h index: 9
documents by author: 25
Peer reviewed su riviste internazionali come primo o ultimo autore
- Testa EA, Porreca A, Nasarre AR, Cano DP, Goenaga FA, Ledermann G, Baduell A, Riquelme PR. The Akin osteotomy without fixation in open hallux abducto-valgo correction surgery - A single center retrospective analysis of 286 cases. Foot Ankle Surg. 2023 Jan 6:S1268-7731(23)00001-2. doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2023.01.002.
- Ruiz-Riquelme P, Poggio-Cano D, Sala-Blanch X, Cuéllar Berna D, Baduell A, Garcia-Elvira R, Testa EA. Ultrasound evaluation of a new surface reference line to describe sural nerve location and safe zones to consider in posterior leg approaches. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Dec 26. doi: 10.1007/s00167-022-07294-8.
- Pauli W, Dopke K, Straehl C, Schiapparelli F, Testa EA. Metatarsus adductus setting in adult patients: Results of a treatment algorithm with shortening arthrodesis tarsometatarsal joints two and three. Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Dec;28(8):1350-1355.
- Marazzi C, Wittauer M, Hirschmann MT, Testa EA. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) versus open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) in the treatment of distal fibula Danis-Weber types B and C fractures J Orthop Surg Res., 2020, 15(1), 491.
- Testa EA, Camathias C, Amsler F, Henle P, Friederich NF, Hirschmann MT. Surgical treatment of patellofemoral instability using trochleoplasty or MPFL reconstruction: a systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017, 25(8), pp. 2309–2320
- Testa EA, Haeni DL, Behrens G, Hirschmann MT. Unexplained proximal tibiofibular joint pain after high tibial osteotomy, Indian J Orthop. 2014 May;48(3):335-8.
Peer reviewed su riviste internazionali come co-autore
- Schneebeli A, Barbero M, Filardo G, Testa E, Riegger M, Sangiorgio A, Cescon C, Soldini E, Falla D. Shear Wave Tensiometry Can Detect Loading Differences Between Operated and Unaffected Achilles Tendon. Foot Ankle Int. 2023 Dec;44(12):1295-1304.
- Riegger M, Habib N, Testa EA, Müller J, Guidi M, Candrian C. The modified Lapidus fusion: a systematic review of biomechanical studies. EFORT Open Rev. 2023 Apr 25;8(4):162-174.
- Ledermann G,Baduell A, Testa E, Vega R, Ruiz P, Barrientos M, Poggio D. Short- and long-term results for severe hallux valgus correction using a first metatarsal distal osteotomy. Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Dec;28(8):1458-1462.
- Pauli W, Koch A, Testa E, Dopke K, Perry P, Honigmann P. Fixation of the Proximal Metatarsal Crescentic Osteotomy Using a Head Locking X-Plate. Foot Ankle Int. 2016 Feb;37(2):218-26.
- Hassink G, Testa EA, Leumann A, Hügle T, Rasch H, Hirschmann A.Intra- and inter-observer reliability of a new standardized diagnostic method using SPECT/CT in patients with osteochondral lesions of the ankle joint. BMC Medical Imaging 16(1) Dec 2016
- Hürlimann M, Schiapparelli FF, Rotigliano N, Testa E, Amsler F, Hirschmann MT. Influence of surgical approach on heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty - is minimal invasive better? A case control study” BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 Jan 21;18(1):2
- Dordevic M, Hirschmann MT, Rechsteiner J, Falkowski A, Testa E, Hirschmann A. Do Chondral Lesions of the Knee Correlate with Bone Tracer Uptake by Using SPECT/CT?. Radiology Volume 278: Number 1—January 2016.
- Suter B, Testa E, Stämpfli P, Konala P, Rasch H, Friederich NF, Hirschmann MT. A novel standardized algorithm using SPECT/CT evaluating unhappy patients after unicondylar knee arthroplasty– a combined analysis of tracer uptake distribution and component position. BMC Medical Imaging 2015 Mar; 15(1):11.
- Mucha A, Dordevic M, Testa EA, Rasch H, Hirschmann MT. Assessment of the loading history of patients after high tibial osteotomy using SPECT/CT--a new diagnostic tool and algorithm. J Orthop Surg Res. 2013 Dec 10;8:46. 5
- Hirschmann MT, Testa E, Amsler F, Friederich NF. The unhappy total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patient: higher WOMAC and lower KSS in depressed patients prior and after TKA. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Oct;21(10):2405-11.
Pubblicazioni su riviste senza impact factor come autore e/o co-autore
- Testa EA, Müller J, Riegger M, Menini J, Delcogliano M, Gaffurini P, Candrian C. Le lesioni osteocondrali del talo: sfida diagnostico-terapeutica per il curante e per lo specialista. TMT Sett 2021 (9)
- Giunchi D, Marcoli N, Deabate L, Delcogliano M, Testa E, Candrian C, Gaffurini P.Isolated Knee Arthritis as Early and Only Symptom of Whipple's Disease”, Case Rep Med. 2018 May 27
- Testa EA, Müller J, Gaffurini P, Candrian C. Tendinopatia achillea: di cosa stiamo parlando e come dobbiamo comportarci”,. TMT Apr 2016 (5)
- Hofer V, Geurts J, Huegle T, Testa E, Hirschmann MT. Retropatellarer Knorpel-Knochen-Ersatz. Arthroskopie 2014
- Testa E, Sellitti L, Stucchi A, Governale G, Alluto C, Massè G. Coxartrosi secondaria a osteocondromatosi sinoviale: a case report. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, 2009 Aug;60(4):369-74.
- Governale G, Aprato A, Stucchi A, Alluto C, Testa E, Massè A. La lezione della scuola bernese nella chirurgia conservativa dell’anca. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, 2010 Aug;61(4):257-65
Libro/i, capitolo/i, recensioni
- Hirschmann MT, Forrer F, Testa E, Rasch H. Book Chapter: Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Knee Injuries, Nuclear Medicine and Radiologic Imaging in Sports Injuries, Editors: Glaudemans, Dierckx, Gielen, Zwerver, , 01/2015 Publisher: Springer, pp.669-685
- Testa EA, Mucha A, Hirschmann MT. Book Chapter 21: “Mechanical” Arthrofibrosis. The Unhappy Total Knee Replacement, A Comprehensive Review and Management Guide, Editors: Hirschmann MT, Becker R. Publisher: Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 01/2015, pp 277-284
- Testa EA, Hirschmann MT. Book Chapter 34: Persistent/Recurrent Pain After TKR Not Always TKR Related, The Unhappy Total Knee Replacement, A Comprehensive Review and Management Guide, Editors: Hirschmann MT, Becker R. Publisher: Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 01/2015, pp 435-442