News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Medical conference

360° ophthalmology symposium

Public conference

Publikumsvortrag: Gemeinsam stark – Ganzheitliche Ansätze für Ihre Gelenkgesundheit

Public event

Schizophrénie : regards croisés sur la maladie et son accompagnement

Public conference

Publikumsvortrag: Vitamine und Spurenelemente – Mangelerscheinungen erkennen und behandeln

Medical conference

Fachvortrag: Neues aus der Knieendoprothetik


Training: managing the trunk and postural control

Public event

Vernissage de l'exposition "Mère et Fille"

Public conference

Cycle of public lectures

Medical conference

Public conference: ‘What if your lifestyle determined your longevity?

Medical conference

MPA only - Augenprobleme

Medical conference

Dal medico di famiglia allo specialista – Il percorso diagnostico-terapeutico vincente

Medical conference

Robotic surgery in orthopaedics: innovation, precision and benefits for the patient