Medizinisches Zentrum Biel

Lic phil Carola Portner Matthey

Specialist psychologist for child and adolescent psychology FSP

Federally recognised psychotherapist


Contact me

Hospital (1)

Medizinisches Zentrum Biel MZB
Centre Médical Bienne CMB

Unionsgasse 14 / Rue de l'Union 14
2502 Biel-Bienne


FSP, Federation of Swiss Psychologists

SKJP, Swiss Association for Child and Adolescent Psychology

VBP, Association of Bernese Psychologists

Work Experience

Since 2023 at the Medical Centre Biel (MZB)

4 years of psychological service at the special day school in the Centre for Children with Sensory and Physical Impairments ZKSK, Solothurn

4 years in a day clinic for children, Fribourg

3 years in child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry, Biel

11 years at the Child and Adolescent Psychological-Psychiatric Joint Practice, Zofingen

Maternity replacement, Lyss Medical Centre

Assistant year at Neuhaus Paediatric Clinic, UPD Bern

Trainee at the school psychology service, Zofingen

Trainee at the cantonal youth centre, Aarburg

Doctors with this specialisation

Centre Médical Eaux-Vives

Dr. med. Barbara Raimundo

Psychiatry and psychotherapy, Psychotherapy
Hôpital de Moutier

Dr. med. Denis Kenzin

Psychiatry and psychotherapy
Hôpital de Moutier

Dr. med. Cherifa Zemzami

Child and adolescent psychiatry
Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Babak Moayedoddin

Psychiatry and psychotherapy, Psychotherapy
Schmerzklinik Basel

Dr. med. Svetlana Lunde

Psychiatry and psychotherapy, Sports medicine, Acupuncture
Medizinisches Zentrum Biel

Lic phil Jacqueline Schraner

Child and adolescent psychiatry, Psychiatry and psychotherapy