La Consulenza Rete Uno - Dr.ssa med. Sara Bonasia
Ticinese Association for Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm and Other Neurovascular Malformations
About a year and a half ago, the Ticinese Association for Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm and Other Neurovascular Malformations was born.
The goal is to Help patients and family members of patients learn about the condition and how to live with it.
So what is Cerebral Aneurysm and how is it treated? How does one live afterwards? Not all aneurysms rupture, what are the risks?
We discuss this with : Dr. Med Sara Bonasia, neurosurgeon; Marzia Nobs, President Aneurysm Association Ticino and Noris Rovelli, Secretary Aneurysm Association Ticino
Listen to the episode again by clicking here.