
As a member of the Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH), Privatklinik Lindberg is one of the leading small, fine, private hospitals in Switzerland. It offers around 120 employees varied and exciting tasks in a modern, dynamic environment.

Exciting tasks in a dynamic environment

With 68 beds and around 105 affiliated doctors, the clinic focuses primarily on the specialities of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system, gynaecology and obstetrics, nephrology, visceral surgery, urology, various surgical specialities and internal medicine. Patients are offered medical care of the highest standard and individual, flexible nursing care.

Discover our attractive working conditions

The social benefits are above average; the benefits of the Swiss Medical Network Pension Foundation exceed the statutory minimum stipulated by the Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plans (BVG). Fathers also benefit from 4 weeks paid paternity leave

In addition, there are a large number of benefits: from free flu vaccinations to fleet discounts on car purchases and free accident insurance in the private class.

Work-life balance

We provide flexible working conditions and working time models that allow mothers and fathers alike to combine work and family responsibilities.

  • Possibility of part-time work or job sharing
  • Flexible working time models depending on function and profession
  • Possibility for home office, if the job to be performed permits this


We pay regional salaries in line with the market and offer attractive social and fringe benefits. To this end, we regularly carry out market comparisons with regard to salaries and employment conditions.

Our pension fund offers above-average benefits. You can find out more here

Our values

For more than a century, we have seen it as our task to provide patients with high-quality medical care that meets the highest standards of quality, safety and reliability.

We can count on the expertise of our experienced and committed staff. The well-being and safety of our patients are always at the centre of our attention.

You can find out more here

Training and further education

We promote talent and expand the skills of our staff by offering a range of training and continuing education courses and facilitating exchange with other Swiss Medical Network professionals across clinics in workshops and conferences.


The health of our employees is important to us. We support our employees in practising sports and contribute to the costs. For example, for membership in a sports club or fitness centre.

We ensure a healthy workplace with free flu vaccinations and other measures.

Participation Committee

The members of the Participation Committee are employees of Privatklinik Lindberg. They organise various smaller events for the employees. The members of the Participation Committee are the link between the management and the employees of the clinic.

And much more...

A wide range of benefits are available to our employees. In our clinics, employees benefit from very inexpensive and high-quality catering. Coffee, tea and mineral water are also available to everyone free of charge.

Other benefits, such as discounts on purchases as well as events and services of all kinds, complement the wide range of offers and can be accessed at any time via the Swibeco platform.

Job offers

Find the right position for you in one of our exciting fields and join Swiss Medical Network:
  • Hospitality 
  • Doctors
  • Nursing
  • Administration
  • Technical Service
  • Place of learning
  • Practical training
  • Logistics
  • Operational area

Spontaneous application

You haven't found the right position?
The Privatklinik Lindberg also welcomes unsolicited applications.

To the form for spontaneous applications