Radixact® imaging system

Intensity modulated radiotherapy is a form of high-precision external radiotherapy. Instead of a uniform dose of radiation, the beams deliver three-dimensional conformal radiation for a higher and more targeted dose to the tumour while minimising radiation to the surrounding healthy tissue. There are fewer side effects and it reduces treatment toxicity.

The Radixact® system

The Radixact® system represents the latest generation of the TomoTherapy® platform, which is designed to deliver image-guided, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT) with next-level precision. It is an all-in-one system that allows doctors to carry out imaging exams and deliver treatment using the same equipment and do so via a faster, more precise and more practical procedure.
This is possible thanks to the fact that the Radixact system is equipped with an on-board kilovoltage computed tomography (kVCT) imaging system and a linear accelerator. Whereas the devices used in conventional radiotherapy deliver a wide beam of radiation, the Radixact® system divides it into multiple narrow beams delivered helically in an ultra-precise manner over 360 degrees, with each beam having the ability to deliver a specific dose of radiation.

The treatment

At each stage in the treatment, doctors are able to continually adjust the delivery of radiation to the anatomy of the patient in question, so that the right dose of radiation is delivered to the right place at the right time. This makes it easier to target the different regions of a tumour whilst sparing surrounding healthy tissue and organs and thus reducing the risk of side-effects. Automated, smart processes and tools that aid in decision-making during treatment also allow doctors to adjust your treatment based on changes in the size, shape and location of your tumour.

Cancer centres

For over a decade, Swiss Oncology Network has set its sights on one overriding goal: to offer everyone living with cancer privileged access to treatments and the best and safest treatment strategies for their specific illness.

Our cancer centres

A world first

The Clinique Générale-Beaulieu's Radixact tomotherapy (the only tomotherapy radiotherapy equipment in Geneva) will now be fully controlled by Raysearch's RayCare. Considered a pioneer, the Clinique Générale-Beaulieu is the first clinic in the world to have fully integrated and used RayCare.

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