Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Flavio Acquistapace

Specialist in Cardiology, FMH member
Consultant GVM Care & Research Group
Head of Cardiovascular Centre Mangioni Hospital LECCO
Rome GVM Clinical Cardiological Institute

Areas of specialisation (1)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Ars Medica Centro Medico Manno

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Via Ferruccio Pelli 7

Work Experience

Consultant for local, national and international press and television programmes

Independent FMH Cardiologist Cardiology Medical Centre | Lugano

Consultant GVM Care & Research Group Head of Cardiovascular Centre Mangioni Hospital LECCO Rome GVM Clinical Cardiological Institut

since 2020

Accredited Physician at Clinica Ars Medica, Gravesano

1999 - 2009

Monza Polyclinic, Ita
Clinical services, clinical research, training, teaching management and organisation, start-up and development of Operating Units and services, development, scientific and technical activities.
- Head of the Cardiology Rehabilitation Operating Unit
- Director of the Department of Cardiology Rehabilitation, Research and Services
- Deputy Medical Director until September 2000.
- Management: Local co-ordinator of the HPH network (Hospital for Health Promotion -
WHO General Health - Italy Network Lombardy Region)

1998 - 1999

Cardiovascular Institute Camogli (accredited by Regione Liguria)
Medical and scientific technical management
Planning, start-up and development organisation structure, clinical and research services
Qualifications: chief, medical and scientific technical direction

1996 - 1998

Villa Elena Casiglio Medical Centre. Private Medical Centre
Cardiology and rehabilitation outpatient service Medical Hotel: organisation, start-up development, service, administration. Qualification: medical director and medical director.

1991 - 1996

Istituto Clinico San Donato Group - Director of the Cardiology Medical Centre Cardiology and Rehabilitation Unit, Como Villa Aprica
Functions performed: organisation, start-up, development, education, clinical service and research.
Position: Director - Head of U.O. Cardiology and Rehabilitation Unit Cardiology

1990 - 1991

Pio Albergo Trivulzio Milan - Assistant Chief (Second Level Executive) Head of Complex Unit Cardiorespiratory Physiopathology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
Functions: Organisation and development of O.U., training, service, clinical research.
Qualification: Second level manager. Assistant Manager.

1985 - 1990

Cesano Boscone Ist. Sacra Famiglia: assistant Functional Division Unit - Rehabilitation Medicine Cardiology Division Centre (Dir. Prof. Enrico Morbelli). Clinical research, services. Position: Assistant

1985 - 1987

USL 15 Erba Division of Longone al Segrino Medical Hospital.
Position: Medical Guard Assistant



Departement Cardiovascular Heart Failure Unit Hull University - Prof. Cleeland| United Kingdom

1991 - 2000

Mayo Clinic | Rochester MN, USA Fellow Visitng


School of Specialisation in Cardiology | University of Messina

1986 - 1990

Centro Cardiovasculare De Gasperis - prof. Fausto Rovelli, prof. Mario Belli, prof. Antonio Pezzano |
Niguarda Ca' Granda Milan, ITA

1985 - 1986

CNR Molinette Division of Medcine and Cardiolgy Service of Cardiovascular Imaging Diagnostic Echographic Prof. Lucia Gastaldi | Turin, ITA

1984 - 1986

Hospital S. Carlo - Division of Cardiology - prof. Morpurgo | Milan, ITA

1982 - 1985

Division of Medicine Policlinico di Milano Autonomous Section Via Pace University
Policlinico di Milano | Milan


Degree in Medicine | University of Milan


F. ACQUISTAPACE, A. NOVARINI, Clinical Didactics: Fellow Clinical Case Meeting, University of Parma Postgraduate School of Cardiology Mattioli, Fidenza, 2005. Volume distributed to all university specialisation schools in Italy.


Cardiology Medical Centre - Switzerland | Ticino CH

Member of the Swiss Society of Cardiology

PM Professional Member - ESC (European Society Cardiology)

Member EACP European Association Cardiovascular Prevention

Member EACVI European Association Cardiovascular Imaging

Member Working Groups SIC Italian Society of Cardiology

Founder and President MIP - Medicine in Practice - Association, Research and Training

Member of the National and Regional General Health Policy Commission: Tables established at the Lombardy Region General Health Directorate for Guidelines in Cardiovascular Health Management

Founder of the working group Association Medico In Pratica Ticino Swiss

Member of the Board of the School of Specialisation in Cardiology at the University of Parma.

Promoter and creator of the Project for prevention and health in the area: "Progetto Vita " followed in the Alta Brianza area 1996-1998 aimed at citizens: schools and elderly women and published as a model for environmental health in the urban area

Creator and coordinator of the project HEPIC - HEARTINSALUTE: to promote health education in the company

Author of the education and research project for community health: HEARTINSALUTE and Living in Health.

Founder and scientific coordinator of ALLIANCE FOR HEALTH: Subsidiarity of the body in the communication, marketing and business community for health education and prevention in the company.

Cardiology Medical Centre - Switzerland | Ticino

since 1996

Founder of the ARRC 96 Study and Research Centre and the Villa Elena Medical Centre in Erba -
Casiglio Castle

1992 - 2004

Founder of the ARRC Association for the research and rehabilitation of
cardiovascular diseases, of which he was President until 1996 Scientific Director until 2004.


Monitoring clinical education: appropriate clinical pathways in the patient with chronic ischaemic heart disease 04/04/2009 Verano BZA Monza

Clinical education monitoring: cardiovascular medicine: appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic gender differences 01.09.24 Verano BZA Monza

since 2010

Adjunct Professor, University of Parma - Postgraduate School of Cardiology

since 2003

Italian Society of Cardiology: symposia, communications, reports, scientific meetings of study groups


Professor Semmelweis University-Budapest: Lecturer in Cardiology Lugano Campus

2000 - 2010

Professor, University of Parma - School of Cardiology

2000 - 2010

Professor and Tutor University of Parma - Postgraduate School of Specialisation in Cardiology


From investigation to asymptomatic heart failure: when and how to intervene Bra (AT)


Learning by trying Cardiovascular risk stratification. Primary Care Group Lecco Valmadrera

2004 - 2006

Parma Fellow Meeting Cardiology - Clinical Education


Teaching Observatory Clinical pathways and appropriateness in cardiovascular medicine GCP Valmadrera Lecco


Echocardiography Clinic Courses ComoEcho


Invited Professor Bocconi University SDA, invited lecturer at the School of Healthcare Business Management, Course in Quality in Healthcare

1993 - 1997

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore: Institute for Physical Education and Motor Sciences


Echocardiography Clinic Courses ComoEcho


Echocardiography Clinic Courses ComoEcho


Winner of the Italian "Quality in Health" selection for the best operational projects to improve the quality of healthcare "European Golden Helix Award assigned by: Hewlett Packhard University CERGAS Bocconi, National Health Council. With the project 'Applied in the C-SAID Clinic. Quality improvement in health care: a person-centred model of preventive and rehabilitative cardiolgy: responding to epidemiological needs and the needs of the user - patient - person".

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique de Genolier

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Privatklinik Belair

Dr. med. Manuel Zipponi

Interventional cardiology, Internal medicine
Centre Médical Eaux-Vives

Dr. med. Christian Tamm

Cardiology, Interventional cardiology