Privatklinik Belair

Dr. med. Frank-Joachim Paech

Specialist in surgery, member of the FMH
Special: specialized traumatology

Areas of specialisation (2)
Further accreditations (2)
  • Privatklinik Bethanien
  • Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide

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Hospital (2)

Chirurgische Praxis Schaffhausen
Mühlentalsträsschen 11
8200 Schaffhausen

Work Experience

since 2022

Attending physician at the Privatklinik Bethanien, Zurich

since 2011

Attending physician at the Privatklinik Privatklinik Belair, Schaffhausen


Takeover of Dr Hegi's surgical practice in Schaffhausen and specialist in surgery at Schaffhausen Cantonal Hospital
Senior consultant in the surgical department of St. Marienkrankenhaus Vechta (Dr Eichler, Dr Erhardt)

1999 - 2008

Practising surgeon and trauma surgeon, as well as attending physician at St. Josef Hospital in Viernheim
Licensed as a transit physician for industrial accidents of the industrial employers' liability insurance associations, conciliary physician
at the Mannheim Clinic's short-term therapy centre

1998 - 1999

Specialist in surgery Further training as a trauma surgeon at Vincentiuskrankenhaus Speyer, Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery (Dr Aymar)

1990 - 1997

Assistant doctor at various clinics: Trauma Surgery Mannheim Hospital (Prof Plaue), Thoracic Surgery Heidelberg (Prof Vogt-Moykopf), Cardiac Surgery Ulm University Hospital (Prof Hannekum), Surgery Langenau District Hospital (Dr Rübenacker), General Surgery Frankenthal Municipal Hospital (Prof Reiter)



Interdisciplinary specialisation in sports medicine (SGSM)


Specialised in general surgery and traumatology
Interdisciplinary specialisation in manual medicine (SAMM)


Specialist title for surgery


Doctorate, cum laude: Reperfusion arrhythmias in lysis therapy of acute myocardial infarction

1983 - 1990

Studied human medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg

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Chirurgische Praxis Schaffhausen

Chirurgische Praxis Zürich


VISITE – Medizin konkret: Seltene Verletzungen am Kniegelenk

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Privatklinik Bethanien

Prof. Dr. med. Raoul Droeser

Visceral surgery, General surgery