Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva
FMH Pneumology, Sleep Medicine SSSSC
Chemin de Beau-Soleil 2
1206 Genève
Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva
Privat Docent, Faculty of Medicine, Genev
Certificat de capacité in sleep medicine, SSSSC
European board certification in sleep medicine, ESRS
FMH postgraduate qualification in pulmonology
MD-PhD, Geneva Faculty of Medicine
Master II. Pulmonary Vascular diseases, University of Bologna
Federal Diploma in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva
Member of the Editorial Board of the Swiss Medical Journal
Member of the Geneva Respiratory Group (GPG)
Member of the European Society of Sleep Medicine (ESRS)
Member of the Swiss Society of Sleep Medicine (SSSSC)
Member of the Executive Committee of the Swiss Society for Pulmonary Hypertension
Members of Assemblies 4 (sleep disordered breathing) and 13 (pulmonary vascular diseases) of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Member of AMGE and FMH
Head of Unit, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Associate assistant physician, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Assistant physician, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Senior Registrar, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Senior Registrar, Department of Psychiatry, HUG
Senior Registrar, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Fellowship, Paris (Bourse Marie Curie, EU FP7)
Head of clinic, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Internal medicine, Department of Pneumology, HUG
Internal medicine, Department of General Internal Medicine
Internal medicine, Department of Geriatrics, HUG
Research assistant, Department of Physiology, CMU
1: Wacker J, Joye R, Genecand L, Lador F, Beghetti M. The evolution of clinical trials for pediatric pulmonary hypertension: are the needs of patients and their caregivers being met? Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2024 Sep;17(9):793-801. doi: 10.1080/17512433.2024.2396119. Epub 2024 Sep 1. PMID: 39171351.
2: Genecand L, Lador F, Montani D, Perneger T. Is Higher Dose of Inhaled Treprostinil Truly Superior to Lower Dose of Inhaled Treprostinil in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Interstitial Lung Diseases? Chest. 2024 May;165(5):e161. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.12.032. PMID: 38724160.
3: McLin VA, Franchi-Abella S, Brütsch T, Bahadori A, Casotti V, de Ville de Goyet J, Dumery G, Gonzales E, Guérin F, Hascoet S, Heaton N, Kuhlmann B, Lador F, Lambert V, Marra P, Plessier DA, Quaglia A, Rougemont AL, Savale L, Sarma MS, Sitbon O, Superina RA, Uchida H, van Albada M, Johannes van der Doef HP, Vilgrain V, Wacker J, Zwaveling-Soonawala N, Debray D, Wildhaber BE. Corrigendum to "Expert management of congenital portosystemic shunts and their complications" [JHEP Reports 6 (2024)]. JHEP Rep. 2024 Jan 30;6(3):101024. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2024.101024. Erratum for: JHEP Rep. 2023 Oct 20;6(1):100933. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100933. PMID: 38481635; PMCID: PMC10935493.
4: McLin VA, Franchi-Abella S, Brütsch T, Bahadori A, Casotti V, de Ville de Goyet J, Dumery G, Gonzales E, Guérin F, Hascoet S, Heaton N, Kuhlmann B, Lador F, Lambert V, Marra P, Plessier A, Quaglia A, Rougemont AL, Savale L, Sarma MS, Sitbon O, Superina RA, Uchida H, van Albada M, van der Doef HPJ, Vilgrain V, Wacker J, Zwaveling N, Debray D, Wildhaber BE. Expert management of congenital portosystemic shunts and their complications. JHEP Rep. 2023 Oct 20;6(1):100933. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100933. Erratum in: JHEP Rep. 2024 Jan 30;6(3):101024. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2024.101024. PMID: 38234409; PMCID: PMC10792643.
5: Genecand L, Firmann M, Gijs PJ, Lechartier B, Lador F. Hypertension pulmonaire : comment différencier les causes fréquentes et rares? [Pulmonary hypertension: how to differentiate rare from frequent etiologies?]. Rev Med Suisse. 2023 Nov 15;19(850):2138-2145. French. doi: 10.53738/REVMED.2023.19.850.2138. PMID: 37966144.
6: Guerreiro I, Bringard A, Nehme M, Guessous I, Benzakour L, Juillet De Saint Lager-Lucas A, Taboni A, Lador F. Exercise ventilatory response after COVID-19: comparison between ambulatory and hospitalized patients. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2023 Dec 1;325(6):L756-L764. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00142.2023. Epub 2023 Oct 24. PMID: 37874657; PMCID: PMC11068391.
