
The Papillon 50 device is used in the field of colorectal cancer and currently only the Swiss Medical Network has this device in Switzerland. The Papillon technology is a proven alternative to surgery for rectal cancer patients as long as the tumour is located in the last section of the digestive system and diagnosed at an early stage.

Rectal cancer: Radiotherapy gives cancer patients new hope

Rectal cancer is a colon tumour with the most serious consequences for patients. Apart from the emotional burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis, the possible creation of a stoma (artificial bowel outlet) is fraught with many prejudices and may mean a deep cut in the patient's life, even if this should only be temporary.

Local contact radiation therapy with the Papillon technique, which we now also offer at Privatklinik Bethanien and Clinique Générale-Beaulieu, is an alternative to surgery for selected rectal cancer patients.

Combination with other methods

In advanced cancers, this therapy enables a faster reduction of the tumour, possibly even with complete elimination of the tumour. In these stages, Papillon treatment is combined with conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy to achieve an increased effect. In some patients, surgery may even be avoided.

Duration of therapy and side effects

The Papillon technique is performed on an outpatient basis. It takes an average of three to five sessions, one to three weeks apart, to cure a tumour. The treatment is well tolerated and side effects are mild and temporary. Patients retain normal bowel function and a satisfactory quality of life.

Our doctors

Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Cristina Picardi

Radio-oncology, Internal medicine, Papillon
Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Francesca Caparrotti

Radio-oncology, CyberKnife® System, Radixact® imaging system, Papillon View more

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Science & Innovation Newsletter Winter 2024: Advances in biomedical research

Science & Innovation Newsletter Winter 2024: Advances in biomedical research


High Rates of Organ Preservation in Rectal Cancer with Papillon Contact X-ray Radiotherapy: Results from a Swiss Cohort