Specialist in anaesthesia, alphacare AG
Specialist FMH Anaesthesiology
Specialist in anaesthesia, alphacare AG
Specialist in anaesthesia, Narcocare AG
Oberärztin Anästhesie Stadtspital Waid
Resident Anaesthetist City Hospital Triemli
Resident Anaesthetist Cantonal Hospital Baden
Assistant Anaesthetist Emergency Service 911 and State Hospital Pablo Arturo Suarez Quito Ecuador
Assistenzärztin Anästhesie Kantonsspital Baden
Resident Anaesthetist KS Schaffhausen
Assistant Doctor Gerontopsychiatry KS Schaffhausen
2015 to 2017: Advanced training diploma in anaesthesiology SGAR-SSAR
2014: Multidisciplinary course in pain therapy according to pain mechanism
2012 to 2014: Advanced training diploma in anaesthesiology SGAR-SSAR
2009 to 2011: Advanced training diploma in anaesthesiology SGAR-SSAR
Specialist title in anaesthesiology FMH
Doctor of Medicine at the University of Zurich
Specialist title Anaesthesiology Quito Ecuador
Doctor of Medicine at the University of Central Quito-EC
Study of human medicine at the University of Central Quito-Ecuador