This was the first day that ETH brought together all its research groups active in healthcare and their clinical partners. The objective of this demonstration was to create discussions around the «booths» of the different partners.
In addition to a wide range of networking opportunities, the event also allowed participants to find out about relevant networks and services at various information booths.
The participation of the Swiss Medical Network at one of our information booths was extremely appreciated, as there is a great relevance between your field of activity and medical research at ETH. Two posters were presented on this occasion: the first one entitled «Swiss Medical Network (SMN), Integrated Care (VIVA), Genolier Innovation Hub (GIH)»,
Oscar Matzinger, and Jacques Bernier, illustrated the main features and achievements of each of these three entities and platforms; the second one, entitled «Science and Innovation - the Forward-thinking Research Platform of Swiss Medical Network», by Jacques Bernier, Oscar Matzinger, and Michael Montemurro described both the research strategies and targets of Swiss Medical Network, exemplified by the outcome of three clinical research programmes in super microsurgery, oncology and ophthalmology.