Privatklinik Siloah

Dr. med. Sergio Thomann

Orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system, FMH member

Further accreditations (3)
  • Privatklinik Obach
  • Ärztezentrum Siloah Liebefeld
  • Ärztezentrum Siloah Murten

Work Experience

since 2019

Attending physician for orthopaedics and traumatology
Accreditation Privatklinik Siloah Gümligen and Privatklinik Obach Solothurn

2015 - 2019

Chief Physician
Clinic for Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Siloah, Gümligen
(PD Dr M. Weber)

2011 - 2018

Hip surgery internships with:
Prof. Grappiolo, Milan
Prof J. Pfeil, Wiesbaden
Prof M. Beck, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
Prof M. Leunig, Schulthessklinik, Zurich
Dr F. Kalberer, Cantonal Hospital Winterthur

2004 - 2015

Senior physician
Orthopaedic Clinic, Bern Ziegler Hospital
(PD Dr H. Nötzli, PD Dr M. Weber)


Internship with Dr G. Walch, Lyon (shoulder surgery)

2002 - 2003

Senior Physician
Orthopaedic Clinic, Bern Hospital Ziegler
(Dr U. Wehrli, PD Dr H. Nötzli)


Senior Physician
Orthopaedic Clinic, Bürgerspital, Solothurn
(Dr D. Weber)

1999 - 2000

Assistant doctor
Orthopaedic University Clinic Balgrist, Zurich
(Prof. Dr med. C. Gerber)

1997 - 1999

Assistant doctor
Orthopaedic Clinic, Cantonal Hospital, Fribourg
(Prof. Dr med. R. P. Jakob)

1996 - 1997

Assistant doctor
Surgical Clinic, Zieglerspital, Berne
(Dr U. Wehrli, PD Dr E. Frei)

1995 - 1996

Scientific assistant doctor
Rheumatological University Clinic, Inselspital, Berne
(Prof. Dr med. N. J. Gerber)


Areas of specialisation

  • Shoulder and elbow surgery
  • Hip surgery
  • Trauma surgery



Doctorate Dr med.


State Examination


Expertise in shoulder/elbow

  • Shoulder and elbow arthroscopy (joint endoscopy)
  • Torn ligaments (torn tendons)
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain
  • Arthrosis (artificial joint)
  • Replacement surgery after artificial joint insertion
  • Follow-up problems after accidents, fractures, operations, infections

Expertise in the hip

  • Pinching phenomena (impingement)
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Joint-preserving treatment of early osteoarthritis
  • Assessment and treatment of acute and chronic pain
  • Osteoarthritis (artificial joint)
  • Replacement surgery after artificial joint insertion
  • Follow-up problems after accidents, fractures, operations, infections

Doctors with this specialisation

Privatklinik Siloah

Dr. med. Daniel de Menezes

Orthopaedic surgery, Hip surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery, Knee prosthesis, VELYS™, Osteoarthritis of the knee, Knee arthroscopy, Hip prosthesis, Hip osteoarthritis, Hip impingement, Sports medicine, Cartilage damage, Cruciate ligament tear, Meniscus tear View more
Hôpital de La Providence

Dr. med. Krzysztof Piasecki

Orthopaedic surgery, Shoulder surgery, Chirurgie du coude, Traumatologie,
Privatklinik Obach

Dr. med. Andreas von Roll

Orthopaedic surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery, Hip surgery, Sports medicine View more
Privatklinik Villa im Park

Dr. med. Hubert Burki

Orthopaedic surgery
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Simone Bertoglio

Orthopaedic surgery, Hip surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery
Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Gregor Szöllösy

General surgery, Orthopaedic surgery, Shoulder surgery