7: Joye R, Wacker J, Nguyen DA, Hachulla AL, Maggio ABR, Cimasoni L, Lador F, Ansari M, Beghetti M. Dual-energy computed tomography to detect early pulmonary vascular changes in children with sickle cell disease: a pilot study. Front Pediatr. 2023 Aug 30;11:1221977. doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1221977. PMID: 37711601; PMCID: PMC10498276.
8: Titz A, Mayer L, Appenzeller P, Müller J, Schneider SR, Tamm M, Darie AM, Guler SA, Aubert JD, Lador F, Stricker H, Fellrath JM, Pohle S, Lichtblau M, Ulrich S. Long-term outcome of patients with combined post- and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension. Eur Heart J Open. 2023 Jul 3;3(4):oead069. doi: 10.1093/ehjopen/oead069. PMID: 37528902; PMCID: PMC10387509.
9: Vraka A, Diamanti E, Kularatne M, Yerly P, Lador F, Aubert JD, Lechartier B. Risk Stratification in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Update and Perspectives. J Clin Med. 2023 Jun 28;12(13):4349. doi: 10.3390/jcm12134349. PMID: 37445381; PMCID: PMC10342910.
10: Nehme M, Vieux L, Kaiser L, Chappuis F, Chenaud C; HealthCo Study Team; Guessous I. The longitudinal study of subjective wellbeing and absenteeism of healthcare workers considering post-COVID condition and the COVID-19 pandemic toll. Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 4;13(1):10759. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37568-1. PMID: 37402726; PMCID: PMC10319731.
11: Wacker J, Joye R, Genecand L, Lador F, Beghetti M. Pulmonary vascular disease as a complication of pediatric congenital heart diseases. Transl Pediatr. 2023 May 30;12(5):1041-1052. doi: 10.21037/tp-23-64. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37305723; PMCID: PMC10248925.
12: Genecand L, Simian G, Desponds R, Wacker J, Ulrich S, Lechartier B, Fellrath JM, Sitbon O, Beghetti M, Lador F. The Influence of Methods for Cardiac Output Determination on the Diagnosis of Precapillary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Mathematical Model. J Clin Med. 2023 Jan 4;12(2):410. doi: 10.3390/jcm12020410. PMID: 36675338; PMCID: PMC9864355.
13: Lenoir A, Christe A, Ebner L, Beigelman-Aubry C, Bridevaux PO, Brutsche M, Clarenbach C, Erkosar B, Garzoni C, Geiser T, Guler SA, Heg D, Lador F, Mancinetti M, Ott SR, Piquilloud L, Prella M, Que YA, von Garnier C, Funke-Chambour M. Pulmonary Recovery 12 Months after Non-Severe and Severe COVID-19: The Prospective Swiss COVID-19 Lung Study. Respiration. 2023;102(2):120-133. doi: 10.1159/000528611. Epub 2022 Dec 23. PMID: 36566741; PMCID: PMC9932828.
14: Benzakour L, Voruz P, Lador F, Guerreiro I, Kharat A, Assal F, Péron JA. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Hyperventilation in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: An Underestimated Association. J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry. 2022 Nov-Dec;63(6):637-638. doi: 10.1016/j.jaclp.2022.08.006. PMID: 36522036; PMCID: PMC9747240.
15: Nehme M, Vetter P, Chappuis F, Kaiser L, Guessous I; CoviCare Study Team. Prevalence of Post-Coronavirus Disease Condition 12 Weeks After Omicron Infection Compared With Negative Controls and Association With Vaccination Status. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 3;76(9):1567-1575. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac947. PMID: 36519381.
16: Coste F, Vraka A, Guerreiro I, Lador F, Lechartier B. Hypoxémie : de la physiopathologie au diagnostic [Hypoxemia: from pathophysiology to diagnosis]. Rev Med Suisse. 2022 Nov 16;18(804):2157-2161. French. doi: 10.53738/REVMED.2022.18.804.2157. PMID: 36382976.
17: Razban M, Sztajzel MD, Lador F, Sommer J, Haller DM, Favrod-Coune T. BPCO: recommandations pour les médecins de premiers recours [COPD: Guidelines for primary care physicians]. Rev Med Suisse. 2022 Sep 28;18(797):1792-1797. French. doi: 10.53738/REVMED.2022.18.797.1792. PMID: 36170131.
18: Deux JF, Crowe LA, Genecand L, Hachulla AL, Glessgen CG, Noble S, Beghetti M, Ning J, Giese D, Lador F, Vallée JP. Correlation between Pulmonary Artery Pressure and Vortex Duration Determined by Flow MRI in Main Pulmonary Artery in Patients with Suspicion of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH). J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 5;11(17):5237. doi: 10.3390/jcm11175237. PMID: 36079178; PMCID: PMC9457422.
