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  • Third successful symposium on sustainable healthcare at the Locarno Film Festival

Third successful symposium on sustainable healthcare at the Locarno Film Festival

Swiss Medical Network hosted its third innovative symposium on sustainable healthcare on Saturday 10 August during the prestigious Locarno Film Festival.

This special event brought together leading experts from the healthcare industry to discuss the future of healthcare and present innovative approaches.

Our renowned speakers, including Prof Dr Luisa Lambertini (USI Lugano), Dr Philippe Eggimann (FMH), Sophie Ley (ASI) and Dr Francesco Volonté (Clinica Sant'Anna), provided in-depth insights into the state of the Swiss healthcare system.

Some of the top topics:

  1. Healthcare system today: Jerome Cosandey from Avenir Romandie presented the current challenges, Luisa Lambertini, Rector at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, presented the topic of sustainability in the healthcare system.
  1. Integrated care strategy: CSS was represented by Sanjay Singh, who offered insights into the integrated care model of EHC Morges; in the subsequent panel discussion, Alexandre Omont, Director of Réseau de l'Arc and Pius Zängerle, President of Curafutura, were also able to contribute their learnings on integrated care.
  1. The future of healthcare: Both Dr Philippe Eggimann, Vice President of the FMH, and Sophie Ley, President of the SBK, outlined the challenges of training doctors and nurses. Dr Francesco Volonté emphasised the importance of an integrated training approach based on the USI Medical Master Bedside Teaching, which is a cooperative project between the USI and the two Swiss Medical Network clinics Clinica Sant'Anna and Clinica Ars Medica. This result was confirmed again in the discussion by Paolo Barro.

The symposium provided a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience. It was inspiring to see how experts from different disciplines came together to develop solutions to the challenges of modern healthcare jointly.

A big thank you to everyone involved!

We would like to thank all the participants and speakers who made this event a great success. Your commitment and valuable contributions are invaluable and help to drive forward our vision of integrated and sustainable healthcare.

Further information can be found in the press release

More about the integrated care organisation Réseau de l'Arc

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  • Third successful symposium on sustainable healthcare at the Locarno Film Festival