Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Stéphanie Lancia

Massage therapist, therapeutic massages and energy treatments


Contact me

Hospital (1)

Centre de Médecine intégrative
Avenue Eugène-Pittard 34
1206 Genève

Handouts Presentations

"Health through touch, a holistic approach".

I've always had a passion for the human body, so I've dedicated my training and experience to the medical and paramedical fields.

5 years' experience in radiology, 10 years in the emergency sector (ambulances) and 7 years in infectiology, ophthalmology and neurology led me to specialise in oncology and chronic inflammatory diseases, followed by surgery.

These therapies are suitable for everyone, children and adults alike. Comprehensive care is tailored to each situation and takes account of the patient's overall condition (emotional and physical).

- Communication skills

- Precise feeling and analysis, comprehensive emotional and physical care for the patient

Doctors with this specialisation

Xundheitszentrum Stein am Rhein

Karin Zischg

Klinik Pyramide am See

Dr. med. Martin Böni