19: Nehme M, Braillard O, Chappuis F; CoviCare Study Team; Guessous I. The chronification of post-COVID condition associated with neurocognitive symptoms, functional impairment and increased healthcare utilization. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 25;12(1):14505. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18673-z. PMID: 36008436; PMCID: PMC9403954.
20: Adamopoulos D, Pagoulatou S, Rovas G, Bikia V, Müller H, Giannakopoulos G, Mauler-Wittwer S, Licker MJ, Stergiopulos N, Lador F, Noble S. Prognostic Implications of the Novel Pulmonary Hypertension Definition in Patients with Aortic Stenosis after Transcatheter Valve Replacement. J Clin Med. 2022 Jul 22;11(15):4279. doi: 10.3390/jcm11154279. PMID: 35893367; PMCID: PMC9332728.
21: Nehme M, Vieux L, Courvoisier DS, Braillard O, Spechbach H, Jacquerioz F, Salamun J, Assal F, Lador F, Coen M, Agoritsas T, Reny JL, Graf C, Benzakour L, Favale R, Soccal PM, Bondolfi G, Tardin A, Zekry D, Stringhini S, Baggio S, Genevay S, Lauper K, Meyer P, Kwabena Poku N, Landis BN, Grira M, Sandoval J, Ehrsam J, Regard S, Genecand C, Kopp G, Guerreiro I, Allali G, Vetter P, Kaiser L, Chappuis F, Chenaud C, Guessous I. The pandemic toll and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers at a Swiss University Hospital. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Oct;29:101899. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101899. Epub 2022 Jul 8. PMID: 35822203; PMCID: PMC9263685.
22: Crowe LA, Genecand L, Hachulla AL, Noble S, Beghetti M, Vallée JP, Lador F. Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Determination Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Thermodilution in Pulmonary Hypertension. J Clin Med. 2022 May 11;11(10):2717. doi: 10.3390/jcm11102717. PMID: 35628843; PMCID: PMC9143884.
23: Nehme M, Braillard O, Chappuis F, Courvoisier DS, Kaiser L, Soccal PM, Reny JL, Assal F, Bondolfi G, Tardin A, Graf C, Zekry D, Stringhini S, Spechbach H, Jacquerioz F, Salamun J, Lador F, Coen M, Agoritsas T, Benzakour L, Favale R, Genevay S, Lauper K, Meyer P, Poku NK, Landis BN, Baggio S, Grira M, Sandoval J, Ehrsam J, Regard S, Genecand C, Kopp G, Guerreiro I, Allali G, Vetter P, Guessous I; CoviCare Study Team. One-year persistent symptoms and functional impairment in SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative individuals. J Intern Med. 2022 Jul;292(1):103-115. doi: 10.1111/joim.13482. Epub 2022 Mar 31. PMID: 35555926; PMCID: PMC9115262.
24: Appenzeller P, Lichtblau M, Berlier C, Aubert JD, Azzola A, Fellrath JM, Geiser T, Lador F, Pohle S, Opitz I, Schwerzmann M, Stricker H, Tamm M, Saxer S, Ulrich S. Disease characteristics and clinical outcome over two decades from the Swiss pulmonary hypertension registry. Pulm Circ. 2022 Jan 5;12(1):e12001. doi: 10.1002/pul2.12001. PMID: 35506112; PMCID: PMC9052988.
25: Rayroux C, Lador F, Soccal PM, Plojoux J, Adler D. Pneumologie [Pulmonology 2021: year in review]. Rev Med Suisse. 2022 Jan 19;18(764-5):64-68. French. doi: 10.53738/REVMED.2022.18.764-65.64. PMID: 35048583.
26: Guerreiro I, Höhn O, Soccal PM, Lador F. Télé-réhabilitation pulmonaire : un nouveau standard ? [Pulmonary telerehabilitation : a new standard ?]. Rev Med Suisse. 2021 Nov 17;17(759):1975-1978. French. PMID: 34787971.
27: Genecand L, Adler D, Beghetti M, Lador F. Cardiac Output Determination in Precapillary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Systematic Review. Respiration. 2021;100(12):1243-1250. doi: 10.1159/000517084. Epub 2021 Jul 13. PMID: 34256370.
28: Nehme M, Braillard O, Chappuis F, Courvoisier DS, Guessous I; CoviCare Study Team. Prevalence of Symptoms More Than Seven Months After Diagnosis of Symptomatic COVID-19 in an Outpatient Setting. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Sep;174(9):1252-1260. doi: 10.7326/M21-0878. Epub 2021 Jul 6. PMID: 34224254; PMCID: PMC8280535.
