Occupational therapist, Head of Centre de thérapies physiques et cognitives de Montchoisi
Occupational therapist, Head of Centre de thérapies physiques et cognitives de Montchoisi
Centre de thérapies physiques et cognitives
Avenue de Montchoisi 27
1006 Lausanne
Occupational therapist, Head of Centre de thérapies physiques et cognitives de Montchoisi
Consultant occupational therapist, Fédération Suisse de Consultation en Moyens Auxiliaires (FSCMA), Switzerland
Occupational therapist, Fondation Echaud, Cugy, Switzerland
Occupational therapist, Clinique les Cyprès, Avignon, France
Occupational therapist, Clinique les I.R.I.S., Marcy l'Etoile, France
Federal diploma for team leaders in social and medico-social organisations - Leadership & Local Management
Certificate in social insurance management
Allyane therapist certification: neuromotor reprogramming
Occupational therapy and visual impairment
Joint mobilisation training for the upper limb
Palpatory anatomy of the upper limb and associated taping
Orficast method thumb splint - SSRM
FSEA Adult Trainer Certificate FFA BF-M1, Migros Club School, Switzerland
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Practical Training, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, Switzerland
Inter-university diploma in intellectual disability, Claude Bernard University, Lyon 1, France
"Technical aids for communication and multiple disabilities" training days, APF, E. Cataix-Nègre, Paris, France
"Wheelchair, sitting and positioning" training course, Centre for Wheelchair Sitting, Nottwill, Switzerland
State Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Montpellier Occupational Therapy Training Institute, France
Advanced Technical Certificate in Orthopaedic Orthotists and Podiatrists, Pôle Sud formation Santé, CCI Avignon, France