
The Neurocentre brings together all the medical and technical expertise for the diagnosis, management and treatment of diseases of the brain and nervous system. It offers medical services throughout Switzerland.

We do our utmost to

  • Make a quick and reliable diagnosis
  • Accompany you throughout your medical journey
  • Inform you of all the therapeutic options before any intervention or treatment
  • Present you with the recommendations of our multidisciplinary conferences
  • Offer you a suitable treatment by coordinating the various parties involved

Our offer

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system in adults
Cerebrovascular diseases
Degenerative conditions (e.g. Parkinson's)
Inflammatory conditions (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis)
Cognitive and memory disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's)
Brain and spinal cord tumours
Spinal column diseases / spinal disc disease (e.g. Scoliosis)
Sleep disorders
Peripheral nerve or muscle disorders (neuropathies and myopathies)
Attention deficit disorder with/without hyperactivity (ADHD)

Our specialities



Treatment of spinal injuries and diseases at Swiss Medical Network

Spinal surgery

Patient information

The multidisciplinary conference

A multidisciplinary colloquium is held twice a month. It brings together a specialist from each discipline concerned. The clinical situation of each patient is discussed in order to define a definite diagnosis or to decide jointly on the best therapeutic options.

Second opinion

The second opinion serves to improve the information given to each patient so that he or she can, with full knowledge of the facts, consent or not to the treatment proposed. This is a common practice which is also spontaneously carried out by the Neurocentre's doctors.

Supportive care

Supportive care is designed to meet needs that may arise during the disease and its aftermath. They include pain, fatigue, nutritional problems, motor disorders, social difficulties and psychological suffering.

Follow-up: we are here for you

Follow-up is an essential part of your treatment. It is carried out by the Neurocentre's team in close collaboration with your doctor and allows for the detection of possible weaknesses and after-effects. Consultations and monitoring examinations are scheduled with the doctor, who will inform you at the appropriate time.

Medical offer

Memory consultation

Memory Consultation is a branch specialising in the treatment of pathologies affecting memory and/or all other cognitive and behavioural functions. It is essential in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.


Polysomnography is a diagnostic test for people with sleep disorders. During the night, while the patient is sleeping, a specific instrument measures and records his or her sleep according to various basic physiological parameters, such as brain and respiratory activity, oxygen levels, etc.


Actigraphy identifies phases of rest and activity by means of an actigraph, a small watch-like instrument attached to the patient's pulse that records motor activity over time, usually over one to two weeks. This instrument is used to study sleep-wake rhythm abnormalities, hyperactivity in children and insomnia.

Electromyography (EMG)

Electromyography consists of measuring the electrical potentials that form in a muscle during its voluntary contraction. The examination consists of inserting an electrode with a fine needle, first at rest, and then during a minimum and maximum contraction.

Electroneurography (ENG)

Electroneurography is a functional assessment of nerve trunks. By means of electrical stimulation administered by electrodes placed on the skin over the nerves, it measures the speed of conduction and the amplitude of the responses.

Evoked potentials

Evoked potentials are neurophysiological tests that study the responses of the central nervous system in order to analyse the transmission of sensory stimulus from the periphery to the brain. 

Doppler / Duplex of the arteries supplying the brain

Doppler is a non-invasive diagnostic method that allows ultrasound visualisation of the major blood vessels in the neck and examination of the internal blood flow.

Lumbar puncture

Lumbar puncture is the practice of extracting cerebrospinal fluid. These samples are taken for the diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory diseases, particularly those affecting the brain, meninges and spinal cord, but also to confirm a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

Neuromuscular biopsy

A neuromuscular biopsy is a sampling for histological analysis of a small portion of muscle or nerve - or both. Biopsy sampling is essential for the diagnosis of muscle diseases and certain neuropathies.