29: Benzakour L, Braillard O, Mazzola V, Gex D, Nehme M, Perone SA, Agoritsas T, Kopp G, Sara C, Bondolfi G, Lador F. Impact of peritraumatic dissociation in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A longitudinal study. J Psychiatr Res. 2021 Aug;140:53-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.031. Epub 2021 May 31. PMID: 34091347; PMCID: PMC8165636.
30: Kharat A, Dupuis-Lozeron E, Cantero C, Marti C, Grosgurin O, Lolachi S, Lador F, Plojoux J, Janssens JP, Soccal PM, Adler D. Self-proning in COVID-19 patients on low-flow oxygen therapy: a cluster randomised controlled trial. ERJ Open Res. 2021 Mar 8;7(1):00692-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00692-2020. PMID: 33718487; PMCID: PMC7869594.
31: Ghofrani HA, Gomez Sanchez MA, Humbert M, Pittrow D, Simonneau G, Gall H, Grünig E, Klose H, Halank M, Langleben D, Snijder RJ, Escribano Subias P, Mielniczuk LM, Lange TJ, Vachiéry JL, Wirtz H, Helmersen DS, Tsangaris I, Barberá JA, Pepke-Zaba J, Boonstra A, Rosenkranz S, Ulrich S, Steringer- Mascherbauer R, Delcroix M, Jansa P, Šimková I, Giannakoulas G, Klotsche J, Williams E, Meier C, Hoeper MM; NEW COLLABORATORS LIST. Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry. Respir Med. 2021 Mar;178:106220. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106220. Epub 2020 Nov 12. PMID: 33540340.
32: Hoeper MM, Gomez Sanchez MA, Humbert M, Pittrow D, Simonneau G, Gall H, Grünig E, Klose H, Halank M, Langleben D, Snijder RJ, Escribano Subias P, Mielniczuk LM, Lange TJ, Vachiéry JL, Wirtz H, Helmersen DS, Tsangaris I, Barberà JA, Pepke-Zaba J, Boonstra A, Rosenkranz S, Ulrich S, Steringer- Mascherbauer R, Delcroix M, Jansa P, Šimková I, Giannakoulas G, Klotsche J, Williams E, Meier C, Ghofrani HA; Collaborators list. Riociguat treatment in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry. Respir Med. 2021 Feb;177:106241. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106241. Epub 2020 Dec 3. PMID: 33422952.
33: Genecand L, Wacker J, Beghetti M, Lador F. Selexipag for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2021 May;15(5):583-595. doi: 10.1080/17476348.2021.1866990. Epub 2020 Dec 31. PMID: 33382345.
34: Wacker J, Aggoun Y, Terraz S, Golay E, Maggio ABR, Vallée JP, Hachulla AL, Lador F, Barazzone C, McLin V, Beghetti M. A 13-Year-Old Male With Diagnosed Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension: Is it Really Idiopathic? Chest. 2020 Dec;158(6):e295-e298. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.07.016. PMID: 33280772.
35: Joye R, Lador F, Aggoun Y, Farhat N, Wacker J, Wildhaber BE, Vallée JP, Hachulla AL, McLin VA, Beghetti M. Outcome of paediatric portopulmonary hypertension in the modern management era: A case report of 6 patients. J Hepatol. 2021 Mar;74(3):742-747. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.11.039. Epub 2020 Dec 1. PMID: 33276028.
36: Messe R, Cantero C, Adler D, Lador F. Approche diagnostique de la dyspnée chronique chez l’adulte [Diagnostic approach to chronic dyspnea in adults]. Rev Med Suisse. 2020 Nov 18;16(715):2198-2203. French. PMID: 33206476.
37: Kopp G, Hachulla AL, Noble S, Bringard A, Soccal PM, Beghetti M, Lador F. Unexpected Acceleration in Treprostinil Delivery Administered by a Lenus Pro® Implantable Pump in Two Patients Treated for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Oct 30;7:539707. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.539707. PMID: 33195292; PMCID: PMC7662390.
38: Jimenez-Del-Toro O, Dicente Cid Y, Platon A, Hachulla AL, Lador F, Poletti PA, Müller H. A lung graph model for the radiological assessment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in CT. Comput Biol Med. 2020 Oct;125:103962. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103962. Epub 2020 Aug 14. PMID: 32841766.
39: Fagoni N, Bruseghini P, Adami A, Capelli C, Lador F, Moia C, Tam E, Bringard A, Ferretti G. Effect of Lower Body Negative Pressure on Phase I Cardiovascular Responses at Exercise Onset. Int J Sports Med. 2020 Apr;41(4):209-218. doi: 10.1055/a-1028-7496. Epub 2020 Jan 20. PMID: 31958874; PMCID: PMC7286127.