Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Cristiana Quattropani Cicalissi

Specialist in General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, FMH member


Contact me

Hospital (1)
StudioGastro Lugano
c/o Clinica Sant’Anna, Via Sant'Anna 7
6924 Sorengo


FMH Internal Medicine (obtained in 2002)

FMH certificate for therapeutic examinations and interventions and ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography)

FMH Gastroenterology (obtained in 2003)

since 2010

Accredited Physician Clinica Moncucco Lugano, Associated Gastroenterology Office Gastrocentro sede Lugano and Chiasso

2010 - 2014

Consultant gastroenterology and on-call service Beata Vergine Hospital, Mendrisio

2003 - 2010

Assistant physician, head of the gastroenterology service at the Beata Vergine Hospital in Mendrisio,
consultant and on-call service Ospedale Italiano respectively Ospedale Civico di Lugano

1999 - 2003

Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cat A
Assistant physician and later head of clinic University Hospital, Inselspital Bern
Chiefs: Prof. Dr. med Göke , Prof. Dr. med. U. Scheurer, Prof. Dr. med BH Lauterburg und Prof. J. Reichen


Scientific work in the laboratory of nephrology (in collaboration with the institute of gastroenterology) Study: "reduced activity of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in patients with cholestasis" , Inselspital Bern, Prof. Dr. med F. Frey, Prof B. Frey

1998 - 1999

Internal Medicine, Cat. A
University Hospital, Inselspital Bern
Chiefs: Prof. Dr. med. W.Straub, Prof. Dr. med. F. Frey

1995 - 1998

Internal Medicine, Cat. A
Regional Hospital "La Carità", LocarnoPrincipal: PD Dr. G. Mombelli


Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Cat B Regional Hospital La Carità, LocarnoDr. D. Wyss


Doctorate obtained

1994 - 1995

Surgery, Cat. B, Spital Menziken, MenzikenDirector: Dr. B. Kirchhof


Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Cat B,Regional Hospital "La Carità", LocarnoPrimary care: Dr. D. Zarro


Federal Medical Diploma


  • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

  • French Gastroenterology Society SNFGE

  • Swiss Society of Gastroenterology (SSG-SGG)

  • European Association for the Study of the Liver Diseases (EASL)

  • Medical Association of the Canton of Ticino (OMCT)

  • Swiss Society of Internal Medicine (SSMI-SGIM)

Doctors with this specialisation

Ärztezentrum Oerlikon

Dr. med. Ulrike Schröder

General medicine, Internal medicine
Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Erich Müller

Oncology, Hematology, Internal medicine
Hôpital de Saint-Imier

Dr. med. Kafui Houegnifioh

Internal medicine