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Quality management

Our policy is based on a quality management system that has been recognised for more than 20 years by ISO 9001 certification for all our activities and ISO 13485 for the management of our medical devices (sterilisation). It guarantees compliance with applicable regulatory, legal and normative requirements.

We expect each of our employees to be an ambassador for this policy and to embody the Générale-Beaulieu spirit.

The clinic's quality policy

1.) Patient satisfaction

We have always placed the patient at the heart of our concerns and do everything possible to ensure their complete satisfaction. We welcome them in a warm, friendly environment and accompany them throughout their treatment.

2.) Expertise & know-how

We invest in the training of our staff and cultivate our expertise to ensure safe and effective care. We rely on the skills of recognised and experienced doctors through a rigorous selection process.

3.) Innovation

We continually invest in maintaining a state-of-the-art technical platform and offer our patients the most innovative treatments.

4.) Sustainable development

We are committed to continuously improving the sustainability of our activities through societal and environmental objectives.

Patient safety

Patient safety is essential in a care establishment such as Clinique Générale-Beaulieu and is guaranteed at several levels.

The care management team coordinates the activities of the various departments: medicine, oncology, surgery, obstetrics, post-operative care and resuscitation, post-interventional surveillance care, pharmacy, ophthalmology, radiology and nuclear medicine. To achieve this, 18 managers and more than 250 employees work day and night with patients.

Optimised staff allocation and targeted further training (specialist training) enable the nurses to provide optimum quality of care and personalised treatment for each patient. In the surgical departments, each nurse is responsible for 6 to 8 patients. In medicine and the maternity ward, the midwives and nursery nurses take charge of 3 to 5 patients in order to give priority to the care-giver-client relationship.

The clinic has two laboratories (immunohaematology, anatomopathology), a physiotherapy department, a radiology institute and a nuclear medicine institute, which ensures that patients can receive evaluation of their treatments under the best possible conditions.


ISO 9001:2015 – Swiss Safety Center (SSC)

Some of our clinics are certified according to this standard, which is widely used and comparable both nationally and internationally. It shows the requirements that have to be implemented with regard to customer needs as well as product and service quality. The standard is thus a proven instrument for increasing the transparency of operational processes and subsequently optimising the efficiency of corporate performance. The annual review by the certification body SSC also ensures continuous and sustainable improvement of the management system.

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ISO 13485 – Swiss Safety Center (SSC)

La norma ISO 13485 specifica i requisiti di un sistema di gestione della qualità che può essere applicato da un'organizzazione per la progettazione e lo sviluppo, la produzione e l'installazione e la manutenzione di dispositivi medici.

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ERAS® is a multimodal perioperative care pathway designed to achieve early recovery for patients undergoing major surgery.

ERAS® represents a paradigm shift in perioperative care in two ways. First, it re-examines traditional practices, replacing them with evidence-based best practices when necessary. Second, it is comprehensive in its scope, covering all areas of the patient’s journey through the surgical process.

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Hygiene management

«Nosocomial infections (infections acquired in the course of medical care) are frequent and widely studied adverse events in hospitalisation. A study conducted in 1999 in 18 Swiss hospitals showed that more than 10 % of patients hospitalised in our country have a nosocomial infection.»

* swissnoso vol. 8 no. 1. Bulletin of March 2001: «The frequency of nosocomial infections as an indicator of the quality of care», N. Troillet, Sion, P. Francioli, Lausanne, D. Pittet, Geneva and C. Ruef, Zurich

At Clinique Générale-Beaulieu, the main objective of hospital hygiene is to protect patients from the risks of infections associated with care. Active since 1998, the Hygiene Commission defines an annual programme of actions aimed at ensuring the implementation of the directives of the Canton's General Directorate of Public Health, as well as the specific recommendations of the various national and international reference bodies. The commission includes: the general manager, the director of care, the responding physician, the infectious diseases physician, the hygienic nurse, the hygiene referents of each sector and the managers concerned.

To control these infections and optimise both the quality of care and patient safety, Véronique Marchal, a nurse specialising in infection prevention and control, draws up good hygiene practice protocols and monitors the effectiveness of the measures implemented in the field. She also monitors healthcare-associated infections by participating in the Swissnoso survey on the prevalence of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Swiss acute care hospitals, as well as in the monitoring of postoperative infections or surgical site infections (SSI).

She trains the staff and plays an expert role in the management of infectious risks in direct relation with Dr Soravia-Dunand, infectious diseases specialist at the Clinique Générale Beaulieu.
The clinic actively participates in the WHO's global «Clean Care is Safer Care» campaigns, and in particular every 5th of May since 2009 to promote hand hygiene.

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