meeting 2012

The absolute monocyte count at the time of diagnosis predicts overall survival of patients with mantle cell lymphoma. Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Franceschetti S, Margiotta Casaluci G, Bertoni F, Stüssi G, Stathis A, Ghielmini M, Cavalli F, Gaidano G, Zucca E, Conconi A. 17th Congress of the European Hematology Association

Lymphoma during pregnancy. A Stathis, K Aprile von Hohenstaufen, E Zucca. Cancer and Pregnancy Conference. Milan. April 12-13 2012

Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma: report of a case requiring sequential treatment with splenectomy and short-course rituximab . Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Zucca E, Mainetti C, Stüssi G, Barizzi J, Mazzucchelli L, Cavalli F. Bulletin Swisse du Cancer , 02 June 2014 [case report]

HCV reactivation during R-CHOP immunochemotherapy in a patient with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. K. Aprile von Hohenstaufen; D. T. Clerici, A. Stathis, E. Zucca, F. Bihl. Bulletin Suisse du Cancer . Marz 2012 [case report]

TNFRSF4 (Ox40) expression in CLL cells: evidences of a prognostic significance of gene and protein over-expression. Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Gianelli U, Bonoldi E, Vaira V, Cortinovis I, Reda G, Maura F, Sciumè M, Ferla V, Gritti G, Lonati S, Bosari S, Cortelezzi A, Lambertenghi Deliliers G. Abstract. 15th Congress of EHA 2010

Clinical relevance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Nicola Fracchiolla, Valeria Ferla, Umberto Gianelli, Claudia Vener, Federica Savi, Gianluigi Reda, Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti, Giuseppe Gritti, Giorgio Lambertenghi Deliliers, Agostino Cortelezzi. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of ASH, 2010.

The vascular endothelial growth factor index (VEGFi) has prognostic impact in myelodysplastic syndrome. Ferla V, Fracchiolla N, Gianelli U, Savi F, Sciumè M, Maura F, Reda G, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Gritti G, Lambertenghi Deliliers G, Cortelezzi A. (poster) SIES 2010

IGVH gene analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Maura F, Gritti G, Reda G, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Ferla V, Sciumè M, Cro L, Pomati M, Fabris S, Lionetti M, Baldini L, Neri A, Lambertenghi Deliliers G, Cortelezzi A - poster SIES 2010

Acute idiopathic polyneuropathy after subcutaneous alemtuzumab AL) therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Reda G, Castelli R, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Orofino N, Conti G, Cortelezzi A, Bresolin N. 2009 Meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society July 4-8, 2009 Würzburg, Germany

Prognostic implications of the European consensus for grading of bone marrow fibrosis in chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (MF). Vener C., Fracchiolla N.S., Gianelli U., Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti K., Grifoni F., Vincenti D., Cortelezzi A., Radaelli F., Iurlo A., Caberlon S.,Gerli G., Lambertenghi Deliliers G. Haematologica. - ISSN 0390-6078. -94:Suppl. 4( October 2009). - 42th Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology. PO397

Incidence of leukemic transformation and second neoplasia in Ph- chronic myeloproliferative disorders. Franca Radaelli, Claudia Vener, Federica Grifoni, Daniele Vincenti, Alessandra Iurlo, Kathrin Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti, Agostino Cortelezzi, Alberto Zanella, Mariangela Colombi, Alberto Ciani, Giorgio Lambertenghi Deliliers. Haematologica. - ISSN 0390-6078. -94:Suppl. 4( October 2009). - 42th Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology. PO232

Ineffective hematopoiesis and markers of angiogenesis in myelodysplastic syndrome Cortelezzi A, Gritti G, Lonati S, Silvestris I, Orofino N, Aprile von Hohenstaufen K, Reda G, Freyrie A, Lambertenghi Deliliers G. Haematologica. - ISSN 0390-6078. - 94:Suppl. 4( October 2009). - 42th Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology. PO 389
Long-term outcome of ric-allo SCT for myeloma. V. Montefusco, F. Ciceri, J. Peccatori, L. Farina, A. Oliveri, K. Aprile Hohenstaufen, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers, A.M. Gianni, M. Bregni, P. Corradini. - In: Haematologica. - ISSN 0390-6078. - 92:Suppl. 2(2007). - p. 186-186. 11th International Myeloma Workshop, Kos, 2007.


La Consulenza Rete Uno - Dr.ssa med. Kathrin Aprile

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