Privatklinik Siloah

PD Dr med Marc Gallay

FMH Neurosurgery

Areas of specialisation (3)
  • Neurosurgery
  • Funktionelle Neurochirurgie
  • MRgFUS / HIFU (Parkinson, Essentieller Tremor, Neuropathische Schmerzen)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Medizinisches Zentrum VIVA

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Sifus AG
c/o Medizinisches Zentrum VIVA
Bernstrasse 21
3072 Ostermundigen


  • FMH
  • Swiss Society for Neurosurgery (SGNC)

Work Experience

since 2024

Consultant physician, Neurosurgery Department, Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

since 2021

Lecturer, Université of Fribourg (Department of Medicine), in Neuroscience and Medicine

2020 - 2024

Chief medical officer, SoniModul

2015 - 2020

Neurosurgeon FMH, SoniModul Center for Ultrasound Functional Neurosurgery, Solothurn

2014 - 2015

Resident, Orthopaedics and Spinal Surgery,
Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil (LU) (Dr M. Baur, Dr P. Moulin)

2013 - 2014

Resident, Department of Neurosurgery,
University Hospital Geneva (Prof. Dr med. K. Schaller)

2009 - 2012

Resident in further training, Clinic for Neurosurgery,
Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen (Prof. Dr med. G. Hildebrandt)

2008 - 2009

Postdoc, Laboratory for Functional Neurosurgery,
Neurosurgical Clinic, Zürich (Dr. phil. A. Morel)

2005 - 2008

MD-Student, Laboratory for Functional Neurosurgery, Neurosurgical
Clinic, Zurich (Dr. phil. A. Morel, Prof. Dr. med. D. Jeanmonod)


Baccalauréat: physics, mathematics and chemistry,
Collège Saint-Michel, Fribourg

University of Zürich, Faculty of Medicine, M.D.

Dr. med.
(Doctoral dissertation, University of Zürich: Human cerebello- and pallidothalamic tracts:
Stereotactic localization, interindividual variability and MR correlations)

FMH Neurosurgery

Venia legendi (Privat-Dozent)


Gallay MN, Magara AE, Moser D, Kowalski M, Kaeser M, Jeanmonod D. (2023) MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Central Lateral Thalamotomy against chronic and therapy-resistant neuropathic pain, retrospective long-term follow-up analysis of 63 interventions. J Neurosurg (IF 5.115)

Magara AE, Gallay MN, Moser D, Jeanmonod D. (2022) Complete resolution of chronic cluster headache following Central Lateral Thalamotomy using incisionless MR-guided focused ultrasound with 6 years of follow-up: illustrative case, Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons, 4(22)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Haufler F, Jeanmonod D. (2021) Bilateral MRgFUS pallidothalamic tractotomy for Parkinson’s disease with one year follow-up. Front Neurol. (IF 4.086)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Jeanmonod D. (2020) MR-guided focused ultrasound central lateral thalamotomy for trigeminal neuralgia. Single center experience. Front Neurol. (Headache and Neurogenic Pain Editor’s pick 2021) (IF 4.086)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Jeanmonod D. (2020) MR guided focused ultrasound cerebellothalamic tractotomy for chronic therapy-resistant essential tremor; anatomical target reappraisal and clinical results. J Neurosurg (IF 5.115)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Rossi F, Magara AE, Strasser M, Bühler R, Kowalski M, Pourtehrani P, Dragalina C, Federau C and Jeanmonod D. (2019) : MRgFUS pallidothalamic tractotomy for chronic therapy-resistant Parkinson’s disease in 51 consecutive patients: single center experience. Front Surg. (IF 2.568)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Federau C, Jeanmonod D. (2019) Anatomical and technical reappraisal of the pallidothalamic tractotomy with the incisionless transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound. A technical note. Front Surg. (IF 2.568)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Federau C, Jeanmonod D. (2019) Radiological and thermal dose correlations in pallidothalamic tractotomy with MRgFUS. Front Surg (IF 2.568)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Jeanmonod D. (2018) Safety and accuracy of incisionless transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound functional neurosurgery: single-center experience with 253 targets in 180 treatments. J Neurosurg. (IF 5.115)

Gallay MN, Moser D, Rossi F, Pourtehrani P, Magara AE, Kowalski M, Arnold A, Jeanmonod D. (2016): Incisionless transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound in essential tremor: cerebellothalamic tractotomy, J Ther Ultrasound (IF2016: 3.02)

Morel A, Gallay MN, Baechler A, Wyss M, Gallay DS. (2013): The human insula: Architectonic organization and postmortem MRI registration, Neuroscience, 16;236:117-35 (IF 3.708)

Gallay DS*, Gallay MN*, Jeanmonod D, Rouiller EM and Morel A. (2012): The insula of Reil revisited: multiarchitectonic organization in macaque monkeys. Cereb Cortex, 22(1):175-190, Impact factor 6.828 (* equally contributed) (IF 5.357)

Gallay MN, Jeanmonod D, Liu J. and Morel A. (2008): Human pallidothalamic and cerebellothalamic tracts: anatomical basis for functional stereotactic neurosurgery. Brain Struct Funct (IF 3.748)

Aufenberg C., Sarnthein J., Morel A., Rousson V., Gallay M. and Jeanmonod D (2007). A revival of Spiegel’s campotomy: long term results of the stereotactic pallidothalamic tractotomy against the parkinsonian thalamocortical dysrhythmia. Thalamus & Related Systems 3:121-132

Publications in Swiss journals

Gallay MN, Moser D, Rossi F, Magara AE, Kowalski M, Pourtehrani P, Bühler R, Fravi N, Strasser M, Thalmann T, Jeanmonod R, Arnold A, Jeanmonod D (2016):  Ultrasons focalisés de haute intensité guidés par IRM (F) /MR-gesteuerter fokussierter Ultraschall (D), Swiss medical forum , 16(41):861-865

Gallay MN, Jeanmonod D (2016): Die neue funktionelle Neurochirurgie ohne Schnittführung mittels MR-gesteuerten transkraniellen fokussierten Ultraschall (D), Neurochirurgie fonctionnelle lésionelle sans incision: renouveau grâce aux ultrasons focalisés, ASA/SVV Medinfo, Facetten des medizinisch technischen Fortschrittes II

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Clinica Ars Medica

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Clinica Ars Medica

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Clinique de Genolier

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