Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system. It causes the immune system to attack the myelin sheath, the protective coating around nerve fibres, which allows signals to transmit quickly.

MS leads to impaired function, in some cases with acute “flare-ups”. The disease progresses in proportion to the rate of new lesions in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).


There is no specific cause that triggers multiple sclerosis. It is assumed that the combination of various factors leads to the disease and is referred to as multifactorial development.

In multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune reaction against the myelin sheath develops. The myelin sheath insulates the nerve cells of the human body and ensures that information is passed quickly through the nerve pathways. If the myelin sheath is defective, the nerves do not send the information properly and dysfunctions occur in the body.


MS symptoms develop due to sites of demyelinated lesions or inflammation, which can occur in all fibre pathways of the central nervous system.

Symptoms of MS include:

  • Impaired limb and core motor function
  • Reduced fine motor skills
  • Cramps and spasms
  • Blurred vision, usually in one eye
  • Double vision (diplopia)
  • Sensory problems
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with balance
  • Pain


There is currently no cure for MS. However, there are various treatment options to inhibit relapses, to keep the course symptom free and to stop the progression of the disease.


  • Maintain joint mobility
  • Maintain motor response
  • Improve coordination and posture
  • Increase core stability
  • Improve gait

Occupational therapy

  • Maintain maximum independence for personal hygiene, bathing, dressing, etc.
  • Teach safe transfer techniques, particularly sitting to sitting
  • Improve both superficial and deep sensory issues, such as tingling
  • Improve coordination of voluntary movements: fine motor skills, coordination of both hands, agility, strength and endurance
  • Writing exercises to improve coordination
  • Adapt the home environment to improve quality of life
  • Help to manage fatigue

Tailored physical activity programmes

  • Teach techniques to manage exertion and fatigue
  • Stimulate coordination of the lower/upper limbs (e.g., pilates, basketball, aerobics, dance, etc.)
  • Help to make sport and exercise enjoyable again

Neuropsychological rehabilitation

Neuropsychology makes use of remaining abilities in order to rehabilitate and/or compensate for impaired cognitive skills.

Neuropsychological therapy mainly focuses on improving:

  • Memory skills
  • Executive functions (i.e., multitasking, planning daily tasks, etc.)
  • Attention disorders (i.e., speed of information processing)

In order to achieve this, several approaches are used, such as:

  • Games focused on cognitive skills
  • Specific computer software tools (RehaCom, iGerip, Cogniplus®)
  • Paper-and-pencil exercises

Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy sessions mainly focus on improving speech and voice function as well as swallowing disorders.

Sessions cover a wide range of activities, including:

  • Speech exercises
  • Oral motor exercises
  • Vocal exercises
  • Food therapy (adapting food textures, techniques for protecting the airway, etc.)

Our speech and language therapists can also develop alternative means of communication to help patients interact more with their family and friends.


Clinique Valmont

Maud Ismail

Occupational therapy, MindMotion™ GO, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3 View more
Clinique Valmont

Cécile Robert

Occupational therapy, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, MindMotion™ GO, IVS-3 View more
Clinique Valmont

Houssem Boutaieb

Occupational therapy, MindMotion™ GO, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3, Paediatric occupational therapy, View more
Clinique Valmont

Jessica Cecillon

Occupational therapy, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3, MindMotion™ GO View more
Clinique Valmont

Zoé Gallmann

Occupational therapy, MindMotion™ GO, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3 View more
Clinique Valmont

Marion Galvan

Occupational therapy, MindMotion™ GO, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3 View more
Clinique Valmont

Marine Guilbot

Occupational therapy, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, MindMotion™ GO, IVS-3 View more
Clinique Valmont

Maureen Tournay

Occupational therapy, Canine-assisted therapy, REAplan® - robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limbs, IVS-3, MindMotion™ GO View more
Clinique Valmont

Camille Bancharel

Clinique Valmont

Céline Butler (Bosset)

Clinique Valmont

Florence Dumoulin

Speech therapy
Clinique Valmont

Paulo Da Cunha Ribeiro

Physiotherapy, Lyra Gait, Alter G, Global reconditioning View more
Clinique Valmont

Raphaël Zaugg

Physiotherapy, Lyra Gait, Global reconditioning, Alter G View more
Clinique Valmont

Charlotte Brun

Adapted physical activity, Alter G, Global reconditioning, Parkinson View more
Clinique Valmont

Chloé Fritsch

Physiotherapy, Lyra Gait, Alter G, Global reconditioning, Parkinson View more
Clinique Valmont

Grégory Gamot

Adapted physical activity, Alter G, Global reconditioning
Clinique Valmont

Yoann Mougenot

Adapted physical activity, Alter G, Global reconditioning
Clinique Valmont

Géraldine Seuret

Physiotherapy, Lyra Gait, Alter G, Global reconditioning View more
Clinique Valmont

Chanel Tordeur

Physiotherapy, Lyra Gait, Alter G, Global reconditioning View more

Are you interested in a rehabilitation stay at the Clinique Valmont?

Please do not hesitate to contact us; our admissions department will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

+41 21 962 37 40

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Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique Valmont

Dr. med. Julien Bogousslavsky

Neurology, Neurological rehabilitation, Stroke, Parkinson, Multiple sclerosis View more
Clinique Valmont

Dr. med. Sarah Berrut-Bengtsson

Neurology, Neurological rehabilitation, Stroke, Parkinson, Multiple sclerosis View more


Neurology symposium: photo gallery

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