Certificate of further training in radiation protection, CHUV, Lausanne
Specialist in radiology
Certificate of further training in radiation protection, CHUV, Lausanne
Specialist in ultrasound, FMH certificate of further training, SSUM
Specialist in sports medicine, FMH certificate of further training, SSMS
Specialist in general internal medicine, FMH
Specialist in emergency medicine, FMH certificate of further training, SSMUS
FMH specialist in internal medicine
Specialist in manual medicine, FMH certificate of further training, SSMM
Creation of the Espace Santé des Franches-Montagnes, Saignelégier
Training centre for sports medicine specialists
Associate doctor, Institut de Radiologie du Jura Bernois, St-Imier
Training centre for medical assistants and trainees
General internal medicine practice, Saignelégier, Jura
Doctor, men's national alpine ski team, Swiss Ski, World Cups and World Championships
Private practice, Verbier
Deputy Head of Clinic, Emergency Department, HUG, Geneva
Senior Registrar, Department of Medicine, Emergency and Intensive Care, Hôpital du Nord Vaudois, Yverdon
Anaesthesiology Department, REGA, CHUV, Lausanne
Internal Medicine and Intensive Care, City Hospital, Chaux-de-Fonds
Paediatrics and Neonatology Department, Hôpital Pourtalès, Neuchâtel
Sports Medicine, Magglingen