Assistant medical practitioner
Gynaeco-obstetrics functional unit
CHU Hautepierre, Strasbourg (France)
Deputy head doctor
Hôpital de Saint-Imier
Les Fontenayes 17
2610 Saint-Imier
Assistant medical practitioner
Gynaeco-obstetrics functional unit
CHU Hautepierre, Strasbourg (France)
Medical practitioner
Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery anaesthesia and intensive care unit
Fort-de-France University Hospital (France)
Anaesthesia and intensive care unit
Attached physician in the Emergency Department, Internal Medicine, then Paediatrics
Yaoundé Military Hospital (Cameroon)
Clinical biology research placement
Center for Study and control for Communicable Diseases (CSCCD )
"Locoregional disorders after snakebite: Time is muscle!" Reanoxyo 2010; 26: 57 Larreche S., Ramsang S., Mion G
"Les envenimations par serpents exotiques chez l'enfant" Arch Pediat 2011; 18: 158-159 Mion G., Larreche S., Ramsang S., Le Noel A., Saksak N., Chani M., Ouedraogo N
"Factors predictive of success of analgesia combining Hydroxyzine, Nefopam, Phloroglucinol and Nitrous oxide for the performance of colonoscopy" Endoscopy 2010; 42-A51 Farmachidi J.-P., Dusoleil A., Ramsang Kella S., Walcker J.-L., Lhomme Getler V
"Association of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke in the aftermath of a trigonocephalus bite in Martinique." Reanoxyo 2010; 26: 53-56. Ramsang Kella S., Merat S., Larreche S., Mion G
"Safety Management and Evaluation of medical Equipment: the Example of aero Evacuation Aviat Space Environ" Med 2010 Jan; 81(1) :78 TourtierJ.-P ,Ramsang S., Cirrode A., Libert N., Borne M.
"Evaluation of professional practices: how many cases to analyse?" AFAR 2009, Tourtier J.-R, Ramsang Kella S., Leclerc T., Mion G.,Diraison
"Feasibility, tolerance and acceptability of colonoscopies performed during analgesia with Nefopam and nitrous oxide" Endoscopy 2008; 40-P119 Farmachidi J.-P, Dusoleil A., Ramsang Kella S. Walcker J.-L., LHomnne Getler V
Diploma from the Swiss Pain Society
Diplôme universitaire Thromboses et Hémorragie : de la biologie a la clinique, Université Paris-Descartes, France, Certificats BLS, " Pediatric Advance Life Support ", " Advance Cardiovascular Life Support ", Certificat Médecine d'urgence, Switzerland
Radiation Protection Expert Certificate, Lausanne, Prorame Foundation
Inter-university diploma: ultrasonic techniques in anaesthesia and TUSAR resuscitation, cardiovascular ultrasound option
Diploma of Specialised Studies in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Doctorate in Medicine
Yaoundé Cameroon