TV report: What is behind a persistent cough?
Who hasn't experienced a cough? There can be many causes behind it. If the cough only occurs acutely, it is usually harmless and can be treated with simple household remedies. However, if the cough persists for more than eight weeks, it should be checked out by a doctor.
Chronic coughs require detective work. A common condition is reflux, for example, in which small droplets of stomach acid trigger a cough. However, this can be treated relatively well with medication. More challenging is the treatment of inflammation of the lungs, which can also be accompanied by a chronic cough.
In the SRF TV report «GESUNDHEITHEUTE», Dr Stephan Wieser from the Lungen-Klinik Bethanien talks about the various forms, causes and treatments of persistent coughs. The report also sheds light on the medical history of a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Watch the full report here (in German).