Genetic testing

Some DNA abnormalities can cause serious diseases or syndromes, others predispose to certain diseases. There are currently more than 8'000 genetic diseases. Genetic tests are usually carried out on the basis of a blood sample.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

The electroencephalogram consists of recording the electrical activity of the brain. This examination is carried out by means of electrodes placed in direct contact with the skin of the skull and connected by a wire to a computer, which amplifies and records the brain activity.

Neuropsychological assessments

The neuropsychological examination aims to establish a profile of cognitive abilities. After taking an anamnesis, the neuropsychologist carries out an assessment consisting of standardised psychometric tests in order to evaluate the various cognitive functions.


Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) in children and adolescents has a prevalence of 3 to 7 %. Symptoms often persist into adulthood, particularly attentional problems. Whatever the age, a neuropsychological evaluation will make it possible to establish a cognitive profile in order to support the diagnosis and to propose individualised and multimodal treatment in addition to any pharmacological treatment.

IQ test

An intelligence quotient (IQ) test is used to assess overall intellectual functioning. It is usually part of a detailed neuropsychological examination, but can also be carried out on its own, if requested by the doctor.


Even in adolescence and adulthood, certain difficulties may persist and have an impact on studies or job search. In order to propose individualised measures according to each person's strengths and weaknesses, the assessment includes not only the evaluation of language, but also of other cognitive functions such as memory and executive functions.

The neurological check-up

Before considering a stay in one of our establishments, it is sometimes necessary to have a check-up in order to be sure of the need to integrate our clinics specialised in neurological rehabilitation. 

Assessment of fitness to drive

Neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, influence driving ability. In some cases, a neurological assessment may be necessary to decide whether the patient is still able to drive a car and, if so, whether the vehicle needs to be redesigned.

Surgical interventions

Discectomy with removal of the hernia fragment
Classic spondylodesis
Decompression with minimally invasive stabilisation
Open or percutaneous neuronavigated spondylodesis
Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty
Neuro-vaginal surgery

Pain treatment

Non-invasive (conservative) treatments 

Invasive treatments (interventional / surgical)

  • Local and systemic injections (infusion therapy)
  • Spinal infiltration
  • Treatment with radiofrequency, thermal or cryo-ablation
  • Neuromodulation
  • Neurostimulation

Our doctors

Montchoisi Medical Center

Dr. med. Sarah Berrut-Bengtsson

Neurology, Neurological rehabilitation, Stroke, Parkinson, Multiple sclerosis View more
Clinique Valmont

Dr. med. Julien Bogousslavsky

Neurology, Neurological rehabilitation, Stroke, Parkinson, Multiple sclerosis View more
Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Antonio Carota

Neurology, Parkinson, Neurological rehabilitation


Scientific Committee

Professor Thierry Moulin
Neurologist, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and former Vice-President of the University of Franche-Comté, PU-PH at the University of Franche-Comté, head of the neurology department at the University Hospital of Besançon since 1998. Thierry Moulin is responsible for the neuroimaging research department in the same establishment and has been a professor of neurology for many years. His clinical and research interests include neurological emergencies, stroke, telemedicine, neuroimaging and functional MRI.


Professor Max Wintermark
Specialist in neuroradiology and consulting in CT and MRI imaging of the brain, neck and spine, perfusion imaging, stroke, cardiac and cerebrovascular disease. Max Wintermark is Associate Professor of Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Biomedical Engineering and since 2009 Chief of Neuroradiology at the University of Virginia Hospital.

Cordination Committee

Prof. Julien Bogousslavsky
Medical Director Neurocentre Swiss Medical Network
Specialist in Neurology

Dr Stefano Binaghi
Specialist in Radiology and Neuroradiology

Dr Monika Raimondi
Specialist in neurology

Dr Vera Sattelmeyer 
Specialist in neurosurgery and spinal surgery


Marine Estrem
Director Clinique Valmont

Our network

Clinique de Genolier
Clinique Valmont
Clinique de Montchoisi
Clinique Générale Ste-Anne
Hôpital de la Providence
Clinique Montbrillant
Clinica Ars Medica
Privatklinik Bethanien